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  1. J

    Atlantis Sand KTM 950

    Great Video ;D ;D ;D Would love to see a Beemer there... ;)
  2. J

    KTM WC Changing Ownership

    Wow.... Wonderful news... We might start taking our bikes to them again! George is a bit far from CT for a service.
  3. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    I'm sure Uil will be more that happy to oblige.... We r on our way there this weekend again.....can't wait... ;D ;D ;D
  4. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    Jacko... Cool image man...Uiltjie lyk my nie gaan binnekort op die forum wees nie...ek hoor die weerlig in Caledon het sy computer en electronics P***kas - toe geslaan...
  5. J

    BMW taking a caning

    Jacko Please note the  ;) and  ;D There is no icon for "tongue in cheek", now is there... Please Note: ;D
  6. J

    KTM invasion in Zanzibar

    I have it on very good authority that there will be a mass invasion of Zanzibar in Caledon by a few KTM's on pick up where we left off...There is a fresh Scorpion on the back and the 950 was home-fixed to participate in this weekend's festivities in Struisbaai (after the proper...
  7. J

    BMW taking a caning

    Holy Moly, Guys.....let's just face the honest truth.... To say that a BMW is a better bike than a KTM because it outsells it is like saying AIDS is a better disease than the flu because more people have it. Just because it's more popular or better marketed doesn't make it better a better...
  8. J

    Newbie from Stellenbosch

    Welkom van 'n fellow newb hier....jammer om te hoor van Dagbreek...jy weet mos van die fondamente, huh? Hoop jy het hope pret op die forum... Wilgenhof forever!!! ;D ;D ;D
  9. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    Can you imagine a life without some sort of release Slainche??? Guys like us will probably never lose it totally....that's why we do what we do, right? ;D ;D ;D
  10. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    Of course not didn't buy the wrong bike....different strokes for different folks, hey... ;D I would LOVE to have a Beemer when I finally get rid of this hooliganism has to happen sooner or later, I'm sure. ???
  11. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    Uiltjie..... Die voorlopige kosteberamings vir die backflip-fiasko na die burnout lyk nie baie belowend nie... :o Miskien moet ons praat oor alternatiewe....nudge nudge wink wink... Gaan maar moet groot gaan met die KTM volgende naweek op Struisbaai....if you know what I mean! ;) ;) ;)
  12. J

    Joerocket.....julle spiksplinternuwe newbie

    Hey sorrie Transporter Die enigste BMW wat die moeite werd is om na te upgrade is 'n X5....ek like die 4 wiel Beemers, maar die 2 wiele het dan sulke lelike bulte langs die enjins....dis seker maar hulle manier van crashbars bou....weet nie. Oor die rugby gaan ons nou maar...
  13. J

    Joerocket.....julle spiksplinternuwe newbie

    Uil....Jy's reg.....en ons hou van baie skuld... Kyk maar vir manne soos Katoom en Kat.....dit is arm ouens in elke sin van die woord (veral emosioneel baie arm), maar hulle moet altyd nuwe fietsies ry..... Nie ons nie nè,.....ons koop Cash!!!! ;)
  14. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    Slainche....Please make sure you get lots of pics if you ever attempt it....I'm sure everyone would LOVE to see a Beemer with a streak of hooliganism... ;D
  15. J

    Joerocket.....julle spiksplinternuwe newbie

    Pom, Pom, Pom Didn't you hear???...KTMs cost exactly the same in the Cape as anywhere else...... We just have shiploads more money than other guys!!!  ;D ;D ;D >:D I'm just kidding, guys....don't take me too seriously...we only have a little more than others... ::)
  16. J

    Joerocket.....julle spiksplinternuwe newbie

    Dankie aan almal vir die hartlike verwelkoming.....julle laat my sommer warm voel in my diepste binneste.....
  17. J

    New Member from Cape Town area

    Hey Crazy... Welcome from a fellow newbie...welcome to join our group of riders if you want...we're about 4-8 guys in the Paarl area....doing fun rides all over. Mostly KTMs and a couple of Beemers for the slower and older folks...(kidding) Be warned though...hooliganism sometimes reigns...
  18. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    Of course you can!!!!! Before you do, this: I performed the same idiotic stuff on one of my previous bikes with a Combined Brake System. (Honda CBR 1100 xx Blackbird) The result was flawless circle...the only problem (apart from the schredded rear tyre) was the total destruction...
  19. J

    Zanzibar turned into a biker's pub!

    Ek sien nie vir Katoom of Kat (partners in crime) êrens respond nie.....seker nog skaam oor hulle deelname...
  20. J

    Joerocket.....julle spiksplinternuwe newbie

    Ook bekend as "Pietertjie pen wat die wêreld ken....." KTM 950 van die Paarl....pêlle met Katoom, Uiltjie die Kat en nog baie wat se naampies op die forum ek nie ken nie.... Cool Forum.....hoop om baie aktief hier te wees...