Cape to Lamberts Baai with Extra Miggies Please....Last day added

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Race Dog
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
Husqvarna (all models)
Ok let's try this RR thing again....

Everything was planned and on my way home from work on Friday I was still wondering if I had everythingâ?¦.Ok pack everything Friday evening, have a few beer and early Saturday morning we can leave. This will be Mariqueâ??s 1st bike/camping trip! 8) 8)

It does not always happen the way you want it to happenâ?¦ :-\ :-[ :'(â?¦needless to say, we got to bed at 1am sat morning after a call from the neighbor alarmed us about the time and the amount of alcohol that has been consumed (small braai that turned us into hooligans) thereâ??s a lot of pictures but canâ??t be shown in publicâ?¦.. :mwink: :mwink:
Saturday morning with one Moerse hangover I started packingâ?¦ I stay thirsty but keep away from the beerâ?¦.eventually at 11am we get on the bike and of we are off :ricky: :ricky:
We stop at the N7 Engen to fill up and get something for the thirst.

Marique getting ready for the ride and still feeling VERY fragile..

Somewhere between Hopefield and Bergrivier we have to stop, I need a siga and Marique is falling asleep at the backâ?¦.
See this nice kodac momentâ?¦

But the dam MIGGIES are everywhere!! I thought the smoke would drive them away but they are everywhereâ?¦ if itâ??s moist they want to be thereâ?¦.. this can get dangerous!!!!  :eek: :eek: :eek:
Screw the siggi â?? letâ??s get going!!

30 min later I see this nice spot and suggest to Marique to take a â??power napâ? just to feel a bit better as we will be hitting some dirt soonâ?¦.
Here are some pics, in the background you can see the Bergrivier â?? still rather full. Marique passed out and me playing with the camera.

Marique was a new person after her power nap and we needed to get a cold one SOON! :p

From here we got onto a gravel road (is said â??Road Closedâ?) this is why we are here!! Letâ??s explore! :ricky: :ricky: :ricky:
It was Mud, water, some more mud, and with 1 up and the new Panniers I have to try new tricks couse Iâ??m not used to this weight on the sidesâ?¦. Sorry no pics for this section, both my hands had to stay on the handle bars and there was no time to stop eitherâ?¦
We crossed the R399 and carried on till we got to a T-junction, left Elandsbaaiâ?¦ GPS?? Ah ok we go left!!
Just past the Velddrif turnoff (where the tar started again) I got a gravel road to Klein Tafelbergâ?¦ MMM letâ??s take this one Skat? AAH DAMM!!!  About 1 km on this road and it startedâ?¦. Gone is the water and Mudâ?¦. The sand monster has returned!!! No time to turn around and only thing, keep your speen and watch out for the potholes!!
My armrs are getting numm at this stage and we reach to top of the hill, (after about 10km of sand) stop siga and some warm coke, and with every inhale a few dozen miggies!!
Here are some picsâ?¦.me feeling a bit tired..

Now we really need to find a drink!!!
Of we were and the sand continued! We got to the T-Junktion and turned left to Redlinghuys, and left again to Elandsbaai. About 8 km before Elandsbaai we turned right towards Leipoldtville and then left agin to Lamberts Baai.
We could feel the change in temperature as we got closer and then all of a sunnedâ?¦..Muisbosskermâ?¦..Cold Beer!!!

What a great spot, we somme decided to make reservations for that eveningâ??s dinner and we headed off to townâ?¦. By this time it was 15:45 and we were quite lazyâ?¦ and we decided to leave the tent and get accom. (not a bad deal we gotâ?¦.R250 for the honeymoon suite!! Right on the beach and own balcony with Great views..

Will post the dinner and way back in the morning.... need to get back to work.... :mad:
Cool. Nice paint job and I like the way the KTM panniers follow the lines of the bike.
Ah new panniers, so i assume you also bought a ring? :p

Nice report, looking forward to the rest
Very Nice !!!!
The Panniers Too  %#$@%$$
Andy 950 said:
Cool. Nice paint job and I like the way the KTM panniers follow the lines of the bike.

Thanks, like to be different...i actually saw another 950 at KTM with the same paint job just black with an orange Dakar Mannetjie.....
Scrat said:
Andy 950 said:
Cool. Nice paint job and I like the way the KTM panniers follow the lines of the bike.

Thanks, like to be different...i actually saw another 950 at KTM with the same paint job just black with an orange Dakar Mannetjie.....

I think that is Ashley of KTMCT "speedi" on the forum's bike. Cool report, planning something similar!!
Dinner and the returnâ?¦

We arrived at the Muisbosskerm at about 19:00â?¦. The smell of fish on the coals and freshly roasted coffeeâ?¦. Somewhere was a potbrood tickling my nostrilsâ?¦.
We were starved :drif: :drif:â?¦ and the problem was â?¦ where to begin??â?¦ :eek7: :eek7: my taste buds going boinkers  â?¦. We had a bit of every fish and have to say the Angelfish came out on TOP!! The Crayfish was one of the hits but then again... that the fresh potbrood with jam was the cherry on top!! :thumleft: :thumleft:

Marique:"You must be Joking!! on the bike back feeling like this!!!???"

