BMW trek KTM se draad adventure from Mosbos towards Attakwakkloof

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Race Dog
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLX 400SR
Full Report on

Note: I will make 2 reports. One for the trip and another for the lekker kuier in Oudshoorn. Trailrider you must maak a moerse report about the pragtige scenery that we encountered.
Trail rider het die foto geneem van die getouery!!  :thumleft:
Maar moet se dit kon met enige van ons bikes gebeur het.  Dis net genade dat mens probleme loos ry!

Today is Saturday and we are now visiting a small farm and fishing town called Mosselbay. Some say that a passenger ship called the Queen Mary 2 back in 1520 brought some passengers to Mosselbay for a quick trip with quads (they called it ossewaens) to do some trail riding and they decided to stay here and vang fish to pimp their quads (ossewaens)and build a big enduro course towards South Africa. So a small town was build as a base for all the quads. Pity it couldn't be called Quadbay.

So the plan was to go to attakwakkloof and towards Calitsdorp going to oom Piston at Oudshoorn.

Today we had Plenty to do and I drove from the mountain village called George towards Mosselbay. We all decided to meet up at Engen at Hartenbos for some tea and petrol ingooi!

Today a lot of celebrities will join the ride.


Here Dr. Dirt was equipped with all the latest gadgets in Biking Technology.
We formed a lekker groep people that had big bikes and one of them was a 125cc


Here all the bikers joined forces to tackle the grondpaaie towards attakwakkloof.
Trialrider and Berm Rooster, Stoetbull, Dr Dirt and Gryph stayed over the previous night and "kuier hard" and celebrated the big trip that was coming. I decided to take is rustig and went with a fliek with a girl and slapped her bobeen and that was that. Only Base 1 from 14 was achieved.

Now we dediced to go towards botlierskop and go over the rivier. This was quite a challenge with a small fietwiellejie that i was equipped with. We decided to stop for a quickie at the riverbed inside the Botlierskop rivier.


Here all the bikes recovered from the little wet dream that they achieved

We crossed the rooiberg pass and after the interesting gladde corners we met up with oom Grysalp (oom andre)at a town that I don't know the name from Oudshoorn. Die gaafste oom wat mens kan kry. There was also other people that joined the ride at
the place that the name I don't know.


Here Niel is walking towards the cafe to buy some food. But the cafe was perongleuk closed.  So closed like a closetkoek



Here the Berm Rooster's HP2 is pronking like a "Volstruis with nuwe vere" Wish I could ride a Volstruis like that

Now we head towards the most spectacular place that I've ever been to. I had to ride my 125 oop ketel in order to stay with the professional motocross riders in the group. All of them was motocross riders in their days and they can ride their motorfietse like oom Staaldraad.

Here the Terrain was awfull and the roads was glad soos "albasters" I had a lot of close encounters with the surface but made it safely




Here I cannot make out who is the " oom with die doek oor sy kop"
Stoetbul ontspan so bietjie daar saam met die oom met die doek oor sy kop


In the far you can see Stoetbull se gepotente KTM en my scooter pronking in the foreground


Here oom Grysalp was admiring the fast scenery that was flasing in front of him.

By this time I was so "deurmekaar" and "deur die blare" because of all the excitement caused my koppie to raas and I had to ruk myself reg and gain my concentration again. By this time Jack with the Backup bakkie proked next to Trialrider se SWART GEVAAR and I wondered who intimidated who with the size difference.


Jack se cool bakkie VS Trailrider se SWART GEVAAR.WP


The group made a lekker stoppie at the Riverbed at "i don't know where"
I wanted to Klim die Koppie uit but I did not know if I will be able to spring af if I reached the top


Just before Calitzdorp we made a stop and meeted up with Smidty and the gang. By now I was starving for some foon. My foon was pap and I couln't tell my loved and adored ones that I care for very much that I was Veilig. Well I decided to leave the foon and take some Pictures of the bikes

Now it's oop ketel time riding the Gravel Highways. This was a problem for me because if I see open highways then it's time for loslyf deurblaai!! I started riding and Jack with the Backup Bakkie was following me. The bike only could do 80 KM/h and I started reading the loslyf. We approached a small town that I fought was Calitzdorp but it was only the "Voorstad" of Calitzdorp. I think the place name was Ventershoop or Ventersdorp


Now we were strongly on the way to Calitzdorp and I did not take any photos at all because I had to stay with the pack.
Just when we approached the Calitzdorp Tar Road a KTM se Kettang het afgedoner. This was a problem because there was geen ander kettang lying around alongside the road nie. I think someone searched in the bushes to see if they couldn't find old kettang lying around but unfortunately there was none.


