Bikelessness- A Real Disease

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Bachelor Dog
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Yamaha T7
Saterday March 28-Clanwilliam

Its the 1st day of the outriders DS Festival, I'm all excited and ready to go.
I was part of the ride-leader/sweeper group for the red route.

Not even 20km's travelled I had an "off", looking at myself and my atgatt I can now piece the puzzle together of what happened.

The valve on the rear tyre got a rip in, and the tyre subsequently went flat, coming out of a turn I had no control, and hit a rock in the road, the front wheel went over but it shot the rear wheel up, throwing me over the bars.

I landed face first in the ground, the force pushed my neck back to dangerous levels (whiplash) and proceeded by doing a couple of rolls, all I remember is seeing, ground-sky-ground-sky-ground. The bike endo-ed and landed far from me, standing up I noticed that my mouth was bleeding and I also had some small stones in my mouth (almost though it was) broken teeth  :D :D

How my mouth got cut, i dont know, but the front piece of the helmet is broken, peek broken and cracked, and some bad marks on the back off the helmet, my goggles also got ripped off?

Lurker and his pillion were the first on the scene with me, he picked up my bike for me, commenting on how light it was, my whole body was shaking and Lurker's pillion gave me a tissue to wipe the blood off my mouth. My primary concern was the bike, how badly was it damaged etc.

I was determined to ride further, but getting on the bike I soon realized there's no way I could move my arm.

The rear was flat, handle bar bent, brake lever (front and rear) broken, front headlight cowl broken, indicator broken off, exhaust dented and steering bent. So Pure-orange and the backup crew loaded the bike on the back of the bakkie and took me and the bike back to camp.

I went to the medical van to get  help, but the lady couldn't get the van open :-\ , so I had to wait a couple of hours for the medics to get back, no biggie I wasn't in bad pain.

Later the evening they checked me out and put my arm in a sling. Andy XT660R, came round to me and told me we are packing up my things, He has a spare bed in he's chalet and there is now way he's letting me sleep on the ground like this, thanx! ;)

Sunday 29 March

My bike gets loaded onto pistonpete's bakkie along with nivea's bmw to get taken back to cape town, thanx Pete!
My luggage travelled with Leftless' wife in there Land Rover, also thanx to you guys!
I rode home with Pure-orange in his bakkie, a thanx to you also

Only got to the Hospital Sunday evening where X-rays revealed a fractured wrist, 2 broken bones in my hand, cracked arm, cracked shoulder and whiplash  :thumleft:
I spent the night there, they were worried about the neck.

Monday 30 March

Nothing serious with the neck, so I get to go home, no school, yay.
The first time I got home, after leaving Friday morning. No pain, just when using the injured area's

Tuesday 31 March

Got a new handlebar from Stroke-Her, Pro taper CR Medium nogal :mwink: Dankie man!
Took the old one of, and put the new one on, with one arm :D productive!  :thumleft:

Thursday 2 April

Bikelessness is getting bad, Im used to riding my bike at least 5-10 times a day, so today I took the bike for a quick spin, before going to the doctor's. The steering is bent quite badly and the battery is flat, have to run start the bike.

Went to the doctor, got my wrist/arm/elbow in a cast, kinda cool, no riding though  :'( :'(

Can see this thread is going to get bad, with me not being able to ride.

Leaving on a hunting trip tomorrow, was supposed to be riding with the bike to Prins Albert via those lovely roads, but alas thats off the cards. The hunting trip is the whole holiday aarrrrrgghhh.

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