EC Bash 2012 - My Side of It

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Global Moderator
Jan 16, 2010
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Port Elizabeth
This was the first line I posted when earlier in the year I took over the organization of the EC Bash from UncleAl :

              “Watty touched many of our lives in different ways. Let's continue the EC BASH as a celebration of his life.”

There’s no doubt that this past weekend’s Bash was in many ways a huge success. Much has already been said about it and we appreciate your  kind words.

Without all of those  attending the Bash though, it could not have been such a success. The  extent  thereof is  testimony to our good memories of Watty, to whom we have tributed the EC Bash. 

Not only this one, but all the future Bashes, which I may be allowed to organize, will be a celebration of his life.

Though still on a high, and despite  all the nice things that have been said, I still had an empty feeling about it. I had never received  the  familie’s blessing  to continue the Bash as a tribute to Watty’s memory(… and in his name). That was important to me.

Early in the year I had spoken to Carli, Watty’s daughter, and meant to go meet and talk to them. Life interfered and to my shame I did not make the effort. Last night I met Denise, Watty’s wife, and Carli, his daughter( Miss Wattty here on the forum ). Some may remember Thomas , Carli’s friend, from the weekend, so they all know of the Bash already and how it went.

What a beautiful family !

We had a long and most pleasant visit, sharing fond memories of a Special Dog. Denise now understands why I am involved in the Bash and is pleased with the aims I have for continuing to organize it. She further wished to thank the Dogs for showing such tribute to Watty,… by attending the Bash and enjoying it, as he would have wanted. I have taken the liberty of inviting her to post a message under Carli’s  profile on the Group RR, as she would like to do.

Now I feel  comfortable with organizing the EC Bash and we hope to continue doing so with the same passion Watty had for the Wilddogs.
It would not be fair to single out anyone of those who helped and supported me with the organization of the Bash and I’ll go through events in Chronological order.

I jumped into the deep end and had no idea what to do. I begged UncleAl to assist me but due to other commitments he did not have the time. Mush of the preliminary work had been done and his assistance setting me off, futher using Watty’s model of last years Bash, got me on track.

Next I needed someone to back me up and make sure I had everything covered. Eddy(Beagle Boy’s) help was invaluable.  It’s  comforting to know that there are such selfless people as him and Jackie, always ready and prepared to step up when needed.

Maintaining the Plan a Ride thread was a massive job. Without being asked, Snafu stepped in, and when I could not keep up to date with the posts, helped me manage it.

His Forum name should have been Nutjob and not NemoDakar. No introduction is needed. We did the recce ride together and he sorted and paid for the tent we used. When I got up on Sunday morning, the tent was already broken down and packed. This is what one needs for a thing like this. You say the word, forget about it and know the job will get done well.

Louis Horn sorted the music and dragged his tjom, Deon(4Fun) into it to help with transport and be available for recovery. Thanks Deon for bringing the tents. It was a big job.

I invited my best friend Innis(the baardbek who won the cooler box) along for the weekend to be my lackey and hardly saw him again, but he did have a whale of a time with the Dogs and provided some moral support when Nemo tried his best to take our heads off when knocking in the tent poles.

My wonderful wife, Lyn, who also helped with registration, had to put up with a lot of nonsense from me over the past months and did so with quiet reserve.

At the last minute Skipskop and Naomie stepped up and assisted with the transport of the First Aid ladies.

There were other Dogs who offered assistance as time went by and who were not needed this time around, Big Dom, Slowpoke, Captain Slow and others I can’t remember now. Thanks to you… next time you get a chance to step into the limelight.

I have again spoken to Chris and Tanya, as well as Marissa, and conveyed our appreciation for the weekend to them and their assistants. Although we paid for the services, they all went way beyond what was expected to ensure a great weekend for us all.

This is one of the reasons we are going back to Doornkloof. It worked.

Lastly , for now, I thank all the Dogs who were there. You guys were great. We had no incidents that required intervention, lots went for rides and we had no serious mishaps. The people of Doornkloof, who only know what they hear of the behaviour at rallies, were amazed about how we conducted ourselves, and that’s why we have been invited back.

You all did the Wilddogs proud.
Glenink was the first Dog to put his name on the list and immediately took on the job of organizing the sponsors. With his enthusiasm I knew I had no worries. When he sadly passed away I had serious concernerns. Prizes are a fun part of a Bash and very necessary.

Schaun(Tiger8) then “volunteered” to take care of it, and what an outstanding  job he did.

Here again is the last list I received (apologies if it is not complete. I’ll fix it if necessary)

1.  LanceSA:-------------------------2 Cases of Wine
2.  Schlowy Customs:--------------HID Kit & LED Light set           
3.  Horsepower: Hennie Lowe---Entry Fee to the CABC  R895.00
4.  Alan Lewis Motorcycles--------Flip Face Helmet
5.  Ouman ---------------------------Donation  R2 000.00
6.  Jules ------------------------------Fuji Camera and 5x 25 Prints Vouchers, Bash stickers
7.  Michnus---------------------------Jika Stove; Raincoat coating; Anti Fog wipes
8.  Speedyquip: Jerome------------Voucher – R200 
9.  Crackling: Harry @ Bike Gear--Multi-purpose 3 pc tank/tail bag
10.  World of Quads-----------------Product Hamper 
11.  Automotorcycles: Brenton----Product Hamper
12.  BOER-----------------------------Stealth Tent
13.  ChrisL----------------------------Enduristan Drybag
14.  Swanniebraai (Willie)---------1x Swannie Braai; en goeie afslag vir die wat een wil koop – net vir die BASH
15.  Dixon Batteries(Waman)-----2x R500 gift vouchers
16.  Midas (Melvman)---------------¼” Socket set and an Air-compressor
17.  Tony’s Appliances (Murphy)—Queen bed Bed Mattress
18.  Ironman SA - Keith Bowler----R 4 550.00 (Hamburgers and R1 000.00 cash lucky draw)
19.  Bearing Man Group-------------Caps and Chain Lubes
20.  XLR8-------------------------------?
22.  BMW Continental PE-----------hampers
23.  HentieWOA-----------------------R250.00 Voucher
24.  Langkloof Liquorland
25.  PowerBand Motorcycles Despatch------- ZEUS ZS-905D mx helmet. Waarde R800
                                                                          The Final Account

When I worked out the entry fee I added R10.00 for contingincies and, if all went according to plan, I would be left with about R1 000.00 surplus. At the time I had already decided what I would do with it.

I'm a lawyer, not an accountent, but this is how it went. Along the line Marissa gave me a futher R10.00 per head discount on the main meal(would you believe that  :eek7: ) and the Goodie worked out R6.00 per unit cheaper than budget. I now had R26.00 spare, and with further cash donations received, I could give you the food tickets and the R1 000.00 cash draw. We were close to the Bash by now and my bookkeeping system, with members over paying on entries, cancellations, one nighters etc, went for a complete ball of shit. I knew I would have a surplus, but would have no idea by then how much, untill all the accounts were paid.

All is settled and the book looks like this :

Total Receipts------------------------------R58 152.00
Total Costs----------------------------------54 584.00
Surplus-------------------------------------R 3 568.00

The actual surplus is R3 262.00. Somehow R306.00 got lost in translation.

This was slightly more than was expected. I have discussed with the cash sponsors, as well as Watty's family, what my intentions with the money is and they are satisfied. Some suggested, and their apparently has been such usage in the past, to donate it to charity, in this particular case a cancer association.

I rather believe that kindness starts at home and a portion will go to a Dog that may have good use for it. I made that decision allready and will update you when the payment is made. I'm not sure yet what I will do with the balance, and first want to discuss it with my co-conspiriters, but my idea is to put it away for next years Bash.

The final breakdown then looks like this :

Cost of Bash----------------------------------------------------Covered
Profit to me-----------------------------------------------------R Nil
Cost to me in time , effort and stress--------------------------Incalculable

Reward to me for seeing the Dogs have a good Bash------- Priceless

                                                                                SEE YOU NEXT YEAR
That then was my Bash and I had a lot of fun  getting us there.


                                                                    ROLL ON DOORNKLOOF 2013.
Jis ou Jup, ek het al vir jou gesê wat ek wou, maar ek wil net by voeg " Jy's ie kakie" .  :thumleft:

En wanneer jy die volgende een begin beplan, BEL MY.
Ek's nou net deur Carrots herrinner... van julle sal weet dat hy Wille Hondjies gereël en verkoop het om geld in te samel vir Skippie(Moereloos) en het hy ook een geskenk vir die Hond wat die verste(meeste) gery het na die Bash toe.

