Bull Grackle
Pack Dog
Electrical gurus kindly chime in. I have a Desert Fox mini-pump that is starting to blow fuses. The accessory plug is hot-wired to the battery with a 15 amp fuse. I have started to use the pump regularly over the last couple of months as I lent my shop compressor to a friend. I finished airing up a very low rear tyre (150/17) this morning. The pump ran for seven or eight minutes. The pump body was very warm but not hot to the touch. I switched to the front tyre and no-go. The fuse was blown. Now the question; if I did overheat the pump would that increase the amp draw? Would repeated overheating and the consequent increased load (if any) erode the fuse so that it finally blew with a less than 15 amp draw? If it makes any difference the bike idles while I use the pump to save the battery. Fuses are cheap and small so I've started carrying a handful. But I still want to know why this is happening. If this is an elementary question I can live with caustic comments in return for an answer.