Day 5: Home (365 km)
Today was the last day of the trip.
We were up early in Clarens, not really keen for the day ahead - especially myself on the KLR. Not a huge distance, but most of it through the mind-numbing Free State.
Really took it easy though, took our time in getting clean, packing and getting going. Stopped to fill up the tanks and set off on the way home.
Vida and I had come down this route as well previously, and I pulled in to the Lesotho Highlands Water Project's Ash river outfall, to show the other two. It's a pretty impressive feat of engineering!
We also stopped for lunch / breakfast in the same spot in Reitz that Vida and I stopped at, now under new management. If you're ever in the area and hungry, stop over at The Willows Bed and Breakfast's restaurant (S27.80024 E28.43090). R 40 for a cheese burger and chips the likes I have never seen before - R 15 for a take-away burger!!
Villiers for petrol for the last stretch home, where I arranged a quick stop for a beer in Johannesburg with my old man. He works in the biking industry, so I'm normally not too nervous about what he might think about my biker buddies, but with these two vagabonds you never know ;D
Was great though, lekker kak gepraat!
And then Barcelona's for the last stop and final goodbyes.
It was an epic trip, thanks to all who made it what it was!
Fluit fluit...