GAGSC 2008 ... my experience

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Thank you all for your kind words ... my leg is bloody sore today ;) ... pimpel en pers soos my ouma sou gesê het.

Hierdie shot is vir almal wat bereid is om hulle oë toe te maak en te droom ...


Anything is possible ...
Great report Colyn,  and well done for not giving up where most of us would have under the same circumstances.

Really nice to learn a bit about you too. Hopefully someday we will get the chance to sit under a cool tree next to some tents parked on green grass, drinking cold beers and swapping mining stories, while admiring our bikes after a trip through some nice dirt.
Lekker RR en fouties. Ek was bly en dankbaar die weer was koel gewees , anders het ons almal afgetjop. Nr 99
Thank you for the comments ... the leg is much better ... still sore in the joints but most of the swelling is now gone.
Well today I swopped the crutches for a walking stick ;) ... here is one of my moments on the road ...
