Advice Needed - Dakar ABS Pump

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Jan 22, 2015
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Western Cape
I friend of mines brother in law is having issues with the ABS pump on his 2006 Dakar. According to the agents they think that some of the components inside the pump might be stuck due to to old brake fluid. The agents are trying to flush the ABS pump with stuff like carb cleaner, hot water and they even tried a heat gun in the hope of getting the pump to work. I think that they are just pushing up his bill with wasted labor and consumables without any guarantee that the pump will work . Apparently the agents quoted him R19 000 for a new ABS pump.

He can get a ABS pump from Morne for R2500 which isn't a bad option or price in my opinion.

Does anybody perhaps know of a place or person that can service/clean the ABS pump or will this be a further waste of time and money?

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