Destination Unknown via Wherever

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Jul 20, 2018
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Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
It has been a while since my last road trip and I needed to get away. With my riding buddy (daughter) now also out of the house it was time for a solo trip; I had roughly five days available and a quick glance at the map suggested that I would be able to tick off a bucket list item – Camping on Verneukpan.

I’m not one for planning a trip in too much detail as it puts unnecessary pressure on you to stick to a route or timeline, so without booking anything I had a rough idee where I wanted to go and with this being a camping trip, I was prepared to wild camp next to a dirt road if needed. Kit was packed and the bike prepared, ready to depart Oudtshoorn on Wednesday morning. I would stay off tar roads as much as possible.


Fuelled and ready to go

Day 1. Oudtshoorn – Laingsburg – Sutherland

Having done most of the main Karoo routes, the idea was to get to Sutherland via some routes I have not done yet, however I had to get to Laingsburg first and took the R62 up to Seweweekspoort and onto Rooinek pass.


Rooinek Pass

After a quick coffee in Laingsburg I took the Moordenaarskaroo Road past Koringplaas and the Roggeveld Windfarm back onto the R354 and Sutherland where I camped at Sterland Campsite for the night.




Coffee Break and hiding from the wind


Roggeveld Wind Farm - I suspect this is where the wind gets generated


Sterland Campsite
Day 2. Sutherland – Middelpos – Calvinia – Loeriesfontein

Day 2 saw a freezing morning with temperatures dropping below zero overnight and I could feel it through my gloves, so much so that I had to stop and put on a second pair.


Cold start to day 2

I travelled with the R354 past Middelpos to Calvinia, where they were preparing for the Hantam Vleisfees that weekend. A quick stop for fuel and lunch (roosterkoek with lamb chop and rib) and a second one for dinner, had me on the road again to Loeriesfontein.










Joe is the man to see in Calvinia for a roosterkoek, lamb chop and ribs

As I arrived early, I stopped at the Windpomp Museum and also had a look at the displays depicting the life of the Trekboere.


When it was time to look for a camping spot it was getting cold again and the wind has been blowing a gale the whole day, so I was considering a warm bed. A phone call later and I was booked into Lekker Rus Guesthouse where I had a nice Braai and my second roosterkoek and some homemade ginger beer. The wind continued throughout the night and a rest day in Loeriesfontein started looking like an option.

Day 3. Loeriesfontein – Brandvlei – Verneukpan

Although the wind was not as bad today, it was raining; more a drizzle than rain but still wet. I pulled by rain jacket on and set off to Brandvlei – 121km of gravel. Fortunately the rain stopped after about 15km and I could pick up speed. The terrain started changing and the first iron rocky outcrops started appearing.



I reached Brandvlei at about 10:00 and refueled before taking the R27 tar road to the Verneukpan turnoff. At that time the wind was pumping again which made the ride rather unpleasant and cold but once I turned off the tar road, the wind was from behind and all was forgotten.


Coffee stop on the R27 between Brandvlei and Verneukpan

Once I arrived on Verneukpan I did a ride around the pan as it was still too early to set up camp, and the wind was blowing up dust which made it look like a dust storm was most likely. I stopped on the edge of the pan and tried hiding behind the only vegetation.



Hiding from the wind

As camping on Verneukpan was the theme for this trip, I headed back onto the pan to set up camp for the night. I can say, it was an experience I will not quickly forget; from the gale force wind, spectacular views and sunrise the next morning, all made for a memorable day.


Campsite starting to take place


At the end of a rainbow



Always time for a Braai - T-bone and Boerewors for dinner




Sunrise - all worth it





Making coffee for the road
Day 4. Verneukpan – Brandvlei – Van Wyksvlei – Carnarvon – Loxton

My destination for today was Loxton, but I had to refuel so had to head back to Brandvlei for fuel. From there I took the gravel road to Van Wyksvlei, 145km of straight road where I did not see another vehicle or person.




Abandoned Klipkraal - packed with round rocks. That must have taken some time.


Reaching Van Wyksvlei at about 12:20 I looked for a place to refuel, only to find that the only place is the local Co-op which closed at 12:00. Fortunately for me the staff was still closing out for the day and after a bit of sweet talk, I managed to fill up before heading to Carnarvon and Loxton.


Being a camping trip, I knew that Loxton had a camping spot so when I got there I phoned the number that Mr Google gave. The call went unanswered and I was having second thoughts. While standing around at the campsite, Anneline called over the fence and asked if I wanted to camp, she is the wife of the camp site owner and he will be there shortly. Anneline did not know if the sites were booked so asked that I just wait until her husband arrives. As her husband turned up in his pickup and got out, I realized that I knew him from waaaaay back when we were colleagues; what a pleasant surprise. Alewyn was having none of me camping and immediately made me ride to their house where I was treated to true Karoo hospitality which lasted until late into the night. Alewyn also suggested some routes from Loxton back home for the next day.
Day 5. Loxton – Fraserburg – Oukloof Pass – Leeu Gamka – Prince Albert – Oudtshoorn

After our farewells, I set off on the suggested routes through Sakrivierkloof to Fraserburg where I refuel and get some snacks for the remainder of the day.





Lots of water in the Karoo

I backtrack for about 10km and then turn off on the Oukloof pass road heading towards Leeu Gamka. The going was a lot slower as the road goes through game farms and conservation areas with lots of river crossings and washed out stretches, and I eventually joined the R353 before Leeu Gamka.


Oukloof Pass - quite a find



Coffee time


I was now back in familiar territory and the bike knows the way home so following the gravel road from Kruidfontein to Prince Albert, the final highlight of the trip was coming up fast.


Colourful Prince Albert

As always, the Swartberg Pass did not disappoint. I arrived home after five days of another unforgettable adventure, ready to take on the world and start planning the next escape.

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 20.59.30.jpg

1660 km Total Distance

PS. Remember

Be prepared to change your plans, best is to not have too rigid a schedule - go with the flow
Have maps available and know the distances
Not all towns have fuel, and those that do are not always open over weekends
If you travel solo, have an alternative means off comms for emergencies – cell phones do not work in remote areas
Magtag dit was nou 'n gawe reisverslag en dit boonop in Brits, uit Oudtshoorn! Well written and great pictures - if a RR makes you feel like getting on your bike right now it served its purpose, which this one just did.
What an amazing trip and superbly documented, thanks for sharing it.... Enjoyed every bit of it!
My favourite deel van SA..... LEKKR SAAMGERY! (y)
Baie nice en baie dankie vir die deel.... en vir al die mooi foto's.

Die tipe trippies is kos vir die siel
What an amazing trip and superbly documented, thanks for sharing it.... Enjoyed every bit of it!
Magtag dit was nou 'n gawe reisverslag en dit boonop in Brits, uit Oudtshoorn! Well written and great pictures - if a RR makes you feel like getting on your bike right now it served its purpose, which this one just did.
Hierdie manne het my woorde opgebruik
Baie dankie vir 'n goeie tripreport en 'n kaart daarby!!
Dêm dit lyk lekker!!!:love:
Ek het al agtergekom die mens wat n lelike sonsondergang op Verneukpan neem het vergeet om sy kamera se lenscap af the haal dis altyd stunning daar sonsaktyd!!!💪
Om op Verneukpan te kampeer is 'n ongelooflike ervaring. Daar is êrens 'n kombuis omring van bossieskerm en ablusie op die pan.

Dankie vir die lekker saamry en die pragtige foto's - regtig baie mooi!! - dit bring mooi herinneringe terug. Ek het skoon heimweë, ek moet weer daar gaan kampeer. Daar is 'n klok op die pan wat ek nog wil lui.
What beautiful photos! Geez, you ous in Western Cape are really spoilt for the awesome routes you have. Damn I'm feeling a bit nostalgic now, and lus for a trip.

Awesome, man, thanks for sharing!(y)(y)