BeyondXtreme in Lesotho met Eish.

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Mudcracker said:
Mal, what a fantastic RR. Xtremely well written and very professional (compliment from an established author lass).
JC and moi are already planning another trip (also to be filmed) for inclusion into the front-end of the trailer until we have a full-blown doccie.

I'll be posting this trip and all it's glorified events on my website for those who would like to join again and those who would want to experience something never to be repeated.

My sincere thanks to all of you who joined me and made the event and filming possible.....even at such short notice!
In all honesty, I love living on the seat of my riding jocks at critical planning stages, when panic is almost inevitable, and my pulse is racing like a mad hooligan not knowing if I will be able to pull it off or not at the very last minute.

To my newfound friends - blessings till we meet again, hasta la pasta!

At this rate you should consider becoming a vendor..........
I said I will write something so here it is. Malibu captured the whole weekend. So I will try not to tell the same story.

So Friday morning wake up and packed my bag and then the bike and left for the Engen just after the Kroon Plaza. 7:45 was the time arranged to meet. So when I passed through the toll gate, I asked the lady if any bikes has passed this morning, she replied yes about half an hour ago. I thought everybody was waiting for me and is eating breakfast and I hate being late or that people should wait for me. So I ride a little bit faster and got there 7:45.  But there was no other bikes there. The first thought that went through my mind was that they already left.  I filled my tank up and another bike pulled in and told me there was a rally at the Gariep Dam. So 5 min later Smithey and Malibu arrived and I was all smiles again.

So we had breakfast and waited for the rest to arrive. Well somebody overslept and they got stuck in traffic. So after a very long wait we hit the road again. I was so excited and could not wait to get to Lesotho. But as Malibu stated, Mudcrackerâ??s old bike gave a little bit of trouble so the going was slow and at Kroonstad we pulled in to town. My excitement rolled over and became impatience. So I decided to shoot ahead and visit my brother at Senekal where he worked. Senekal was on our way, in any case. I enjoyed the solo ride and cleared my head.

So I pulled into where my brother was. It looked like a big play ground for bikes to me with big craters and ramps build out of stone, but I resisted the urges and waited for him to finish one call after another.







We spoke awhile and then he had to leave to get a blasting permit in Welkom.  I thought it would be cool the see the blasting. With that in mind I moved on. So he showed me a short cut to Marquard.  I gravel road. It was lekke gravel road and I could travel easily on it at 80km/h and look at the scenery with all the mountains and valleys. I thought I am better off than the rest. They are still on tar roads and I am already travelling on gravel. But that thought was quickly washed out of my head as I waved at an old lady in a Bantam bakkie driving very slowly in the opposite direction, looking at me if I was crazy. I thought it was because I was standing up on the bike. But then I hit a sand monster of note. My bulldog stance became crouching tiger stance, attack , attack. I geared down and opened up. You know it is a sand monster to recon with if you pass the scraper that is busy moving all the lose sand into your lane that you are riding on.  I just prayed that I donâ??t loose my line and end up in front of the scraper.

So shortly after the monster I was at tar T junction. I was looking left and right for about a minute or so â?? even that there was no cars on that road. But I was replaying what just happened in my mind and waited for my heart to stop pounding in my throat and move back to where it is suppose to be.
So from there on I went to the Constantia cherry shop where I had to wait for the rest.

After that we went to the lodge where we unpacked our bikes, eat our breakfast at 15:30.

We went for casual drive through the game farm and came back to the lodge where we had dinner and a few drinks.  And I went to bed early as I am morning person and not a late nighter like Smithey.

Smithey is definitely not a morning person. He moaned the whole time like a kid that has to go to school and donâ??t want to get up.

My bag was packed and I was fully kitted in no time and ready to leave. The excitement started to build again.

We waited for the bakkie to be packed and the filming started by Mudcracker and the producer giving us rundown of the day ahead and a small demonstration of how to pick up your bike. They choose me as volunteer. I donâ??t know if they knew that is a skill that I am going to need in the next two days or they wanted to see how Dakar looks on its side.  In any case I picked my bike up 4 or 5 times during the following 2 days. (DustDevil I stole your photo)

So we hit the road and I played sweeper and took some photos while riding.












DustDevil had a puncture and we helped him repear it. He was organised and had all the right tools and an extra tube. He did it so quickly.

Then I got a puncture. Well, I was not as well prepared as DustDevil. I had my little puncture kit, thatâ??s all. I left my extra tube and my tire fix (That I got at the Groot Marico Wd Bash) at home, because I thought I did not have enough space to take with. (Note to self. Leave clean clothes at home, take extra tube and tyre fix with)

Well I got some tyre fix from one of the other bikers (thnx George and Ryno) and off we went.  Well I became the first victim and won the price of â??potter potty dutyâ? when we had to go over a big rock surface one after another and I was to close to the guy in front of me, and when his back tyre slip over a few smaller stones and he stopped.  So I had to stop otherwise I will run into him and my front wheel was on top of a little edge, so I came face to face with the rocky surface and lost my bikes left flicker. Lesson learned: leave enough space in front of you going over an obstacle.

