Advice needed PLEASE: XT660Z not starting

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Jan 18, 2016
Reaction score
KTM 690 Adventure
Kept on dying at stop/robot when at temperature. Stripped to inspect tank filter, fuel pump, spark plug. Thereafter, complete rigor mortis. Have tried every possible idea I had (I am relatively OK- always serviced bikes myself and rebuilt a few XR’s many moons ago)
Total km 26k km
Water/antifreeze full and new - no overheating.
Regularly serviced = no leaks or pipes with cracks- water and air
- Bike in other words- well-maintained and never a problem during past 10 years
Fitted another throttle body and injector (used a complete second unit as reference- no change- no start - as desperate last test)
Confirmed pump has sufficient pressure
Checked tank filter
Checked all air pipes- cracks, clamps.
Checked wiring i.e. towards injector
Measured resistance- injector and throttle position sensors = service manual
New spark plug
Start immediately if a petrol-soaked rag is hold in air filter
Meaning- no fueling from injector but spark is healthy
With ECU perfect before - I doubt ECU is culprit.
What else can prohibit starting? Side stand switch is functional and guilty.

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