Bas in Africa

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My route from yesterday:,29.105819&spn=0.080329,0.169086&t=h&z=13

My route from today:,29.105819&spn=0.080329,0.169086&t=h&z=13
Arrived in Pretoria this afternoon. It was a bit boring ride. The sights were good at times, but the road just stretched on and on and on...

Tomorrow I will pay Offroad Cycles a visit.

Updated my blog with some pictures. Got cut off the internet this morning...  :mad:

Anyone in Pretoria up for a beer?  ::)
Internet access hasnt been great sofar. I have been strugling to post on my blog. Let alone uploading photos. I will work on this ride report later on. Sorry guys...  :-[
Umm there was a huge Internet glitch today, probably why you got cut off. :mwink:
Looking good so far and enjoying things I see!
Travel safe! :thumleft:
Thanks guys.

Am now in the middle of nowhere in Mozambique. Staying with Piet and Ria van Zeyl.
The have a cattlefarm and campsite next to the Gorongosa national park.

Had some trouble with the park entry. Had phoned ahead to ask if i could leave the bike at the gate and be picked up. No problem, safe parking was possible. Got all the rates and was asked to call shortly before i arrived at the gate, so they could sent a car to pick me up.

So i did, i called from the nearest city Inchope. At the gate the trouble started. The guards didnt want the bike parked there. The receptionist at the gate was intermediate and translator to the guards. He also had contact via a radio with the camp. The guy with whom i made the reservation said he would come pick me up. After some time, and communication over the radio, it appeared no one was coming yet. The guards wanted money for watching over the bike, and apparently i had to solve this myself. If i had worked something out at the gate, they would come and pick me up. It was now close to 4 and not much daytime left.
On the phone they were very friendly and clear, but once at the gate, they left me standing in the cold. I didnt want to ride in the dark, and there was no nearby campsite (closest was ~60km) with gravel roads to do.
Luckily the receptionist at the gate pointed me to a campsite just down the road. I was fed up and was gatvol of Gorongosa.

It appeared to be Piet and Ria van Zeyl who moved here from South Africa. They have tents and are building a big brand new house.
Their accommodation isnt official yet, they are awaiting a license.
Hopefully they can sort me out with a gamedrive tomorrow, otherwise i'll be off, leaving for Malawi.


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