So we went on to where we camped. I would say it took us 3 hours to do 40 km.

We put up camped and decided to go for a swim/ bath. So we put on shorts, grab a towel and off we went. Just down the hill for a swim â?? yeah right.  Firstly it was not just down the hill. It was a very rocky path down. Secondly the water was so cold. And it was a small stream between rocks.  No place to swim.



Now for the highlight of my trip. I had to get back up that rocky road. I watched Smithey do it. It looked like octopus on a bike when he planted those long legs of him on either side of the bike while he went slowly up that hill. Keeping the bike upright with is legs and the momentum with the throttle. There was no way I will be able to do it at that speed, because I am on the tip of my toes when I sit on my bike. And it was no place for stand up â?? look up and open up â?? so I decided this is not the way up for me. I looked for alternatives. And found a foot path that either the locals or the animals used. It had less rocks. I decided thatâ??s the way to go. I left my bike at the bottom and walked up the hill and fetched my atgatt. The chances of me falling were pretty high. Walked down got on my bike ride to where ascent would start.



I try to get up to a speed where I could stand up. I just could not get away.  I was spinning the back wheel, slipping on loose rocks and stones and bouncing from side to side and finally I dropped the bike. Smithey and George was quickly there to help me pick up my bike.

It feels very funny getting on a bike when it is standing across incline and they keep the bike upright. I wanted to pull the bike closer to me, standing higher up on the incline than the bike. First they wanted to talk me out of trying again and after about 5 minutes they could not talk me out if it, they started giving me advice. And I needed all the advice I could get. I donâ??t know if it is â??hardekopâ? or determination, but something told me that I must conquer this hill today. 

So I turned the bike downhill and went past the place I started the previous time.  Way past. Until I could not go any further and not create another obstacle. I turned my bike around, look up the hill. At this stage the top of the hill was filled with people. Everybody want to see want this stupid guy is trying.


I took off, get on to the pegs and choose a line to ride.  I past the place where I started the previous time, past Smithey and up, up, up until I reached the top. Some of the locals run away as I reached the top.


This you can call my victory smile.

So after that the locals gather and danced for us. Me, Kobus and Malibu tried out the Basotho ponies.

The next morning we packed up and left. The ride back was much faster at this stage. Me and Malibu took the front and had a jol back to the tar roads.

After we crossed the border to Ficksburg we stopped to inflate the tyres again and my back tyre was oozing out black liquid at the stem of the valve. I assume it was from the tyre fix. So everybody said if it is the valve there is nothing you can do about it. New tube. When I replaced the tube the Monday, it was not the valve, the anakees seal so good, the only place the air could get out was at the valve. But I did not know that at that stage so  â?? I had to call backup, because I left my extra tube at home.

I said the rest must carry on because it is still a long way home.

My brother and his father in law came to my rescue â?? I took my glasses off and put it on the back of the bakkie to help pick the bike up onto the trailer.  About 5 km from Ficksburg I could not see the road ahead and I asked where my glasses were. Nobody seen it. Well long story short it got smashed in the tail gate of the bakkie.  Well nothing q bond cannot fix.  So now I have Oakley glasses of which the arms cannot close anymore. 

About 7 km from my little farm the trailer hit a bump and all the tie-downs on the one side snapped and the bike fell on the wheel arch of the trailer, bending the radiator ever so slightly. That I only discovered on the Thursday when my bike made a funny noise. It was the radiator fan scratching against the housing.

Well this was an excellent trip and in the 3 â?? 4 months that I have been riding I have been on 3 â??bigishâ? trips.  Parys, Groot Marico and Lesotho and one play on the mine dumps and railway tracks with Bmad, RTR and Stu. And at each and everyone of those trips I have learned allot.

What I have learned on the Lesotho trip:
1. Keep your following distance.
2. Carry your spares with you all the time.
3. Donâ??t go down a road you will not be able to go back up again.
4. To go up steep incline get the momentum up before you hit the incline. Donâ??t stop to close to an obstacle. Rather go further back and get momentum and the right line.


Mav, lekker report!  :thumleft:

It's actually very interesting getting other peoples reports on the same trip, it's fascinating how everyone has different experiences and perceptions... 


Wow, awesome trip!! Note to self: "always carry spares"  Thanks for sharing guys
Just a couple of the pictures I took on the trip,

All the other guys already said what needed to be said.















En StoutGat

Hi greate reports!!!!

Malibu saw you dancing with the locals on a little video clip, cool.

Zanda (Puddles) is very disappointed after seeing the pictures that she did not go :mad:

Great pictures from all!