We all looking to see if we can find a kettang


Here Dr. Dirt is thinking just like a Dr. can. He made a brief diagnostic with his bare eye and unfortunately the "KTM Patient had no other way of going forward. So a BMW decided to trek the KTM se draad towards Calitzdorp. Niel's Yamaha XT 660 that also earlier encountered the harde aarde se voorwiel was pap. They pomped the band op with a device that is called "i dont know" but that thing worked like a pomp!!!


Trailrider filming the "draadtrek Session" Sy kamera was punt in die wind!!


Stoetbull and Berm Rooster found a lekker kuier bar in Calitzdorp for people to watch rugby and Berm Rooster and Stoetbull started working on the KTM that was kettang loos. Pitty Kettans is not as popular as Alcoholic beverages and won't be find in a fridge. Here a Celebrity Jako joined us at the bar.


Here oom Andre was relaxing and Enjoying the rugby.


Here Niel was relaxing like a "vark in Palastiena" Kalm soos 'n Daggawalm after the shock of the close encounter with the grond in the Attakwakkloof!!!


Here Berm Rooster and Stoetbul is operating on the KTM so that the Kettang will become right again. Like i've said " Keep your friends close BUT keep your Kettang Closer"


Here ChrisL and oom Jako is posing for a photo. They were overlooking the project while drinking some lekker Koeldrank
They had to assist Berm Rooster making life or Death decompositions


Here oom Andre (Grysalp) and Dr. Dirt is doing the Docter thing again. I think they use the mind troubleshooting thing in order to support Berm Rooster with the kettang afhaal and opsit. They say that the uithaal and wys is maklik but the difficult part is the oprol and terugsit.

Now it's going towards Kleinplasie in Oudshoorn. The group took the tar road from Calitzdorp and me and Berm Rooster took the small road with semen towards Oudshoorn

Lekker kuier by Kleinplasie ride report will follow

cassiebotha said:

Here ChrisL and oom Jako is posing for a photo. They were overlooking the project while drinking some lekker Koeldrank

Eish boet, that's Oom Operator and Jako

Nice report
Classic Cassie!!!! :imaposer: :ricky: gooi die res my bru, ook van daai 125 wat boom klim
goeie werk cassie.   check bietjie die thread uit en gooi bietjie paar fotos daar op ook;topicseen

PS: die dorp kort van calitzdorp is vanwyksdorp (nie ventersdorp nie) :thumleft:
Cassie waar is die foto waar die bmw die ktm trek ,kom cassie wys die manne  :imaposer:
Trailrider.  Gooi gou die foto vir die oom waar die KTM die BMW trek?
Thanks Ettienne.  Jammer julle!
Ek het disleksia met avatar name. 

Oom Operator met die moerse cool Suzuki (dis nou 'n bike wat ek gaan kry) Trails en pad bike
En oom Jako.  (die selebritie)
Oeps Mr. Python ek dink terug nou toe onthou ek.  Ja dit was toe. 
gryph het lugfoto waar ek die groot trek plaasgevind het. daar waar ons die perde en osse laat rus het by die rivier
Mooi Cassie. Sien, jy kan jouself geniet al dink jy jou baaik is te klein. Tot dusver is jou enigste tekortkoming dat jou XTZ nie op die grond wil bly nie!

as ek gap het sal ek later die aand se verwikkelinge opsit en wa my bike pose saam met berm rooster.  asook die michelle kom slaap nou michelle kom slaap nou.  ek het gekreun soos ek lag
this is the funniest RR I've read in a long time .Keep them rolling in. :thumleft: :thumleft: