dusty saw her rusty at stanley funduro

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Dusty Rusty

Grey Hound
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
Honda XR250 Tornado
now i know what's not for me! Went today to stanley winefarm to do their funduro. Now, being a newby and all i made arrangements that someone would show me the "ladyloops". Well, that someone left me at the mercy of a very good plastic rider, who left me on my own there. I can't blame plastic rider, he himself was just there to enjoy the day. So, daar's ek op my eie en toe begin ek ma' die paaitjie te volg in die rigtig wat hulle gery het. Now, to paint the picture for you, that part of the trail is like a forest with a little wheeltrack. At first it looked okey for a beginner, but then it snakes up a hill that looked just to dodge for my tw. So, i try to get off the wheelpath to a trekker/plaaspad about 3 m away.
There's now way to turn around and go the same way back, caurse it's a one way for the bikes. Anycase, so i got off the paaitjie and i could't fined ground under my feet! And there i lay with the tw on top of my one foot. En ek kry nie my voet onder die bike uit nie. So i tried and rest and tried some more and op 'n manier het ek my voet daar uitgekry. Next thing i see petrol dripping out of my bike, en ek raak bekommerd, want ek weet nie wat dit beteken nie. Now, i'm trying to lift the tw. I got her up about 30cm and that was it. Now more stenght. Lucily then someone came to the rescue, a fellow wilddog, kungfu panda. He lifted the bike up, and told me i can ride with him. So, off we go. He on his plastic ktm, i on my damse'. He pick up speed, i pick up speed...dwa! Da' le ek al weer op die grond! Then my ankle, the same one on which the bike fell on started hurting, and the bike is crying petrol. Then i deciced it's a good time for pms and i also started crying. Maby it was hauling? This day was not working for me. Kunfo panda then help us up, and show me back to the parking place/ starting point. I don't know way, but i could not stop crying. So when i came closer to a plastic group at the starting point, i just head off to a sort of trekker trail and ride by myself next to the vineyards and so on. Then i find my way out, went to the other side of the farm, just across the road and went home. If you have a plastic and you are looking for an adventure: this is for you. If you are a newby; stay away! If you have a DS; i think your bike will be to heavy. Now i am in bed, whith an sprayed ankle, with an dissapointed heart, due to the fact that that somebody din't kept his word and handed me down to someone who did't even knew that i was supposed to do the lady loops. Well, i will not do a staley funduro again. I'll rather stick to a pack off wilddogs who takes cares of their pups!
Ag nee Rusty, doesn't sound good.

But don't worry about it too much.  In any community you will find schmucks who say one thing and do another. 

Don't know if you've been on any bike courses, but at some of them they teach you techniques to pick up your bike, something you must be able to do.  So there's your next challenge  :thumleft:

And hope the ankle heals fast.
Eish, slaley is very rough for a noob, you are brave!





Sounds like you had a bad / rough start  ::)

Ek is seker daar is "newby friendly" rides in jou area, moenie moed verloor nie ek is seker die dawgs in jou omgewing sal na jou omsien  :3some:
yesss. dont worry about it...remember why you wanted to ride....take things you are happy with....and yes, learn to pic up your own bike...as a lady its so important ! your confidence will just soar....ask Malibu...there are two ways ,one way per side of your bike...mine weighs almost 200kg and i managed to pick her up in both teqniques......now all i have to learn is to put my lady on the centrestand....but hey....small steps....brave one!!! :thumleft:
Damn rusty, dit klink glad nie lekker nie. Almal het maar sulke ervarings elke nou en dan. Dis nou baie jammer dat jy joune aan die begin van jou career moes he!

Ek is baie versigtig om mense saam te vat as ek gaan ry, want ek weet as ek eers op die pad is vergeet ek van alles en almal en dis net ek, Micheala (die bike) en mother nature...

Group rides soos bv Canola Run of Atlantis Dunes Noob rides en sulke goed is anders. Ek woon dit by vir die social en vir die mense, maar ek aanvaar voor die tyd dat ek nie die dag vir myself het nie.

Ek stel voor jy kry vir jou n bike buddy wat min of meer dieselfde skill level as jy het, sodat julle saam kan ry en na mekaar kan kyk. Dit help ook natuurlik om by die meer "ervare bikers" te leer, maar moenie aanvaar dat hulle na jou gaan kyk nie, want dis meeste van die tyd nie die geval nie (en dis nie noodwendig intentional nie, hulle bedoel nie om jou skade aan te doen nie).

As jy voel jy raak agter/kry swaar/sukkel, steek jou trots in jou sak en vra blatant vir hulp. Party mense wil nie gehelp word as hulle geval het nie, so baie mense sal nie hulp aanbied nie. As jy wil hulp he, maak seker dat ander mense dit weet.

En daarby, troos jouself daaran dat dit van hier af net beter sal gaan! Soos Et gese het, daai lyk vir my na n wilde circuit en as jy daar kon uitkom (selfs met n val of 2), dan kan jy verseker orals ry waar ek (of enige ander Wilddog) al gery het!!!

Respect   :thumleft:
After the fun that you had on Friday, this must really make you fell a bit down. But don't let it get you down, you can do it. Remember every experienced rider was also a beginner once.
Do an offroad course or two.
Hope that your ankle gets better quickly.
:hello:  Ag thanks guy's and Laurika!  Voel nou sommer al baie beter, behalwe vir die hinke-pink menower.  Die week word my damsel uitmekaar gehaal en mooigemaak, so die val was eintlik goeie timing. 

Hubby said he will teach me the picking up thing as soon as I'm ready.  I was thinking to myself, maybe we must look if you can have an informal day where the "old dog's can teach puppy's new tricks"  I have met a few great guys on the forum and on our outride from Durbanville to Malmesbury. 

Ek's darem nie moedeloos nie, net op die oomblik fisies buite aksie. 

As soon as I can, i'm taking Damsel to Paarl mountain for some exploring

Hope I can meet all of you one day in person!
xxxx :D
Eish, seems like you threw yourself in the deep end there! on one hand RESPECT, on the other - EASY YOURSELF INTO IT MAN  :thumleft:

I hope you're wearing MX boots at least!
Dusty Rusty said:
Jip, luckily I had my Foxies on!

Jammer om te hoor. Maar dis goed dat jy daai boots dra. My safetys gee nie crush protection nie.

Ons trippie was beter ne!

Jy kon maar gese het, ons ouens kon jou Vrydag gewys het hoe om jou bike op te tel. Maar ek moet saamstem met die ander ouens. n Bike kursus is n moet.

Ons moet uitkyk vir een, want Lizelle moet ook nog gaan. :ricky:
Pleco said:
Dusty Rusty said:
Jip, luckily I had my Foxies on!

Jammer om te hoor. Maar dis goed dat jy daai boots dra. My safetys gee nie crush protection nie.

Ons trippie was beter ne!

Jy kon maar gese het, ons ouens kon jou Vrydag gewys het hoe om jou bike op te tel. Maar ek moet saamstem met die ander ouens. n Bike kursus is n moet.

Ons moet uitkyk vir een, want Lizelle moet ook nog gaan. :ricky:

Get hold of the guys at CountryTrax. I'm sure if you've got a few committed people looking to do a course they might be able to throw something together for you, else just slot in with some of their existing course dates. Definitely a worthy experience!
1000+ on the course.
Rough and Ready have one on the 9 October. I'll be joining that one, hope to see you there.

P.S. It is on a game farm so also includes a game ride and lunch.
Hi Dusty, We have a track in Gordon's Bay that will offer any noob or experienced rider a good days ride.
It has a kiddies track 900m and an easy MX track,1.3km long as well as a 8km Enduro loop.
It is family orientated with flush toilets for men and ladies,Open air on top,great views LOL.
We have braai facilities and under shade parking in a secure area.
Directions: off the N2 from CPT to Sir Lowries pass, just before monkey town,turn right into Broadlands road,about 1.5km on left you will see Strand Foam (big long buildings) at the end of their property turn left onto the dirt road and drive about 1 km into the track entrance. There will be a lady or a guy there to collect your fees and explain the rules.No helmet no ride and ride anti- clock wise on all tracks and no speeding in pit lane(Car park)
Fees, R70/day bigger bikes.
Small (Kiddies bike) R40/bike.
Monday to Friday-half days R40/bike.
This track is run by dads and moms who want a safe and fun place to ride their bikes.
Call me if you would like someone to ride with you.
Wes, all that I need is the neck thing.  Moet eintlik nou daarvoor begin spaar.  What on earth or rather, where on earth did you fall without knee stuff.  Ouchy -ouch! 

We chatted about you the weekend ne?  They say you are fearless on your bike.    :eek:  Eendag sal ek nog vir jou en priest kom uitcheck, maar dan bly my bike bydie huis!  ;)
Dusty Rusty said:
Wes, all that I need is the neck thing.  Moet eintlik nou daarvoor begin spaar.  What on earth or rather, where on earth did you fall without knee stuff.  Ouchy -ouch! 

We chatted about you the weekend ne?  They say you are fearless on your bike.    :eek:   Eendag sal ek nog vir jou en priest kom uitcheck, maar dan bly my bike bydie huis!  ;)

could be fearless, or it could just be stupid  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

i fell a while back and busted my knee open - badly. was wearing knee guards, but they shifted on impact! on the hunt for better ones now...
Quite an experience.
Yup, stick with the dogs - they look after the pack.

laurika said:
......now all i have to learn is to put my lady on the centrestand....but hey....small steps....brave one!!! :thumleft:

I recently fitted a centre stand, and couldn't get my bike up onto it, until I got this bit of advice.

Stand on left of bike facing forward.
Hold the left handlebar grip with your left hand, and the pillion grip or somewhere on the side of the bike near the pillion footpeg with your right hand.  For the right hand, lower is better.
Now put your right foot on the centrestand foot lever thingy and push the stand down till you can feel that both feet of the stand are on the ground.
Push down with your right foot while pulling up with your right hand, in one fluid motion.  If you can engineer it so that your right hand is low enough that you don't need to use your arm to lift - only your body as you straighten your leg, so much the better.

Pulling up - thats the trick, lifting your bike, and not trying to pull it backwards onto the stand is the trick. Works wonders.