Baviaans - Makkedaat Caves

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Pack Dog
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
PE, Eastern Cape
We set off to try out the famous caves that everyone has been talking about. We left early Saturday morning on this route:


All packed and ready for the ride, hit the road at about 6am.


First stop on the Elandsrivier road


Some stunning views on the road to Patensie




Breakfast at Tolbos in Patensie. Very friendly people and an amazingly tasty meal


From there we hit the Baviaans road. Our first stop after about 40 minutes of heavy climbing


The roads on the climb into Baviaans are pretty bad. There is allot of exposed rock on the surface inducing many rear shock "bottom-outs" (but then again I am not a small person and we were 2 up).

Some stunning views at the top of the climb




After a hectic decent into the valley we encountered the dreaded water crossings just before Smitskraal.



Drying out after the swim


Some more stunning views




We were pretty much in the middle of the kloof when we cam across an interesting sign. We went t have a look but it was closed already (for those that want to know their operating hours are from 8am to 2pm ;) )


Some interesting rock formations


We finally arrived at our destination the makkedaat Caves

We stayed at the Dassiebak cave





The toilet and shower


and the amazing view from the stoep


When we arrived at the caves I realized I had picked up a puncture in the front. I honestly at that moment had visions of being taken back to PE on the back of a farm bakkie. I chatted to the Mrs Terblanche, the owner of the caves, she mentioned a farmer Nico Smit just 2km up the road who could help me. What a friendly place, not only did he have spare tubes he gave me a frosty to enjoy while he changed it on a tire machine he has in his workshop. Payment? forget it, he just wants me to bring him a replacement tube!! So guess where I am going soon :)

After getting back to the caves we had a great evening. We had bought a braai pack from the farm that consisted of some of the best lamb chops I hav ever tasted! We were in bed by 8:30 after staring at the stars for about an hour. With a clear night and no city lights this is the perfect location for star gazing.

We woke up early, had breakfast and headed on the rest of the route towards Steytlerville



The roads on this portion of the route were in very good condition and allowed for some speed (about 110km/h on the KLR 2 up)


A word of caution, be very careful and be on the look out for wildlife. We were almost taken out by a Koedoe cow on the Saturday near the water crossing. Sadly on the Sunday while on the road joining the R332 and the R329 we hit a small duiker. Luckily I managed to avoid hitting it with the front wheel but it connected my bash plate with force almost sending us over the bars. We where fortunate to stay on the bike and avoid the fall but the duiker had to be put out of its misery :( I honestly felt like crap, my wife was in tears sp the rest of that road was done at a snails pace.

We later came across this little critter that due to our experience was lifted off the road and put into the bush to avoid any other mishaps


A long dusty road to the R329


We then crossed the Groot River bridge that made for a refreshing change to the dry and dusty road we had been traveling


We passed Steytlerville in a flash, just stopped over for a drink and fuel and headed for the R75, this was another long dusty road that allowed for a little speed


Last stop before the dreaded tar of the R75. i recon it must have been at least 35 degres!


What an awesome weekend!!

We learnt a few lessons on the way (like take spare tubes) but all being said and done we had a great time and will be going back soon to indulge in the hospitality and friendliness of the Baviaans.

To anyone heading in that direction, you HAVE TO stay at the caves!!!

Very nice
I will have to help you go and drop off that tube :D
Sjoe, nice trip!
Must agree those lambchops at the caves is some of the best I have tasted ever  :biggrin: Glad you enjoyed the trip and sorry to hear about the mishap with the little duiker. Lucky it was not the Kudu  :eek:
Excellent report Gromit.....

I don't think i'll easily attempt the Baviaans 2 up.... respekt ;D
Lekker report.

Must say that I like your packing - a cooler bag and a bottle water. What was the water for?

There are a lot of buck in the smitskraal (long river crossing) area.

Can also recommend the puncture repair place. They never wanted to charge us also. Gave them some money and said to buy something for the throat. The place is Uitspan.
Very nice - now try Bakkrans when u return the tube - also a must do -( open cave)
nice ride report.  :thumleft: