Best Bicycle Light- Which LED and Which battery?

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Race Dog
Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Suzuki DR650
Winter is fast approaching and as a cyclist the time before and after work is shrinking. A good cyclist knows that the pain of getting off the saddle is worst than staying on.  There is no other option other than getting equipment that would allow you to safely extend your ride time in to the twilight zone and beyond.

Welcome to the exciting world of night cycling.


The following article explains more about the different technologies that addresses the requirements for various cycling stiles.

Read the full article: "Best Bicycle Light- Which LED and Which battery?

LED’s and Battery technology have improved dramatically  over the last few years. Notably the most has been the battery technology. Even though it is very hard to see from casual inspection which is a good or bad battery pack. It is worth investing in quality. A good battery pack can dramatically extend the runtime and life time of the light.  It can also reduce the overall weight and improve the reliability.  The cyclist needs to decide  which type of cycling they do most and buy equipment that is best suited to address their needs. This article hopes to provide more information to allow you to make an informed choice.