Bored in George with a SLAP Kettang

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Race Dog
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLX 400SR
Some say that a "pap wiel" is a big problem but let cassie tell you that a bike with a stywe kettang that don't want to go pap is a
groot gemors in George. Well myne is the other way around. Today George is so stil soos 'n myndorpie. There is nothing
happening just nothing!

Well my cousin from Portefstroom kuiered the whole week here with me because he found a job here in the Prosperitus City of
George. So I had a lekker trip planned with my tent with the People from the "far away" place. But with familiy kuiering here in
the prosective city of George my kamp planne did not go according to plan and I had to stay behind. With the moerse lekker trip
almost to De Vlugt with Niku on his HP2 ( note i are on my own bike) fresh in my body I've decided to take my little bike later for
a spin.

So with my Big Budget Cousin here we decided to show him george a little bit. So we did a brekfast run from one kuier plek to
another. Well I ran from one plek to another while he had my bakkie.

So I decided in the afternoon to take Cobus to Bay bar in Herolds Bay where the lekker ou hotel used to be.
So the journey began.


This is how my bike looked like after the adventure trip with Niku to De vlugt
Min did i Know that my kettang was pap and i were still happy


Here were were ready for departure. My cousin was in my bakkie and I was going
with my bike to Herolds Bay

I decided to take a gravel road all the way to heroldsbay and found a known gravel roud near blanco


Here I stopped and admired the gravel road that leads out via Blanco and eventually
will meet up again with the airport road. I decided to take the Gwaing gravel road that
will go all the way towards the airport.
While i was riding lekker and enjoying my tip I heard strange noises coming from the
bottom of my engine. I stopped and looked and found that my kettang was once again
pap. I don't know why i cannot get my kettang styf. The more styf i want my kettang to
be, the more papper it gets. So i've decided to put my rugsak over my head and felt
sorry for myself for one minute. Afterwards I accepted my kettang will always be pap
and never styf and continued riding towards Heroldsbay



When I entered the gravel road before you get into Heroldsbay I was overpowered with a
gravel road looking like if it wil end up in the sea type of feeling. This was a unbelievable view
from above. So I took the chance to take many pictures. Today it's raining katte en honde
and while the gravel was slippery I took the riding carefully


The most amazing scenery overlooking Mossel Bay


While I was riding around at the top I've also took the change by riding this beautifull trail
route only to descover that I had to sukkel my gat af to come up again. People learn from
me. Moenie jou vingers in gate druk waar jy dit nie weer kan uithaal nie! I sukkeled my gat
af to come up again


So I found another Trail route. This route I am fimilliar with that will take my to the
top hill of heroldsbay that is right above the old Heroldsbay hotel



As you can see the lovely trail route that will take you back in time and you will desover the true
nature of a beautifull place such as Herolds Bay


So I made a nice lekker stoppie here at the heroldsbay hill.




Now it was time to ride to the beach and meet my Cousin at the Bay bar




Here my cousin is posing for a photo. He took my bakkie for the day while i had
my motorbike. Here we had lekker Pizza and baie lekker gekuier. So Cobus
decided to go and have a lekker braai with some friends of myne and while he
kuiered I had to look at my pap kettang and had to find a way to make it STYF.

So I decided to go kuier for my friends Koos and Wessel while my neef watched
the rugby. While i was kuiering and playing with my kettang i came apon this
interesting bull bar on Wessel's bakkie



Now where are so lekker gekuiered that I couln't get my kettang more stywer than it can go.
So Cobus decided to take a magic want and toor my kettang stywer.
So time flew and I forgot my Cousin was kuiering at one of my friends so I had to go and
accompany him for the remaining of the night. We decided to go and have a lekker kuier at
the spur. This weekend I've visisted more restaurants in George than any other person would.
So my budget is gone with the wind



