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Mark Hardy

Grey Hound
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
This fork in the road will play an important role in my ride,
it was a 50/50 choice made at speed that lead me on an interesting
ride and a complete change of plans.


The plan was to ride to Sibaya Lake to take some photos of whatever birds I saw,
just an excuse to ride. I wanted to get to St Lucia early hoping to get some
photos of Hippos and Croc’s. Got there by 8am, tar all the way, everything and
everyone still waking up, got to love small towns. Rode through town down to
the estuary to find the flatdogs and hippos.

Jetty with warning, this looks like a good start to the day.


But nothing to be seen.


Went a little further down the estuary and hit the jackpot.
Hippos 20m from the bank. All having a good morning natter with
some farts and burps to add spice to the morning get together.




And there was a Croc or two, just chilling out in the early sun, watching the birds, fisherman and hippos. What a life.



Took a walk along this wooden walk way but the day was starting to warm up and there was riding still to do.



Followed a road to the main beach and instead found a Hobbits Hill, well it looks like that to me.



Now it was time to go find some dirt, I had seen a dirt road on a map that follows a railway line. First I need to get to a place called Nyalazi River. So back on to the tar and off to find the gravel. Along the way saw this beauty taking a walk.


Once on the gravel I was looking forward to the rest of the ride to Sibaya Lake. But first I had to get to the town of Hluhluwe to fill up and have breakfast. This was all waiting just 40km away.

A bridge crossing, excellent opportunity for a smoke break and to take some snaps shots.
I had not worn my airflow jacket as rain had been predicted for the afternoon so I had worn my normal/winter jacket. But again this day would throw me a curve ball. It was starting too really warm up now and a nice little sweat was starting.


The railway bridge


an attempt at a artsifartsi pic  ;)


The road ahead, today promises to be a gooood day


more to follow
And then after 20kms or so I can upon The Fork, I see the main gravel road going to the right and so I follow it.


Maingravel road  ;)



All was good; speed was comfortable, new sights and sounds, new places to see. I was having a wonderful mornings ride.
Slowly but surely the main gravel road started getting less of a main road. Gravel was becoming rutted and the road smaller. After about 10kms I came to this.


Ok it had been raining a couple of days ago so some mud and maybe some water was expected.
No problem and I carry on. Now the gravel rd is becoming tracks with more mud. Ok this is interesting and I am having fun. I now know that I have taken a wrong turn or something somewhere, but I am heading in the general direction of Hluhluwe so let’s carry on.

Some pics of the tracks after the Main Gravel Road fizzled out



Ruts were sometimes deep...ish  >:D



now the area was very flat......the flatlands  :biggrin:



ok there was one or two small climbs


About 15km later, after some exhilarating 2 spoor riding, I came to a locked gate.


I could see that I was at a Game Lodge or some place but could not see anyone to call. By now the temp is right up and it felt like I am in a sauna, and seeing as this was as far as I could go, time to turn back and find out where I went wrong.
Once back on the main gravel road after another session of fun, I stop a local and ask for directions. He tells me at the big fork in the road I should have gone left and not right. Then it was another 20kms to Hluhluwe. It was now midday and I was hungry, the bike thirsty and both of us were damn hot. Lunch in Hluhluwe was on the cards….ja right.

On the left road to Hluhluwe,


After filling the bike up I started looking for some where to fill myself up. Now this was a lot harder than I thought. I knew that Lake Sibaya would have to wait for another day, as I still had away to go and I don’t function well when I have an empty stomach. Now the FEED ME mission started. I had seen sign boards advertising game lodges and riverside lodges on the way to Sodwana Bay and so I went in search of a decent meal with beer. Followed the tar road out of town and took the turn off to what promised to be an excellent gravel road past the game farms to the Hluhluwe Riverside lodge. 20 odd km of this…


and this was waiting  :biggrin:


hey Mark, Great ride
Thanks for posting :thumleft:

I was really getting very impressed with your photographic ability...
And then you stick a KTM in the Hobbit hill pic??
Eish :peepwall:
Stopped at the lodge and asked if they serviced lunched and cold beer…..Welcome was the reply. Yay FOOD and BEER.

