Free State Noob Dirt Training - Interested?

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Race Dog
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Suzuki DL 650 V-Strom
I want to hear if there is a would be enough interest for a training day in th FRee State , for noob DS/riders. 

The logic ( if any) behind this is, that there seems to be very little "formal" training opportunities in the Free State.

Formal training schools/venues/opportunities that I know of:
(Correct me  or ad to the list if you want to)

The the two  main training areas  for Country Trax. (basically for BMW riders or seemingly mostly )  seems to be Mpumalanga and Western Cape (Worcester and Uniondale areas). Seems only once a  year at Moolmans hoek in the  Free State.

Mountain  King or King's Mountain  gravel training school ( not certain of the name ) in the North  (had a contact number a year ago)

Honda Adventure Training have once or twice a year some training in the Free State and much more in the the other areas.

Can we have an indication of whom in the Free State (other provinces not neccessarily excluded) will be interested in such a training day?

If there is a fair amount of noobs interested,  we can begin organising for such an opportunity.

P.S.  The annual bash will not be the place  for that IMHO.