SO a boring day in George turned out to be very good indeed. Thans agan Kobus and Kobus and
Wessel for a wonderfull time.
Lekke Cassie ek dog toe jy praat van stywe kettang jy het al weer gaan fliek saam daai ander girl. :imaposer:
Naais one Cassie ,you must not tell everybody from the inland about your naais place otherwise they wil come and invade your place and your place will not be naais any more with all the inkommers .Why is your Yahama so flat ,I think your camara needs a tune-up or some adjustment ,or are you George ouks to thik and you want to look maar on the pitchurs.Thank you for sharing bud,we are truly blessed to live in this paradise .
Spitskop die binneland is nogal baaie naais.  Daar is net shopping malls vir afrika en kan al my geld daarso in kuierplekke blaas.  Hierso in George is dit plat.  Geen mooi geboue nie en ek wil so graag hysbak ry.  Toe ek in Pretoria kom het ek spesiale vergunning gevra by die absa gebou om te voel hoe ry 'n huisbak 30 Verdiepings hoog.  Dit was 'n ongelooflike ervaring en my adrinaline was op sy tone.  daarso het almal infrastruktuur en die hoogste gebou in george behoort aan Sars of die George hospitaal.  En hulle huisbakke ry nie so lekker nie.  Sal eendag ride report doen van hysbak ry
:imaposer:  :imaposer:  :imaposer: :imaposer:

Lekker Cassie!

Wat maak jy vandag?
niks kom ons gaan ry later bike. net in msselbaai maar is 4 uur weer terug
smitdty ek by warmwater swembad my nommer is 0794972050. as ek nie my foon antwoord nie ek swem biethie lengtes. maar is vanmiddag in george. ons moet bietjie gaan ry en drinks drink
Ja wou ook, nou sit ek met hius vol mense  :'(  :'(  :'(
eks it hele naweek met neef en nigs ook hele naweek so ek moes die kamp los op die nippertjie
cassiebotha said:

While I was riding around at the top I've also took the change by riding this beautifull trail
route only to descover that I had to sukkel my gat af to come up again. People learn from
me. Moenie jou vingers in gate druk waar jy dit nie weer kan uithaal nie! I sukkeled my gat
af to come up again

Sh!t cassie - now you brought back some memories!  Went down to the coast with my 1200GS with Metzeler Tourance tires fitted.  Stayed in that hotel for 2 or 3 days and would go out riding the gravel roads in the vicinity.  I went around on that gravel road and saw this same 4x4 trail going down the hill towards the coast line.  So I figured since it's a GS, it wants to go down there.  With some paddling and braking & whatever I made it down to where the trail ended (only been riding the GS for a couple of months back then).  

Down at the bottom I saw what I wanted to see and then had to go back up.  At that point I realised that there was only a thin crust of sand on top of much softer sand.  I struggled my ass of just trying to turn the bike around.  Every time I tried to get going, the back wheel just dug in.  And I was all alone...  Eventually I figured that if I start off on a grassy spot, I would get a bit of traction to get the momentum going up that steep, sandy part.  Fortunately it worked and I gunned it up all the way to the top in one, extremely lucky go.  

I was so thankful to get out of THAT situation and vowed never to do such stupid things when I'm riding alone   :patch:
marnus that one was bad. I sweat to get out. I must put a bordjie op and tell them.  be aware that beyond this point you will sukkel jou gata af to get back.
Ek gaan die trailer laai en die kak uit die suidkaap uit kom ry. Cassie jy is gewaarsku :ricky:
mrhyde said:
Ek gaan die trailer laai en die kak uit die suidkaap uit kom ry. Cassie jy is gewaarsku :ricky:

Asb Nie kan nie baie bad nie ons het water probleme.
:imaposer: :imaposer:
Cassie - jy moet die fotos kom haal van jou slip-en-slide innie bos  ;D
ja asb niku ek moet rid report doen. ek  nog in die farmvillage george en moet more na die besige stad van knysna toe kom