Grizz & Dozer's Ride South Africa, Ride Report Complete. YouTube Videos.....

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RIGHT.......  Here are some basic rooollzzz.

I will be repeating myself in places.

Some of the photos will make no sense.

Please add all your comments and observations.... THAT INCLUDES LURKERS LIKE "MAAK HOM DRONK"

I will try to keep to the truth, but nothing is what it seems.



You all read the pre-report and the small updates, so should be up to date.

I flew out of London Heathrow after Jon "Lebowski"  seen below, dropped me off at the airport.


We had stayed awake through the night and left my place at 02.15 to get to Heathrow for the 04.30 check in

Business Class Lounge was rather nice at 05.00.

Then onto the KLM flight from Heathrow to Amsterdam Schipol Airport for a quick change onto the rather large intercontinental plane that would be taking me to Cape Town and the start of this ride.

The staff on the first leg were Exeptionally good, Thank You KLM.

Then the mid morning boarding of the Amsterdam-Cape Town flight.

BLOODY HELL...... Chairs the size of Rugby fields.

Then our staff came into view and a typical Grizz prayer was answered.....

My side of the plane was crewed by a 6 foot, blue eyed, pretty, always smiling and INTELLIGENT Dutch girl.

I was happy.

Nothing like a crew you can speak to , old, young, male or female (Our first leg was crewed by two Very nice guys and as much a pleasure)

I was sat next to an early retired construction company owner whose son was now managing the company.

.................................... He proceeded to get quite and quietly pissed next to me and after dinner promptly went to sleep for the rest of the flight.  I did not sleep at all, rather watched movies.

Dinner/Lunch was great..... no..... extremely good.


I was so enjoying my Lunch and also my Brandy and Coke that I forgot to take a photo of the main course......

However, the one lady who tended the other side of the plane came around with a mindblowing array of deserts and asked what I would like??

"SURPRISE ME"   I replied, as she was as Intelligent and nice as our goddess.

So she surprised me with a selection.

While we were somewhere over the Sahara, I asked our goddess if she could ask the captain for a photo through the door and front windscreens of the plane..... "Of course, that is a good idea for your Ride report"she replied. (I had told her about the ride and about the Wilddogs community so the was on side.

Everything else went exceedingly well on the flight and when we landed in Cape Town the goddess came over and thanked me for introducing her to Rodrigues , "Searching for Sugarman" was an in flight movie...... I also watched "Django - Unchained" on the flight and enjoyed Tarrantino's latest offering.

I was picked up by Eugene and my brother at the airport and went through to Paarl, getting to bed on my mattress in the lounge by just after midnight.

Thanks to Goose, the mattress in the lounge became my standard sleeping place in every place we stayed over, as Deon, my brother kept reminding people I was a threat to their sleep.

More later.
Grizz, was that an A340?

And those snacks in the c/pit?


  • cockpit.jpg
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EssBee said:
Grizz, was that an A340?

And those snacks in the c/pit?

Only the best, but you wouldnt understand.

Grizz, was that a snow storm you flew through, I cant see squat ?
Dirty Boy said:
EssBee said:
Grizz, was that an A340?

And those snacks in the c/pit?

Only the best, but you wouldnt understand.

Grizz, was that a snow storm you flew through, I cant see diddley squat ?

This is Dutch Airlines...... So snacks and a bit of recreational smoking to get us high is all permitted.

Not snow.... Sand, over the Sahara.
........... soooooooooo you tell me you've posted pics... so I get coffee and sit down to enjoy...........  :eek7:  FFS...................4 pics and farkall story..............  WHAT'S UP DUDE?????

:peepwall: :pot:

Goose said:
........... soooooooooo you tell me you've posted pics... so I get coffee and sit down to enjoy...........  :eek7:  FFS...................4 pics and farkall story..............  WHAT'S UP DUDE?????

:peepwall: :pot:


Well, that was day one.

Wait till you see what I have done to the garage.

I have daylight jobs and evening jobs.

It took me 36 hrs of broken time to get the pics uploaded between sloooow internet speed, doing online security check admin and my PC shutting down randomly.