Gavin, the owner, bought the first much need liquid refreshment and stayed for a chat. Really nice chap and bike friendly. Was very interested in the whole DS riding thing and said that all is welcome at the lodge to camp or stay in one of the chalets.

View from the lounge area


The first beer didn’t last long, ordered the second one with a salad. Damn that was a fine meal.



While I’m eating I looked over a flat grass land below that somehow looks familiar. I ask Gavin if there is a gate at the bottom of the lodge that would led out the flatlands. Yes just 200m from where I am sitting on the balcony is a gate, that takes you down a small hill and out into the floodplains, and he did hear a bike there this morning. Well that was me……my little detour had taken me to within 200m of where I was having lunch. That just brought another smile to my face.

I was riding down on those flatlands


I had now written off the day, after another beer I would head back to Empangeni (home) by some gravel and tar.

The road home……



same pic just diffirent angle  :D


And so my first ride out this way was a success for me. I may have not got to where I wanted but plans are not made in stone, and when solo riding you can do and go where you like. It has been awhile since I spent the day riding by myself and have missed that freedom. The day was GOOoooooOOOooD.

That was Fridays ride done, now I had a fun enduro to do on Sunday in Melmoth.

pics and report too follow.....well crash report  ;) >:D
Thump said:
I was really getting very impressed with your photographic ability...
And then you stick a KTM in the Hobbit hill pic??

:thumleft: I also thought it looked better with the Bike in frame  :imaposer:
Sunday - Fun Enduro  :biggrin: :ricky:

Man was that hard work on a 950 but also the most fun and exciting riding I have done in a very long time. I didn’t take many pics of the riding, was having way to much fun to stop for pics. My nephew was leading me on a YZ 250, he travelled at a lot slower speed than he would normally ride, but still set a decent pace. All the other riders thought I was mad but if I stayed on the quad course and not try the advanced 2 wheel route I should be fine.
The track was very tight for a 950, Melmoth is situated in an area that has not flat bits, and it reminds me of the areas in the valley of a thousand hills. You are either going up or down, through cane fields, pine forests and indigenous forests. It was very slippery in places and some of the hill climbs……maybe another day with better tyres. Heidi’s have 0% traction in mud and steep clay like hills.

On one of the many many 90 degree switch backs, I lost the front wheel under power and went straight off the track, laying down on my left hand side and off the edge……..slid straight down the near vertical bank about 3m’s. All this time I am still in the seated position, hanging on and thinking, can I still save this….no, is this going to hurt…maybe, when will I ever come to a stop….will I ever come to a stop, what will the stop be like….and then.
The bikes hit a small tree that stops it’s downward slid but then highsides  it’s self and me. So now I am detached from the bike, flying through the air, I have time to look around and there are just bushes and small tress below me that are also coming up to meet me. I landed a further 3m down the bank grabing on what lever foliage to stop me sliding further down. After a quick body check that reveled no pain or broke bits I looked up to see where the bike was. Right above my head and stopped by the little tree. Now what? I climbed back up the bank and waited for the first bike to come along to ask for help. Luckily not just one bike came around but a whole group. It was decided that with enough manpower we could flip the bike back up right and then drag, carry the bike back up to the road. It took 9 of us to do that. All the time they are laughing and ragging me…..but all was in good fun.

The Lefthand corner I lost it on


My Bike the wrong way down... ;D



Some of the other riders who helped pull and push and carry the bike out


Back on the track again, you can see where I went down and the back up the bank  :biggrin:


Once back up the road, said my thanks and off I went to finish the rest of the course. It was only 40km long but took about 1.5 hours to do. After about 30 km my nephew and I swopped bike. He for the first time on a 950 and I had the little YZ 250. Now that bike was fun to ride on the course. Perfect machine for the area. I’ll reserve what he said about the 950, actually his only bitch was about the tyres and weight.

One of the mud holes at the bottom of the valleys


Hallo  :D


So came to the end of a perfect weekend, good solo riding in new and exciting areas, my first FUN enduro all with a scary crash that myself and the bike walked way from without any damage being done.

Sometimes it’s good to take the wrong fork in a road….you learn lots that way.

What more can you ask for…..well maybe another weekend riding soon would be a start.

Nice Mark. only checkd the pictures so far, will read the story tomorrow. Cant wait the get the whole story  :thumleft:

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