Around Lesotho in 4 days

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zagser said:
Great one JB!

:thumleft:  :ricky:


zagser said:
And who said the Free State was flat?  ::)

No - but it does have a few flat spots....  :biggrin:  :peepwall:

I probably spent the bulk of my life there...
Bliksem  man! Another trip that way! Lekker pics and report! 8)
JustBiking said:
And then we found a lunch spot
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

This is where I saw my gat last year in the dark. :biggrin:


Day 3

We got up at the crack of dawn to realize that it was a pretty cold night. The bike seats had a layer of frost and all the condensation on the tent was frozen. Those First Ascent sleeping bags was one of the best investments I've made. We only realised how cold it was when we got up.

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After having some coffee and rusks at Walkerbouts we were off to Naude's Nek. Although we didn't stay there Dave and Linda invited in -  they really take care of all their guests personally.   

Although it was a bright and sunny day, there was a big cloud overhead, creating a surreal atmosphere as we left for the pass.

A farmhouse nestled in the mountains...
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The views were exceptional
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In Namibia we realised that we both ride better if we don't ride "together". It worked well here as well and allowed us more pictures as each was doing their own pace yet sticking together.
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At the top of Naude's Nek the wind was blowing and it was freezing, especially with the cloud still overhead. It was also making any decent photos very tricky....

TravelGravel added our rock to the cairn. I know Michnus started one on Lundean's Nek - was this one started by Wilddogs as well?
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What gives you the idea that TG was cold icon_biggrin
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The memorial at the top. Here you can see where the clouds stops.
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This is my first time this far south in the Drakensberg and it was spectacular.
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A snack-break at the turn-off to Lower Pitseng. Another one we need to come back for.....
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TravelGravel way down below
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We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather
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Lunch at the Royal Hotel Maclear
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The frost on the tent finally melted so while waiting for lunch the tent was drying....
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There's not a lot of gravel options from Maclear towards Himeville but just after Matatiele there's good piece to Swartberg. There's also an off-road alternative but we decided to leave that for the next time.
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We took the last room at the Himeville Arms. As usual they served a great meal and cold beers  :biggrin:

Day 4

Next morning started a clear day and within 10min the mist came in
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From Himeville it was north on the Loteni road - one of my favourites

The mist and cloud created some really interesting views
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We left the Arms way before they served breakfast so we brought our own. Fresh bread and butter and some fruit.
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Coming over the little hill outside Draycott
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Coming into Bergville we saw this bakkie. He must have awesome radio reception with all those antenna's
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We still had a long way to go so instead of taking dirt passed Geluksburg to Normandien Pass we decided to take Oliviershoek Pass. Needless by the time we got to Harrismith we had enough of agro Easter 4x4 drivers and just passed Harrismith we took the road to Verkykerskop. Unfortunately this road has been tarred since I last rode it. At least it was quiet. At Verkykerskop we made another mistake by not stopping at the pub/restaurant as Vrede was officially closed for the weekend.

At least we had some really lekker dirt roads. Rut's marbles fast roads and great Free State views
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And then we were home at last. What a great weekend.
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JustBiking said:
JourneyMan said:
This is where I saw my gat last year in the dark. :biggrin:

Ouch - it cannot be fun in the dark.....

JourneyMan said:
Lekker pics and report! Cool


Gezactklly the same place where Jaghond saw his gat in Dec when we were there

New name: Gatsienhoekie ;D
chrisL said:
Stunning pics. I see someone has Heidis on her bike.


Yes - and she's loving it. Sy se "hulle sit soos k@k in 'n wolkombers"  :biggrin:
Jacoslab said:
could you maybe post a map of the route you did?

Here you go..... There's however a bunch of other roads/passes in the area that we've missed because of time. Check this out. It also have a link to Willem's RR in the area

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Thanks for sharing with great report. Excelent photo's!
I learned to ride there in the mountains around Geluksburg, some awesome places there :thumleft:
Jman said:
Thanks for sharing with great report. Excelent photo's!
I learned to ride there in the mountains around Geluksburg, some awesome places there :thumleft:

Thanks - sure is a great area....
JustBiking said:
chrisL said:
Stunning pics. I see someone has Heidis on her bike.


Yes - and she's loving it. Sy se "hulle sit soos k@k in 'n wolkombers"  :biggrin:

Loving it is putting it mildly.  :D I swear you fit Heidi's and you don't even need skill. They sit tighter than a Scalectric car, you choose the line and they go! We didn't really see much sand on the route but the level of marbles we had was somewhat impressive (well for me in any way), but with my Heidi's on I was even comfortable cornering on the marbles and when it came to the gravel highways I was quite a bit faster than normal.

When we got home JB reminded me that with my Anarkees  I was religious about deflating my tyres for off road riding. In all the excitement of the trip and getting my new tyres just in the nick of time, I entriely forgot to let down my tyres when we were on dirt.... I can only imagine what that would do for a bit of sand.
Wonderful RR and great pics, looks like you had a fantastic Easter weekend.  :thumleft:
  It is so nice to see how many dogs you meet unsuspectingly on your way around S.A and the fantastic commaraderie we all share in meeting each other.  Well done!  :3some:

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