Brits Canals Ride pics - 13 July 2008

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Welsh said:
I see the crash I went past on the way made headlines, the Lambo Diablo versus golf, the end result looked like a "T bone" but the Lambo had been travelling sideways when it hit the Golf!!

I did not take pics, it was clear people had died.

Front page of the star , 4 dead incl 22 y/o whizzkid with a great future etc etc ...sad story this

my take on the ride,,,,,,

sorrie is was late but did manage to catch up on yous guys at the first mud hole,,,,,the big one was just around the corner,,,,

what a lekka ride all in all,,,the quick rain made it great for everyone t6o stay in a bunch and we didnt drag out the tail,,,which was very nice,,,,,

we started of with jules leading with the west canal up nto the "marble kitchen top" koppies,,,swung left towards moonooi on some tar and then a quick but very interesting excursion into the township and revamp of the "drum",,,goats everywhere,,kids screaming sweets and everybody is out walking the roads,,,a disused and brokendown  soccer stadium and a hotel called "lesedi by nite" reminds one that oneday this was a great place,,,,this place must have rocked,,,,,then we went past the platinum mines and made a stop at "geckos dop en tjop",,,where we all decided a dop is what we want,,,,

warmed by our drinks we set upon the buffelspoort back roads towards breedts nek



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up we went breedts nek,,,,and some went even further and i suspect had a skelm cuppacione there,,,hahaha
it was nice and misty on the top and going down the pass towards hekpport it was evident it didnt rain there as we had our first dust rides,,,,,lekker powdery dust,,,,,10 kms and we were covered in it,,,,at the t-junction Welsh and Icecreamman decided to duck home and we went towards the dam for our lunch at van gaalens



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ans so another lekka ride in my backyard,,,,,it seems that i will never get tyred of riding these roads,,,

like an ad i saw said:

when one gets tired of riding gravel roads one is tired of life.......

we ended up at van gaalens for a lunch and a recoup of the ride and afterwards we split each into hius own direction

some points to ponder,,,,

this ride was lekka and we can improve it by getting a gravel replacement for that tar section,,,,,i saw wonderfull roads around that area

and i still want to ride those koppies roads even if it means running a gauntlet with a farmers shotgun,,,surely somebody must know somebody

the mud crawlers,,,well done,,,,hope the damage wasn't so bad

nice seeing the Icecreamman and his spanking new suzi dr,,,,man it had 495 kms on the clock when we stopped at "geckos",,,wow

die kaalkop wonner with the broken footpegs was the comic relief of the day,,,sorri bru but it was rather funny

and Welsh,,,,,
unbeknown to you i have smittengly fallen in love with your gs,,,,man shes a beaut,,,,,and i want her,,,,,not today but soon when the interest rates are normal again,,,,so if u ever want to sell let me know,,,and look after my baby pleez


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malgat said:
and i suspect had a skelm cuppacione there,,,hahaha
Yup. I own up - we did.
But I was punished.
The cap from the condensed milk tjoob for the "Railway coffee" came loose on the way back.
You dont want to see what it looked like in my bag there when I got home.
Dust and condensed milk dont mix lekka.


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Coffee? What Coffee? ???  :D I thought we were sworn to secrecy.

Also a couple of pics of WDs going down Breedtsnek



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Oh yes! That must be be it, stupid of me to get my photos mixed up that way  ;)
There has been a pleasant undercurrent in my day today, the odd tightness in a shoulder muscle, just a reminder, it was a fun day yesterday.

Hope no one is offended when I say it was a great noob route, loverly to ride, a little mud, no sand as such, and a couple of good wide open blasts, trying to chase the KLR,s up Breedts on the Pig on smooth Anarchee,s was a challenge :biggrin: :biggrin:

And the weather was fabulous, cool, a little rain overnight, meant we rode with no dust untill after Breedts what a pleasure at this time of year.

Great Route, fun day all round,

Welsh  8)

Excellent guys, looked like you all had a blast.

Now how come Ganjora's the only man with a pint at the table,  you :ricky: better with a pint down the neck and its a well known dust killer  :thumleft:
The ride was a blast!

The BaldWhiteRasta was lots of fun to watch :) 10 points for the dismount during the doughnut!

and Welsh when you ride a KLR every kilometer counts!  :biggrin:

Cya all at the next one

Gunda, what are you doing here? Your left hand is looking rather busy. :laughing4:


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just after Welsh's 'hole in the path'


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gecko's parking...

a very nice ride.

look forward to the next one.

Aaiirree Rasta


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Frog said:
Gunda, what are you doing here? Your left hand is looking rather busy. :laughing4:
Damn ! was caught out. Now the folks know my coffee making secret they will never want to drink it again !