From Ashes to ashes.....and then some bliss!!!!!

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Ek wet julle IDR brand al om dit in ons gesigte te vryf maar hy is heeltemal te bedees daarvoor.

So ek sal dit maar sê: Die KLR was die enigste bike wat die hele trip lank nie op sy kant gaan lê het nie. Ek noem hom die groen mamba want hys giftig... Mits mens stadig ry...


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Ja verseker. IDR het al my gevra of ek nie NOG iets te skryf het oor die trip nie.
Nee wat, mens hoef nie eers te skimp met julle ouens hier rond nie...

Die highway gedeeltes was kak.  Maar dit was net 2 dae uit die 7! ;D

Edit: btw Dwerg, pis cool foto - mail bietjie vir my die original assamblief?
Day 5: Home (365 km)

Today was the last day of the trip.

We were up early in Clarens, not really keen for the day ahead - especially myself on the KLR.  Not a huge distance, but most of it through the mind-numbing Free State.

Really took it easy though, took our time in getting clean, packing and getting going.  Stopped to fill up the tanks and set off on the way home.

Vida and I had come down this route as well previously, and I pulled in to the Lesotho Highlands Water Project's Ash river outfall, to show the other two.  It's a pretty impressive feat of engineering!

We also stopped for lunch / breakfast in the same spot in Reitz that Vida and I stopped at, now under new management.  If you're ever in the area and hungry, stop over at The Willows Bed and Breakfast's restaurant (S27.80024 E28.43090).  R 40 for a cheese burger and chips the likes I have never seen before - R 15 for a take-away burger!! :eek:

Villiers for petrol for the last stretch home, where I arranged a quick stop for a beer in Johannesburg with my old man.  He works in the biking industry, so I'm normally not too nervous about what he might think about my biker buddies, but with these two vagabonds you never know ;D

Was great though, lekker kak gepraat!

And then Barcelona's for the last stop and final goodbyes.



It was an epic trip, thanks to all who made it what it was!

Fluit fluit...
cocky, it might look that way, but I guarantee you it's not.  Beer stops are just great photo opportunities ;D

I can't count a single day where we had more than 2 beers on the road throughout the day.
IDR said:
cocky, it might look that way, but I guarantee you it's not.  Beer stops are just great photo opportunities ;D

I can't count a single day where we had more than 2 beers on the road throughout the day.

Yip, en die groot lewer skade was op die bash gedoen. Genoeg om mens die res van die trip te laat broos voel  :patch: :patch:
Huis toe is nooit lekker nie.....maar dit moet een of ander tyd gedoen word.


Opsaal en tyd vir mielies gooi.......


Pampoene op die dak





Soos IDR gese het die plek waar ons brekka gehap het is uit en uit die moeite werd




Toe het ons vir IDR se Toppie ontmoet in Jozi


En toe vir die tradisionele stop by Barca om die trip mee af te sluit...


Agv van ons trippie wat eintlik eers begin het na die Bash.......het ek nie rerig op daai fred iets gepost nie....maar ek wil vir almal wat betrokke was en met die reelings gehelp het net se........bleddie goeie werk mense. Dit was regtig uit die boonste rakke en ek het dit baie geniet.

Vir my mede trawante.......dit was een groot jol van die begin af. Geen issues, moeilikheid, ernstige valle en selfs 'n pap wiel nie.....met julle toer ek enige tyd weer sonder om 2 keer te dink. Julle het dit een van my beste vakansies en trip nog ooit gemaak en ek is julle innig dankbaar vir dit.  :thumleft:
Carrots said:
Vir my mede trawante.......dit was een groot jol van die begin af. Geen issues, moeilikheid, ernstige valle en selfs 'n pap wiel nie.....met julle toer ek enige tyd weer sonder om 2 keer te dink. Julle het dit een van my beste vakansies en trip nog ooit gemaak en ek is julle innig dankbaar vir dit.  :thumleft:

Verseker thanks almal!  :thumleft:

Ps, ek het gister vir vroutjie na die Ash river outfall toe geval en daar was nie 'n druppel water nie  ??? ???
Ag julle kan nie nou ophou nie , het die fred baie geniet. Was sad and happy and entertaining. :thumleft:

Eers was dit baie sad , veral om weer Glen se video te kyk. Was ook sad om met Smuggy te chat by die bash , hy lyk so baie soos Glen en hy was so sad. Mooi afskeid wat jy gereel het vir Glen ,Carrots.  En seker dit het baie beteken vir sy ma dat jy haar gereeld gebel het en weer gaan sien het.  :thumleft:

But yes very enjoyable report , I enjoyed the input from the different people ,and the many photos and details. Looks like a lekker route and adventure . And yes IDR's KLR is the bizness . Agree , I couldn't believe how easy the KLR is to ride , it's almost like cheating.  :biggrin:

Lekker guys  :thumleft: :thumleft:
Dankie Rynet  :thumleft:

Ek mis Lesotho erg  :'(


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From Ashes to Bashes. ....

Nice report  :thumleft:
The bash from my perspective

I know I am two weeks late (sorry Wortel)

I travelled down with Carrots and IDR, and they have described this sufficiently. To me the bash really started on Friday when we hit the road to the venue. Here are some pics, the last one really impressed me as those rocks look like giant dice that have rolled into the valley.




The bash was great, it was a very nice venue and they even offered chalets for the ladies (some of the ladies looked like men, but I guess that was just an illusion as men would have been camping).  Friday night was nice gentle party and we woke up Saturday to the lovely sound on rain on canvass. I spent Saturday taking it easy and catching up with friends not seen for a while.

I woke up 2:00 on Sunday morning when a garden gnome fell on my tent while answering the call of nature and realized that it had gone all chilly. This was confirmed the next morning when one of the chalet ladies named Jules confirmed that she had to set the electric blanket to a higher setting to get comfortable.

A farmer (must be a farmer with a shirt mentioning ploughing) with a funny hat and a water pistol filled with evil kept things going till late Saturday and then was very late to rise and get ready to leave Sunday. When we did eventually leave he managed to make a wrong turn right away and we only met up with him again in Bethlehem at the lodge where we stayed Sunday night.

Here is my pic of the group, note the snow still on the mountains

The trip back was uneventful but fast which fairly destroyed a Karoo rear on Monday morning on a 300 km stretch of tar road.

As can be expected Xena performed flawlessly although she was a little lazy in starting in the cold on Sunday morning.

All in all a great bash, thanks Carrots and IDR for the trip down and thanks Cocky, Dominee and Ploegskaar for the trip back.

Saw that KLE500 sold in forsales, and having a few cold ones with Smuggy last Friday, reminded me of the passing of Glen, 2/2/11.

He's a constant reminder to me what it is TO LIVE.
jupiter said:
Saw that KLE500 sold in forsales, and having a few cold ones with Smuggy last Friday, reminded me of the passing of Glen, 2/2/11.

He's a constant reminder to me what it is TO LIVE.

That wasn't Glens bike, I still have it and it's not for sale..
Smuggy said:
jupiter said:
Saw that KLE500 sold in forsales, and having a few cold ones with Smuggy last Friday, reminded me of the passing of Glen, 2/2/11.

He's a constant reminder to me what it is TO LIVE.

That wasn't Glens bike, I still have it and it's not for sale..

NO, I know that  :thumleft: