EC Bash 2008 - A Few Pictures...

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Race Dog
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Well, quite a bit has been written about the EC Bash already. For me, it was again a challenge, in my own personal nemnesis â?? Inventory Management, or what not to take!!

Seriously, my main concern was the bitter coldâ?¦ and possible rainâ?¦ so I had a tent, some groundsheets courtesy of Magnus Malan and some warm fleecys and tracksuit. Why then did my luggage resemble a summer camp for schoolgirls?

Huhâ?¦ maybe I am just a bad packer! And because I forgot (or neglected) to get decent batteries, my camera said Howzit after the following pictures.

Beagle Boy and I left KFC Kabega Park as planned (!) at 5:45 am on Friday morning. I wuz sniffing and hoesing already, and should probably have been contemplating a visit to the Dotore instead of embarking on this frigid fracas. But it was nice to share the ride with BB, and we took a lekker slow cruise up the Gamtoos Valley, using a dirt track near the Koekoepan Padstal.

Sunrise came with sadly very little pink and orange in the sky â?? it was absolutely cloudless. Here the sun is beginning to caress the Cockscomb Mountain Range

After a chilling ride into Patensie, we got some supplies from the TjopShop, and had a decently large mug of coffee at this little place â??also the Real Estate Agent and the Launderette!

We were the first to get there, after Watty of course, and as the dogs arrived, a sense of adventure and expectation built, in spite of my personal pulmonary and nasal misery. Wolveseunâ??s GS800 was a very early addition to the equestrian ranks (OK, motorized equestrian, thenâ?¦)

This was a dangerous place. An Iron Shark and a Red Tiger lived here, and those are serious fighting chairs.

At some stage, the raging battle for stuporforous supremacy was interrupted by a refreshments breakâ?¦

We asked this gent whether his name came from the sound of a body hitting the wrong end of the stunt ramp, or from some other strange endeavours in the nightâ?¦. But Kaboef wasnâ??t saying... :mwink:

Two rather pleasant gentlemen â?? Herms and Gorra.

Edgy thinking some dark thoughts about this XT660R..?

Had my camera been drinking? It was all a bit of a blur, really..

A right motley crew scoffing biscuits and coffee on Sarraday morrring! (shudder)

Warming upâ?¦ there was more than enough wood to burn. Sorry about the carbon footprint and all thatâ?¦

Some going this way, some going that way, some just going nowhere at all.

Watty, Mrs and Mr KT-Emmer, Trailrider and GoGirl. (KT-Emmer would like a pen pal to PM withâ?¦  :biggrin:)

Regretfully, my surveillance equipment failed me, and the rest of the Bash will be covered no doubt by others. Suffice to say, that I thoroughly enjoyed the banter and camaraderie of all our visitors and locals and look forward to the next gathering.
The more i see the pics from the bash the more i admire all that attended..... it really looked cold.
Ja wat Carnivore that was a dangerous place... I am still haveing a hard time remembering some of the action...  ;D
Ayayayayayayayay - it looks like a great jol, but seriusly koud....we have to do more of these in summer conditions - really!!!!!
Hey Carnivore

It was great to meet you(again). Really enjoyed you company, hope to do a little trippy with
you in the future,

Get well soon!!!!
Carnivore also so good to meet you too ;)

Looks like you have shared that Flu ???

Lekka pics.... :)

Grt to meet Herms and Gorra ;D

hey Gorra suprise surprise........ ??? ::)

Watty again a SUPA COOL weekend :ricky:
Hey Vleisvreter
Guess wat... Dont need a pen pal anymore :biggrin:
Made some friend @ the bash :3some:... They even sed they'll PM me. So now I dont have to PM myself anymore. :mwink:
Who knows... One of these days I may even get X-mas cards from people other than myself  :deal:
Cool report my China :thumleft:
KT-emmer707 said:
Hey Vleisvreter
Guess wat... Dont need a pen pal anymore :biggrin:
Made some friend @ the bash :3some:... They even sed they'll PM me. So now I dont have to PM myself anymore. :mwink:
Who knows... One of these days I may even get X-mas cards from people other than myself  :deal:
Cool report my China :thumleft:

Hey 707 here be nog a "hello" just cause you sound so sad....  :imaposer: :imaposer:

Now have a good day...
Iron Shark said:
KT-emmer707 said:
Hey Vleisvreter
Guess wat... Dont need a pen pal anymore :biggrin:
Made some friend @ the bash :3some:... They even sed they'll PM me. So now I dont have to PM myself anymore. :mwink:
Who knows... One of these days I may even get X-mas cards from people other than myself  :deal:
Cool report my China :thumleft:

Hey 707 here be nog a "hello" just cause you sound so sad....  :imaposer: :imaposer:

Now have a good day...
Dankie Shark
Dis darrem lekker om goeie maatjies soos jy te he.
Hoop ons kan een of ander tyd  ride saam doen. :ricky: