Gravel Travel [Video RR / Documentary]

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i just lovvveeeee this type of films. i bought a dvd from Michiel some time ago and i watch it a lottttt! i wich we can have more of this stuff....
But I hate vimeo. Progress bar says its all loaded but then it still buffers every noe and then? And when you move the time slider it starts downloading from scratch...
Glad you enjoyed them!

Everything worked out okay in the end. I had to go back to Thaba-Tseka in Lesotho two more times after this trip to get everything resolved, but it's behind me now.

If I make a 4th episode it will probably only be a short one. I've probably only got enough footage to edit together about 10min of story, before all I'm really doing is padding.

I've also got a copy of Michiel's DVD. Also good fun. I love seeing riding and film making coming together :)

Yeah, vimeo is a bit of a pain. I don't think vimeo (or youtube for that matter) properly take into consideration third world connectivity. I had to upload that video about 4 times, as each time it would get about 75% of the way there and then the internet connection would reset.