Later we decided to head home as there is still about 4km of dirt waiting and my tummy felt like a â??fishtankâ?.
We passed out and when we woke the next morning I was Very glad that we did not do the tent thingâ?¦ was cold and wet outsideâ?¦

We packed up and went for B-feast at Isabellaâ??s at the harbor and decided to head backâ?¦
We took the spoornet toll road to Elandsbaai and stopped to check out the Camping grounds..
Not badâ?¦

Wil jy alweer rook!!!!

Patiently waiting for instructions..... >:D >:D

From there we headed towards Velddrif, taking the coastal roadâ?¦. What a lekke drive, nice weather, sweet smell of wild flowers, shit load of MIGGIES, :eek: :eek: and the ocean on our rightâ?¦.  :ricky: :ricky:
The road just before Dwarskersbos had a few bad potholes, but that was the least of my worriesâ?¦.we were getting very thirstyâ?¦AGAINâ?¦ What do people actually do in small towns like these???
Just after Dwarskersbos Marique pointed out this funny wooden lapa thingâ?¦. So we have to investigateâ?¦ :mwink: :mwink: so glad we stopped here, ice cold beer right on the beach!! Now this is a lekke spot,,, makes you think of Mozambique â?¦.
Hereâ??s some pics

The beers were cold and the vibe just rightâ?¦. â??Nogge ronte sebliefâ? and then we saw the time :-[â?¦ aai we better get going if we still want to eat something in Paternosterâ?¦.. Marique actually enjoying this type of â??pub crawlingâ? :mwink: :mwink:
On the road again and we passed through Velddrif, then turned right onto the R399 towards St Helena Bayâ?¦. Aai the wind started getting on my nerves but as soon as we entered St Helena Marique spotted the St Helena Hotel, â??letâ??s have a drink here was all I could hear.. >:D >:Dâ? the vibe was totally diff from the lapa but the drink was greatâ?¦( sorry no pics was a bit lazy to go get the camera)
From here we took the gravel road towards Paternoster  and went through to have a look at what Tietiesbaai look likeâ?¦ needless to sayâ?¦ we did not see any Tietiesâ?¦ >:D >:Dâ?¦. Maybe cause it was getting a bit cold nowâ?¦. ;)
We stopped at the Paternoster Lodge with their great view and was soon moved to the â??Smoking sectionâ? as the nice balcony was NON-Smoking ONLY !!!

Marique ordered a Bloody Mary and we waited quite long for it to comeâ?¦.it arrived and we tried to figure out why it was so sweetâ?¦..only to discover that they ran out of tomato cocktail and made a planâ?¦.â?man, ek ish seker die All Gold tamatie sous sal die ding doen,. :pot: :pot:.. gooi net beitjie extra vodka by,  :pot:..hulle sal nie eers agter kom nie!!!â?â?¦â?¦. WTF!!!! 
It was almost 16:45 and we decided to head back home.. from here it was OOP ketels all the way homeâ?¦ Marique had a terrible â??hair itching problemâ? ??? and was really glad to be home, but later started planning the next tripâ?¦She REALLY enjoyed it, and I was pleased :biggrin: :biggrin:.. I like it when itâ??s easy to convert someone to the â??dark sideâ?¦.â?
Till next time�����.. :thumleft: :thumleft:
hmmmmm,,,,,looking good there muisbos skerm,,,,pub crawling ,,,my kinda ride

actually im doing the cape town thing for a month (either nov or dec) and will be bringing the bike as well,,,,,maybe you can show us your valley,,,
malgat said:
hmmmmm,,,,,looking good there muisbos skerm,,,,pub crawling ,,,my kinda ride

actually im doing the cape town thing for a month (either nov or dec) and will be bringing the bike as well,,,,,maybe you can show us your valley,,,

Sounds good to me!!! i'll throw in some beers for breakfast,....shit.... :eek: :eek: and maybe you can somme collect the plug spanner!!!
will send it off tomorrow!!
Everytime I get to muisbosskerm the @#%%$ thing is closed.

Love the Wetscoast and really enjoyed your report. Thanks for sharing :thumleft:

Kykdaar said:
Everytime I get to muisbosskerm the @#%%$ thing is closed.

That sucks man!!! I LOVE the place - this thread has actually convinced me that I need another bike holiday, down the West Coast... Lamberts Bay here I come!!!!
Shit dit lyk lekker. Volgende keer kom ek saam.

Het die GPS jou derem gehelp?