Ballito - Mtunzini Ride report, 25 July 2010.

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
World Citizen
KTM 990 Adventure
Chicco - 990
Gunda Gunda -Tenere
Navi - XT
777 - XT
Nixon -990
Jules (the KZN one) - 640

The original plan was to get going 06h30 from Salt Rock Caravan Park but after it seemed I was going to ride by myself I changed the time to 07h30. 5 guys took the bait and the ride was on. I was still lying in bed next to my trailer trash floozy when I heard the sound of a Tennere at the security gate, it was Gunda Gunda and I was caught with my pants down. I jumped out of bed and rushed outside to meet him but by that time he was already on the beach taking photos. With the help of the caravan park Manager I quickly set up a table with coffee and by that time most of the other guys arrived. We meeted and greeted over a cup of coffee and debated on which roads to explore.

After setting a course we sat of but after about 15 km we run into our first obstacle. The GPS showed a road but there was a gate, the last thing we want was to be shot at, (again….for some of us apparently….) we turned around and took an alternative route. Just before the Tugela River we saw the “Ultimatum Tree” sign and decided to have some cappuccino under the Ultimatum tree. (Thanks Gundagunda…)

Fort Pearson and the Ultimatum Tree are National Monuments. The Fort was built in 1878 and named after Colonel Charles Pearson, who led one of the columns that invaded Zululand in 1879. There is no building, just trenches and tent sites. It was under the Ultimatum Tree that delegates of King Cetshwayo, son of Mapande who was brother of Shaka, were given an ultimatum by the British Government to pay taxes and return stolen cattle by mid January 1879, or there would be war. War raged until August of that year, when Cetshwayo was captured There are war graves at the foot of the hill from that time.
This site I still used today for Ultimatums, apparently you take your girlfriend to this spot and give her an ultimatum, if she says no she has to walk back home.

From there it was fast gravel to the mighty Mutigulu river. There wasn’t a track on the GPS to cross the river but after asking some locals they showed us were the level was low (S29 01.558 E31 28.580) and we pointed out trusted steeds towards the water. The river was running about 1-2 feet deep but was about 50 m long. After everyone made it across safely I went back to just do it again, the first time my bike nearly stalled and I had to break the Mighty Mutigulu’s back.
Gunda took it slow and steady and Nixon charged it like he was on a jet ski….the rest of us was somewhere there in-between. It was getting late and we pushed on to Mtunzini for an excellent breakfast at the Fat Cat, this place needs to be visited again soon.

Thanks guys for an awesome ride.


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Thanks Chicco, was a really fun day! i got to get myself one of those Gunda-Gunda cupachino machines!!!
Thanks for a good ride and lekka report Chico – Sorry I kept you guys waiting a bit, but you guys are a bit young, strong and fast for ole "Slow and steady" Gunda. !!

A few pics.

I am an early riser, so I set out in the dark at about 5:30, had a cup of coffee on the way, and then stopped in a Balito to catch the sunrise – I think it was worth getting up for.





The beach in front of the Salt Rock Caravan Park where we met.



At the Ultimatum Tree


“It was under the Ultimatum Tree that delegates of King Cetshwayo, son of Mapande who was brother of Shaka, were given an ultimatum by the British Government to pay taxes and return stolen cattle by mid January 1879, or there would be war. War raged until August of that year, when Cetshwayo was captured There are war graves at the foot of the hill from that time.” 


The Tugela River under the N2 – There is quite a lot of water flowing out of the picture on the North side, but this section is just sand at this time of year


The Matigulu River.



Water crossing and the only dirt road in KZN where they trap......


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And the chirp of the day goes to . . . . tada . . . Chico.

I did my normal "Slow Velociraptor" through the Matigulu - I wasn't sure if there were lurking rocks. At the far end there are some cameras snapping away, so I ask Chico, "Did you get me crossing?" - He says, "S&^T man! - You gave me enough time!" 
Awesome ride guys, I really want to do some rides in KZN!!!

now this just begs to be ridden.................  :drif:  :drif: :drif: :drif: :drif: :drif:

GundaGunda said:

Thanks for sharing!!
The Fat Cat in Mtunzini.

