Fighting at Eendekuil FUNduro

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Pack Dog
Feb 3, 2011
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AJS (all models)
These 2 guys having a go at each other at the Start of the FUNduro this weekend
I am glad you said FUNduro, it was suppose to be fun!!, I was also there, one of the guys involved is a mate of mine (blue shirt on the ktm, we call him 'Dunbeen Tarzan' now you can see why), this thing is a long time coming, guys with quads push and hitting other bikes to get infront and the same with 2 wheelers, they think it is a race! not a funduro. Do not get me wrong, we also like riding hard, but do it with out desturbing the other people that is there to have fun. There is small kids on these runs as well and it is always for me so nice to see them riding and learning bikes at very young age and the enviroment and 90% of the people are 100% for this. Some of the guys said that they are not going to a event again if this is the way the guys operate.

Or maybe it is the long fight between the quads and 2 wheelers! :biggrin:

I enjoyed and had great fun :thumleft:
Dit lyk my hulle is baie "quad" vir mekaar...

Rule number one of funduro fight club... Never remove your helmet first...

Ek like hoe die kwat ryer op die ander ou se rug probeer klim... Hy kan seker nie bike ry nie en was te skaam om te vra vir 'n lift... :pot:
:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: Gees that was funny  :imaposer:

Yep, it's the quad vs bike thing again, they were pissing me off no end on Sat as well.
You catch the okes and they refuse to let you past, then they try go faster and faster to keep you behind them, thinking they're moerse legend mean time you're coasting behind them just waiting for the opportunity to pass  ::)

This can be avoided by letting the quads go after the bikes, like they do at regional offroads, there'd by way less dust for the bikers to contend with as well.

I chose not to let it get to me though, it is afterall a fun ride  :thumleft:

That is classic clip!

I was there and really enjoyed the ride, but I was stewing a bit in the beginning of the ride with guys coming passed me and almost roosting you as they go passed!  :eek7:

And then a few meters further round a bend they stop to wait for mates and then come screaming passed again later on.  I think it must be  a 'guy' thing!!  :mad:  
and I am talking about 2-wheelers here - only one guy on a quad came passed and had to do wheelie as he passed!

One dude came  passed me  (2-wheeler) caused a huge amount of dust, so I just back off to wait for dust to clear - he went screaming passed and then there was a sharp right turn and a gate blocking the way straight ahead - well he nearly went straight over the gate and I came up to the turn and sedately turned right passed him - he was a bit sheepish  :-[ when he passed me the second time!

tortoise and hare scenario!

Do guys just not get it that it would be polite to pass at a slower speed to create less dust and then speed up when further passed the person.  ???
It is dangerous to overtake at speed - after all it is a FUN ride! with lots of kids and novice riders around.  :xxbah:

Most of these rides are organised for quads so I don't think 2 wheels should go first but you could just drop back for awhile and practice balance rather than speed?  :biggrin:
I feel under pressure when I have someone riding up my tailpipe but also feel if I start towards the back of the field the fast guys should have moved themselves to the front or got there earlier!
We had some slower children on quads ahead and just gave them some space, then you get some other 2-wheelers rushing passed - can they not just give the kids some space to do the technical single track part and then pass a bit later - it is such a long route and it is not a timed event.  ::)

my rant for the day
Buff said:
:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: Gees that was funny  :imaposer:

Yep, it's the quad vs bike thing again, they were pissing me off no end on Sat as well.
You catch the okes and they refuse to let you past, then they try go faster and faster to keep you behind them, thinking they're moerse legend mean time you're coasting behind them just waiting for the opportunity to pass  ::)

This can be avoided by letting the quads go after the bikes, like they do at regional offroads, there'd by way less dust for the bikers to contend with as well.

I chose not to let it get to me though, it is afterall a fun ride  :thumleft:

The Quads vs 2 wheeler debates will always happen.

Good suggestion is to have them separated or not even on the same route.
I don't mind if the quads go 1st either, just seperate them by 30mins and most of the problems will be over. It's actually better if they go first because then they sweep the route for us  ;)
Jou opskrif oordryf n bietjie :mwink:
Die ouens het net ge-quarrel van fight was daar geen sprake nie
Ai dit was 'n bietjie underwhelming!!! 

Was ook daar.  Great event, maar die quads en 2 wheelers saam werk net nie.  Te veel ouens wie se ego in die regterhand sit of wat net totaal unaware is van wat om hulle gebeur.  Ek ondersteun die voorstel dat hulle op verskillende tye wegtrek!

Die roete was baie goed gemerk, veral ook die hazards.  'n Quad ryer het na die tyd opgemerk dat die hazards nie goed genoeg gemerk was nie.  Ek het maar net sit en wonder of hy nie dalk te vinnig gery het in die eerste plek nie!!!

My riding buddy is ongelukkig raakgery deur 'n quad en dit lyk of hy vir 'n jaar nie weer op 'n bike sal kan klim nie.  Die ou op die quad het baie sleg gevoel, maar die skade is gedoen. 
The quick riders just need to start at the front - not bothered if it is mixed with quads and 2 wheelers - what is a problem is that the slower riders dont keep a predictable line  - I dont see what the issue is between quads and 2 wheelers - both have their issues and advantages - and thats what makes it interesting
bliksem ouens! I didn't even know of this. Being a biker I tried to challenge the bikes, so the quad guys would really have struggled  ;) The first 30 odd at the fuel were bikes. Next year the bikes goes first then quads and then novice with a shorter, easier track. We had at least 2 incidents where quads went into bikes.
Please dont separate the quads and bikes - rather separate the classes , that would make more sense
Ons was ook daar!! Dit was DJEEEERLIK!!!  Bietjie stof gevreet agter 'n kwat of twee, die "kompetisie"(!) langs een verloor in 'n draai toe hy my verbydwing, maar toe gaat ons maar weer! Volgende naweek maak ons maar weer net so.... Hiiieee haa!!!
Murdock said:
Please dont separate the quads and bikes - rather separate the classes , that would make more sense

We can separate the classes but I don't know everyone's skill level. To ask won't work ether because everyone is a much worse rider than what he thinks. Gee raad manne.
CalMax said:
Murdock said:
Please dont separate the quads and bikes - rather separate the classes , that would make more sense

We can separate the classes but I don't know everyone's skill level. To ask won't work ether because everyone is a much worse rider than what he thinks. Gee raad manne.

It's simple, separate them  :thumleft: It works at the regionals and the nationals so why won't it work here?
The faster bikes will still catch the slower quads but that's not so much of a problem because the skilled guys will blow past them without much hassle.
If we had different start times then that could work as well - the fast guys go off first and then a gap of say 30 minutes or so for the next class - that would seperate them with enough gap to keep the piece - and then we can do 2 laps intead of 1 - that would be great