Be back tonight.
spoedvark said:
Is that the "Dutch Airhostess" in your avatar pic??????

Thai LadyBoy in the back of a real ambulance in 5pm traffic in Bangkok in 2005......... But thats another long story  :lol8:
grizz said:
spoedvark said:
Is that the "Dutch Airhostess" in your avatar pic??????

Thai LadyBoy in the back of a real ambulance in 5pm traffic in Bangkok in 2005......... But thats another long story  :lol8:

I hope she didn't get an erection...
Back to the story.

After a late night, preceded by very little sleep, I woke up "early" by 07.00 and had a shower, coffee and then some fresh naartjies from Eugene's tree in his garden.
After which I went downstairs to the workshop to look at the changes that had happened since the last time I had been here more than 10 years ago.

Mabille Engineering is a General Engineering shop in Jan Van Riebeek Avenue in Paarl, and will pretty much make you whatever you ask. Eugene is a bit of an entrepreneur and will find and sell you anything you need. He also makes BMW Airhead header nut spanners etc.

A new access road and loads more machines and tools.

I also found Deon checking to see he had all he needed on his bike.

A man who knows how to travel, his one pannier was filled with story books, tools and a tow rope...... he is a prolific reader and also a contingency man, always ready to "make a plan"

Shortly after breakfast, some chit chat etc, we were off to collect The Whale in Rondebosch from Maverick's mate Piet who had given it a once over between doing his day job, running a family and completing a submission for his thesis.

Two fat/big blokes on a bike...... no idea why they say GS's are big ??

I was not looking forward to being Deon's or for that matter, anyone else's pillion, but it turned out to be a perfect opportunity to take photos and look around, to see just how the Western cape, and specifically the Peninsula region had developed since I moved away about 16 years ago.

My My Deon..... look how shiny your helmet is.....  >:D

Made it to Rondebosh to Piet's offices without any mishap to collect The Whale.

First impressions.....

After saying our Hallo's and Good Bye's to Piet, we were off to the Victoria and Albert Waterfront in Cape Town to meet GOOSE......

We would have a coffee and then  get over to LEAF SUSHI for a lunch organized by Goose with a bunch of Cape Town Wild Dogs and then go to his place to set up the radios on the bikes so that Dozer and I could chat and enhance the trip further. 5000km on the road can get pretty boring an lonely when you have nobody to talk to.

The two of us together..... Table Mountain behind us.


The T-Shirt was a birthday present from my Daughter, one that Goose immediately laid claim to.

I have to say than you to Goose for organising, and to all the Cape Dogs for attending, a great afternoons eating ensued, with all op us eating Sushi until we could no more....Bargain at under R120.00 per person, which is about  £8.70 or   $13.50

I think it was the first highlight of many for Deon on this trip.

I have to admit that I do not remember most of the names, but hopefully you guys, girls will comment and make yourselves known, or Goose who is always meticulous with this sort of thing can add to the list the attendees.

I was given various gifts along the way by people and was really humbled by it all.








Last Man Standing ?? (Or paying the bill)


After lunch and all the good byes and looking at various bikes we decamped to Peter's place up on the base of Table Mountain.....

I will not expose it, as Peter (Goose) can do that himself.

However, the last time I was there, it was a building site and he and Jenny his eternally tolerant wife were living quite rough.
Nothing could have prepared me for the house he had single handedly built.....

I will however leave you with a view, the house is worthy and possibly exceeds the view..... yes it is awesomely nice, with two large rental flats below, and with every unit having its own privacy, a shared swimming pool with viws and a large BBQ/Braai area, Goose has really laid a Golden egg here on the land his grandfather had bought a very long time ago.

The view is from the roof where the plumbing links, ducting and access are all ready for another rather large house/floor to be added when time, money, politics allow.

Downstairs in his garages Goose was also quick to offer one of his custom laser cut multi-point power outlets with a large 12v socket to fit to Dozers bike so that we could use the SatNav that I had brought with from the UK. Peter had uploaded all the South African maps last year and over the ride I think Deon first hated the thing, until he learned to to override any commands that sounded like bullshit..... I will leave it to him to comment on his experience of the SatNav unit.
What I can say is tha by the time we got back to Dunnottar, he had decided to, and did fit a double 12volt outlet to  custome made plate for his 1150GS.

