Botswana - Caprivi

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Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
KTM 990 Adventure
Heres my latest trip up north just two of us this time
Myself on the left and  Carl on the right

Both on 950 s Different years but both have removed EPC and SAS
Running 17 - 45 gearing ( because of the Open roads and to save on some fuel)
Total distance 4200km
Average Fuel consumption 16.5 k/l
Best fuel consumption  18.4 k/l
Worst  after pans        13.5k/l

Day1 Home to Ellisrus 731km
Got going after 6 and it was a long day on the tar but got to camp by 230
And was nice to see green grass


No need for tent no chance of rain

Day2 Ellisrus to Kubu Isand  (Makgadikgai Pan) 539Km
Took the sand road to Parrs Halt Border
Border went quick no one there but the crossed check all our documents

Just taking a break

Stopped in Letlhakane at gannys kitchen for a bite and it took 10 mins to get service and 10 min to get food and only after finishing our meal got our drinks lucky we were not thirsty

Then onto sand not to bad only 5km


What a view

Got to Kubu Island

Set up camp again no  tents


Nice, you have the juices flowing in the route planning part of my brain
Day 3 Kubu Island - Maun 285km
Awoke  with a head ache but a great sun rise

This place is truly amazing with its beauty and vastness


But started off in the wrong direction but after looking at the map and setup the gps headed in the right direction, can so easily loss yourself here
The last 30km into Gweta are apse loot HELL
Deep sand ,the shrubs and trees are thick and it bumps you, your bike ,your panniers
I must have fallen 20 times ,eventually my Jagemister  bottle broke spilling over spare and some dirty cloths not a train smash but my pots and pans look like i have driven over them

I respect Crazy eyes he did this part two up

After getting to Gweta we thought a brake was in order

What a spot Had a burger couple ale s and a swim then back onto Maun

Stayed with some family friends in Maun right near Audi camp and was great to get a good nights sleep on a bed

Day 4 Maun - Bangani (Caprivi)420km

Look familiar

We thought we would take a scenic flight over the delta before we left Maun
Heres our plane the reason this pic is black and white because that is the era this plane is from 60s - 70s

Amazing flight a bit scary but here some pics



Note in this pic the camp under the trees and in the right top corner the Eli s walking on the path

Back on the ground and back on the scooters
Got to Ngepi camp at around 5pm nice road and no cars on it
Camp again with out the tents'

Got some beers and settled in there cage pool

Note the 4th shooter

Day 5 Bangani - Kasane 483km

Nice start again with head ache
But met some travellers along the way
First one from joburg at ngepi

Later on when we came into Katima we met Alessandra and Heino from london

And there steed loaded

Man what great people
Been travelling for four and half months and done 20 000 km heck
+ they did 20 000 km on there back tire and it was a TKC 80 size 140/80/17 i have never heard anything like that before, the front tire died earlier on there trip
We ended up having lunch with them and listening to there awesome travels
Look at there travel site

And then onto the border and down to Kasane

At kasane did som shopping and met up with my mate and headed to his house boat
Let the party start



How the Eli s

Set up for some cat fishing



And some big fish note the bait size

And then some Lion time

Awesome report, that is really nice looking country side. Thanks for sharing
Awesome ride report so far, methinks it's time to pack the scoots and head up that way again. Ratel, how's your leave? ;D ;D
Great trip and report!

Didn't know one still get Lion Lager?
Stunning trip, great pics.  Looks like you have a marvelous time, well done!
Day 6-7 Rest days on the house boat
These two day we just sat relaxing and doing a bit of fishing ,O and some game viewing






That is fresh water jellyfish i hear not seen often.

Cant you hear Celine Dion playing her Titanic song in the back round

Day 8 Kasane - Fracistown 490km  
Got on the road at 12 and my mate said dont fill in town fill just down the road mmmm
Seems the whole of Zim came to full up as well

So we skipped that and filled up at Pandamatenga 100 km down the road
Camped at Woodlands Great spot buy every thing at the gate Beer wood and Frozen braai pack

Set up camp not to worry with tent havent needed at all this trip
The defroster 

But our luck ran out
At midnight the heavens open so we had to whip up a tent and  take cover

Day 9 Francistown - Joburg 787km

A bit of a crap day riding
Was cold and wet so we stopped in Palapye warmed up with a Wimpy breakfast i proceeded to drop my bike right out front (nice one )
We found a farm trading store in the town and bought great yellow rain coats for the rest of the trip

We went out at a border crossing just before Gaborone ,not a single car
Just after the border there is about 80 km dirt stretch which was great
untill Carls ktm came to a grinding halt ..........Fuel pump ???

Not a punture nor  breakdown yet what was up
after checking everything found that it was the fuel pump
Not to worry a couple good clouts with the ktm T bar and it started working again so not sure why it stoped working

Got to joburg at around 6 as was getting dark so a good day on the bikes

Day 10 Joburg - Home 440km

Sorry no pics
Just a straight ride home down the N3
Stopped at harrismith to have a bite to eat and then we went in our different directions home

Added info

We both use Conti TKC 140/80/18 I can still do at least another 1500 km on them
Hats off to the bike went supper well with no real problems other than the fuel pump buggering around and my one tank breather blocking up and peeing fuel out of the over flow but fixed that with a blow up mattress pump

Would I do it again ? any time I loved those pans 

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