Advice/Legal Advice Required after bike accident (for a friend)

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Jan 27, 2014
Reaction score
Brackenfell, Cape Town
Howzit guys!

As the heading says.........luckily not for me.

A couple of weeks ago while shooting home, the bike/scooter 2 slots ahead of me got taken out by a bakkie.
The rider went down HARD, no ATGATT.
He just got the scoot (150 Motomia), started working that day, no license.

Long story short, the bakkie driver stopped, exchanged the necessary detail and shot off, he was in a rush.
He promised to pay for everything, bike is written off, and medical costs of R4,5k.
Earlier today the culprit send a message to say he won't be paying the medical costs anymore, the rider must go via Outsurance.
So the bike claim will be sorted via the insurance, they obviously don't cover medical costs?

So, what can this oke do, best option small claims court?
Rock up at the guys house with a entourage of "big bad bikers"?

The rider does not have funds/excess funds, so what options does he have?

I myself can not confirm hearing the driver of the bakkie agree to anything, although he did admit guilt and seemed like he wanted to sort it out asap, as he was shaken up, let alone the rider who was a few teeth short and his chin looking like something from Nightmare on Elm Street.

Any advice I can pass on?

Thanks ouens!

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