After fitting the radio comms etc and a quick test, Deon and I fell into the 5pm Cape Traffic, managing to "get lost" and drive through the centre of Cape Town

When I was given the bike to ride by Piet, and also previously being informed by Maverick that the bike had a tendency to idle a bit high at 2000-2500 rpm when hot, I was surprised when on the way back to the Paarl after the day out, the idling would run up to 3000rpm when stood in traffic at lights etc.... easy solution was to switch off the engine, but it was not good enough.

So we rode home to Paarl and decided that rather than spend the Friday, as Day 3 riding to Cape Point and some other points of interest, we would give the bike a quick going over...... this proved to be very interesting.

So far the Ride was proving to be a good one....... it had not yet turned into an adventure, which is what Maverick had warned me happen when things start to go wrong  :biggrin:

More on Day 3 when I get in to write it up.

Now off to the garage to paint an do some other bits n bobs.
LouisXander said:
Ja nee kyk, Goose se plek gee jou goosebumps!

:laughing4:  thanks boet - much appreciated.....
EssBee said:
grizz said:
spoedvark said:
Is that the "Dutch Airhostess" in your avatar pic??????

Thai LadyBoy in the back of a real ambulance in 5pm traffic in Bangkok in 2005......... But thats another long story  :lol8:

I hope she didn't get an erection...

For Grizz and her part i hope they BOTH got an erection!!!!!! :spitcoffee:
woody1 said:
Ek geniet hom.  Wag in spanning vir die res.

11.06 in SA, so meeste van julle slaap seker al.

So on to Day 3 of this little adventure.

The plan had been to go for a ride and see some stuff, including my old house in Glencairn which was my first house. I had designed it and then had the shell built and did all the finishing inside by myself.

But with the idling up at 3000rpm, something needed to be done, so Eugene contacted Stefan who had worked for him before in the shop.
Stefan is only 21 but seems to have a natural affinity for these airhead motors.

In typical South African style, he came around in Shorts and barefooted, something that Eugene and his son Marcel has always done too.

Dozer was in there like a shot.

Basic diagnostics started with things like the throttle cables etc.....

In the mean time I asked Eugene if I could buy or use some material to make a simple carrier to stop the soft pannier bags I got from Millard in the New Forest last year, from burning on the exhaust or getting into the wheels.

Flat bar and 5mm rod, cut, bent, welded together along with 4 allen head screws and grippers, assured it all stayed together.

Stefan the mechanic with one of his Rovers. He changes engines in an afternoon when others like me struggle all day to change the plugs.

So the bike stripping back continued as the problems could not be identified

Early on the much in the carburetors jets was obvious as this pic illustrated.....

Various options were tried, carbs balanced etc.

At lunchtime, Marcel popped out to the shops, dressed like this.


Test rides etc all made he day go by rather quickly.

Nothing seemed to arrest the bikes mad idling.

The engine was dismantled further and further, showing itself up as quite a Frankenstein.

Fiat Uno Distributor, VW CDI units..... Followed late afternoon by the addition of a Suzuki coil to run the top spark plugs.

Next up was a full dismantle of the whole electrical system, showing many connectors being very corroded, so that allowed Deon and Stefan to use loads of Q20/WD40 as they proceeded to clean and inspect every connector.

Deon and Stefan at it, Deon with his eternal fag hanging from his mouth.

The cleaning and testing went on and on, eventually it was 4.30pm and Stefan would not take money from me for the day spent with the bike, until I threatened to "Moer" him, when he said R300.00 would be good. That is about £21.00 or $32.60, which still seemed like very little to pay for a job done.

The Next day was Saturday and we would be off early to meet Goose for a joined ride up to Hermanus........ Of curse that was still more shit to develop.

Hope there are still some people interested in the photos and story.

Off to bed now, Bootfair in the morning.

BLIKSEM BLIKSEM BLIKSEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just managed to delete the whole of day 4 report as I was about to post it.....NO, I do not know what happened.


And it was a long story for this who like to read.