Dit was natuurlik Hondsekierie, wat ook die eerste was om sy entry te betaal, en nog steeds kerjakker oppad Vrystaat Bash toe.
jupiter said:
Ek's nou net deur Carrots herrinner... van julle sal weet dat hy Wille Hondjies gereël en verkoop het om geld in te samel vir Skippie(Moereloos) en het hy ook een geskenk vir die Hond wat die verste(meeste) gery het na die Bash toe.

Dit was natuurlik Hondsekierie, wat ook die eerste was om sy entry te betaal, en nog steeds kerjakker oppad Vrystaat Bash toe.

Shot.....sal sommer vir hom die naweek op die FS Bash gee!  :thumleft:
Juppie, van my kant af ook net baie dankie! Dit was 'n experience wat ek nie sal vergeet nie! Dra ook my dank oor aan al die wat jou begestaan het met die reelings - ek weet dit was nie sonder frustrasies nie en dit moes baie van jou tyd geverg het het!

As ek die lewe hou sal ek volgende jaar weer daar wees en jy kan my maar klaar op die sponsorlys sit! Ek sal met iets bydra!

Weereens, baie dankie en "job well done"!
Jup, it was a great bash, my first one....

A msg from Knucklhead jnr...: tell that uncle he can organise a lekka party, tell him i want something like the bash for my 18th B day in September !! :imaposer:

on a serious note to all dogs, i was a little hesitant in bringing my laaitjie (17yrs) to the bash, thinking of past rallies i had been on...i was astounded at the real great behaviour..yes the odd vloekwoord came out, but more often than not the oke that said something "ugly" apologised  to him and warned him not to say ugly words otherwise they would bliksem him :laughing4: ....

great..we'll both be back, him on my ol 650 as the 125 is no longer good enuff anymore and me on something newer!!
jupiter said:
This was the first line I posted when earlier in the year I took over the organization of the EC Bash from UncleAl :

               “Watty touched many of our lives in different ways. Let's continue the EC BASH as a celebration of his life.”

There’s no doubt that this past weekend’s Bash was in many ways a huge success. Much has already been said about it and we appreciate your  kind words.

Without all of those  attending the Bash though, it could not have been such a success. The  extent  thereof is  testimony to our good memories of Watty, to whom we have tributed the EC Bash. 

Not only this one, but all the future Bashes, which I may be allowed to organize, will be a celebration of his life.

Though still on a high, and despite  all the nice things that have been said, I still had an empty feeling about it. I had never received  the  familie’s blessing  to continue the Bash as a tribute to Watty’s memory(… and in his name). That was important to me.

Early in the year I had spoken to Carli, Watty’s daughter, and meant to go meet and talk to them. Life interfered and to my shame I did not make the effort. Last night I met Denise, Watty’s wife, and Carli, his daughter( Miss Wattty here on the forum ). Some may remember Thomas , Carli’s friend, from the weekend, so they all know of the Bash already and how it went.

What a beautiful family !

We had a long and most pleasant visit, sharing fond memories of a Special Dog. Denise now understands why I am involved in the Bash and is pleased with the aims I have for continuing to organize it. She further wished to thank the Dogs for showing such tribute to Watty,… by attending the Bash and enjoying it, as he would have wanted. I have taken the liberty of inviting her to post a message under Carli’s  profile on the Group RR, as she would like to do.

Now I feel   comfortable with organizing the EC Bash and we hope to continue doing so with the same passion Watty had for the Wilddogs.

WELL DONE!!! Lots of good feedback from everyone
Well done Jupiter. And you are welcome to do the same again next year.
Knucklhead said:
..., tell him i want something like the bash for my 18th B day in September !! :imaposer:

great..we'll both be back, him on my ol 650 as the 125 is no longer good enuff anymore and me on something newer!!

National Bash, end of September  :deal:

Crab said:
Well done Jupiter. And you are welcome to do the same again next year.

Keep an eye on Plan a Ride  :biggrin:

BikeAlanPE said:
WELL DONE!!! Lots of good feedback from everyone

And thank you Sir for supporting the Bash. Maybe we see you there next year ?  :ricky:

Go make your mark for 2013