As you've realised, I'm playing around with some upgrades for the DR650. Stuff you would otherwise only find overseas.
I made this for me. Currently they made a mistake on the width and tried to improvise (with a bend). It works, but the guard just touches the rear of the front fender. It will be changed to be flat.
It is a bit more expensive (R500), so I don't know who would want one.
Still, I thought let me hear whether some of you might be interested in one; then I'll get them to make more.
Let me know then
I made this for me. Currently they made a mistake on the width and tried to improvise (with a bend). It works, but the guard just touches the rear of the front fender. It will be changed to be flat.
It is a bit more expensive (R500), so I don't know who would want one.
Still, I thought let me hear whether some of you might be interested in one; then I'll get them to make more.
Let me know then