Greyhound annual Lesotho trip 2011 (new route)

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Looks distinctly Biblical TJ!?  :D  I think I was indicating using the index finger.  :laughing4:


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There were certainly a few evenings of 'revelry' at the bar at the Trading Post, Ramabanta (also at times referred to as Ram-a-Bantu) which resulted in some many marriage proposals to the barmaid (Leon), Explicit Porno Scrabble (Edgy and Zoe), and also some adjustment to the fenestration (windows) ... by Spikey AKA Pogo. Also the one evening there were many Springbokkie shots circulated and 'speeches' made ... TJ was crowned Honourable Grahamstown Greyhounds Ride Kaptein with a Basuto hat for his dome  :biggrin:


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Ian in Great Brak River said:
Wow, what a trip, great to see the Dude on the STen had no hassles keeping up with the lighter bikes, gives me great confidence indeed.

Thanks for sharing.


Ja the Tenere did well all things considered but you should see its bashplate  :eek:  Oh and the dude can ride. Mind it was also throwing rear spokes and leaking fork oil ... sounds like pretty common problems along with the rear drive shaft seal!
I had some trials going up Old Mill Rd including a nail thru my double thick rear tube - thanks a mill TJ for all the help. And then I caught my right foot between a rock and the foot peg resulting in this:



and then a bit later I was having some issues standing while negotiating the rocks which resulted in a fall with my left foot trapped under the bike and a sprained ankle.


I must say the GG's were awesome and helped me out in some of the sections thereafter ( and one before it must be said). Awesome bunch of guys.
LSA - I have the title for your memoires: Between a Rock and a Hard Place  :biggrin:
On an unrelated side note,last year we saw this Lammergeier/Bearded Vulture in a small cage alongside the road outside a village on the Mohale road, when we stopped to investigate the poor bird was still there! Gary is involved with this sort of thing and sent the co-ordinates to EWT who say the will rescue it this week! :thumleft:


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BiG DoM said:
LSA - I have the title for your memoires: Between a Rock and a Hard Place   :biggrin:

:laughing4: :laughing4:  :laughing4:
Could be the story of my life......
Noooo Fark Guys are you MAL ???

A little tooo much Adventure for my Adventure forsure !!!

Respect well done to all.... :thumleft:

:thumleft: :thumleft: Great adventure riding and pics guys, well done !!!

This face looks quite familiar:  ::) :peepwall:


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Buks said:
:thumleft: :thumleft: Great adventure riding and pics guys, well done !!!

This face looks quite familiar:   ::) :peepwall:

Difference is there was no tow-strap pulling us through Bastervoetpad! (this is not of our trip but one of GI's previous excursions) Conditions similar though.  :3some:
LanceSA said:
BiG DoM said:
LSA - I have the title for your memoires: Between a Rock and a Hard Place   :biggrin:

:laughing4: :laughing4:  :laughing4:
Could be the story of my life......

Hey it is all down hill from here  :biggrin:


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BiG DoM said:
Buks said:
:thumleft: :thumleft: Great adventure riding and pics guys, well done !!!

This face looks quite familiar:   ::) :peepwall:

Difference is there was no tow-strap pulling us through Bastervoetpad! (this is not of our trip but one of GI's previous excursions) Conditions similar though.  :3some:

Yes, I know, I was part of that ''previous excursion'' - RR on page 2 by yours truly!