Bought this bike about 2 years ago with 18000k's on the clock now it's got about +- 43000k's on the clock. What it needs, Stator (KTM P.E qouted R2070.00) Dino (KTM P.E qouted R3200.00). A little "alan" screw come loose and stuff the stator and magnets inside the dino up. So then it was like an electric bike, will run until the battery goes down to about 8volts. Did the Baviaans from Plett and back again (542km) and it would still start with the electric starter, as long you did not switch the head lights on. The head lights will drain the battery in less than half an hour. Change oil, filters and plug every 7000k's. The last time I drain the oil I see that there was some water in the oil. Some researched on internet come up with it's the waterpump, take the head off and slip the waterpump out, see that was the problem (waterpump shaft seal was stuff). Got new shaft, 2 bearings and seals, reseal the head and put everything back. Push the the start button, and now it does not want to start. The only electric componets I have remove is a round thing with a lot of ++++ signs down the side. I am not a mechanic, so I give up. 2002 KTM Adventure 640, non runner, R6000.00 Bike is in my name, have all the paperwork and is licence until June 2015. Call me 0726861565, I am in Plettenberg Bay.