Die Afrikaanse weergawe....

Die plan was om vroeg sondag oggend n lekker los ride te he....ek was nog besig om wakker te word toe ek n koffiemasjien by die hek vrek se ek...ek het skoon vergeet....vandag ry ons mos bietjie bike. Dit was nie lank nie of gunda was nie alleen nie en teen 07h00 was daar koffie tee en nog 4 ouens wat bietjie agter my wou aanry.

Die dag het nie goed begin nie, 15km en die pad stop teen n hek en heining wat soos iets uit Oranja lyk, beter ons omdraai kerels, hier gaan ons nie regkom nie. N bietjie verder langs die Tugela stop ons weer vir koffie, Gunda maak sy topbox oop en skielik lyk dit soos iets uit n transformer movie, voor ek nog mes kan se staan ons elkeen met n warm koppie koffie in die hand. Die plek is ook bekend, daar is n moerse boom met n sign op n klip wat se Ultimatum tree.....ek dog eers die sign se ons mag nie teen die boom piepie nie maar dis toe eintlik die plek waar n paar boere se moer geplik het oor die zoeloes goed steel en nie tax will betaal nie, ek weet dit klink soos iets voor die world cup maar dit het eintlik baie jare terug gebeur, gunda se hy onthou dit, hy was so 7 jaar oud gewees toe dit in die koerante was.

wel, die son trek water en ons moes aanskyf, oor die rivier en noordwaarts.....tot by the Magtige Matikulu....dis nou hier waar die report bietjie afgewater word....ek moet mos altyd dink as die stippeltjies op die GPS ophou en weer aangaan na n rukkie dan het die ouens seker vergeet om die paar stippeltjies in te tik, in elke geval, dit is net 100m op die GPS, hoe erg kan dit wees, ons is mos op n adventure.......

Na die amperse watergate skandaal vir my kom ons uitlik aan in Mtunzini, Die Vet Kat....daar was katpelets by die ingaan maar van kat het ons niks gesien kwaggas...sommer in die straat.....



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chicco said:
. . . . ...ek dog eers die sign se ons mag nie teen die boom piepie nie maar dis toe eintlik die plek waar n paar boere se moer geplik het oor die zoeloes goed steel en nie tax will betaal nie, ek weet dit klink soos iets voor die world cup maar dit het eintlik baie jare terug gebeur, gunda se hy onthou dit, hy was so 7 jaar oud gewees toe dit in die koerante was. . . .

s'true . . . . and I don't think I ride a Tenere too badly for a 137 year old.
KnopKop said:
. . . . .

now this just begs to be ridden.................  :drif:  :drif: :drif: :drif: :drif: :drif:

. . . . . .

I wanted to, but the other young guys are woosies.

Their feeble excuse was that we may struggle to get our bikes out via the 45 degree off-camber sandy slope from the river bed.  :confused2: :confused2: :confused2: :confused2:  ;D
GundaGunda said:
chicco said:
. . . . ...ek dog eers die sign se ons mag nie teen die boom piepie nie maar dis toe eintlik die plek waar n paar boere se moer geplik het oor die zoeloes goed steel en nie tax will betaal nie, ek weet dit klink soos iets voor die world cup maar dit het eintlik baie jare terug gebeur, gunda se hy onthou dit, hy was so 7 jaar oud gewees toe dit in die koerante was. . . .

s'true . . . . and I don't think I ride a Tenere too badly for a 137 year old.

It was a honour to ride with you, most guys your age are only riding wheelchairs... :thumleft:

the map...


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Txs Chicco and all for the ride, must say goes down as my best ride this year so far, nice one!
edgy said:
Nice guys! :thumleft: Hey 777 I see you have decent luggage! :biggrin:
Yip fully sorted now, got the back bag from Bags connection in PE, your mate, and also a set of Kappa soft sides, now just need a 990!
Awesome.  Brings back memories as I grew up in Mtunzini.  The "chick" that runs Fat cat (Caroline I think) was at school with me.