Laurika, waar's daai mooi foto samestellings wat jy altyd doen ?
Smidty said:
ek is juis besig met ene....vat bietjie tyd...sal hom later opsit. :thumleft:jupiter said:Laurika, waar's daai mooi foto samestellings wat jy altyd doen ?
MURPHY said:Hey Jup , all the first time skaapkop eaters surely owe you or difflock some rands for the delicious skaapkope that you so skillfully prepared for us . They weren't as disgusting as i thought they would be , in fact the eyes were the best and then the tongue [ maybe all the hol licking for past year ]. The brains , not so sure - i can taste why they are such dumb things . :imaposer:
Must say mine was somme moer lekker! :biggrin:MURPHY said:Good one Jup - thanks a lot for the opportunity to join you guys with the skaapkope , i think a lot of people were disgusted but a few actually picked and stole bits and pieces [ vultures i think you called them ] . Myself and CarloD really did enjoy them but maybe not quite as much as Stoetie.ccasion14:
ja! once is enough. all that just for a t-shirt!!!jupiter said:MURPHY said:Hey Jup , all the first time skaapkop eaters surely owe you or difflock some rands for the delicious skaapkope that you so skillfully prepared for us . They weren't as disgusting as i thought they would be , in fact the eyes were the best and then the tongue [ maybe all the hol licking for past year ]. The brains , not so sure - i can taste why they are such dumb things . :imaposer:
Mmmm ? Forgot about that :eek7: I think DirtyXT wants a refund :imaposer: We'll sort it out one day :thumleft: Just glad you enjoyed it.
moet nou fotos bymekaar maak vir die artikel in die Bikers lifestyle....enige iemand wat cool ry fotos het...stuur asb aan na my toe asb? synde dat ek versuim het om te neem....please mail me any cool riding pics for an article on the bash for the Bikers Lifestyle please....much appreciated...I cant just post food pics... :imaposer:jupiter said:Dankie vir die moeite met die fotos Laurika. Baie smart :thumleft: