Groot Marico Weekend 12,13,14 Sept 08

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And my contribution:
Took the bike to BMW this morning.Right hand fork seal replaced under warranty.Bike was ready at one and I went to pick it up.
Thanks Bavarian for cleaning the Stofkoei after this weekends dirt. :thumleft:


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Hi all, I battled to log-in as spacedout?!? I therefore created a new handle. I would like to say thank you for a great weekend at GM!! My wife loves the diamond :) Thx
Promised to post some nice and special photo's.
But first......our "ride report"?! ???
We left Hoopstad just after 11hoo Friday morning and headed to Groot Marico via Bloemhof, Wolmaranstad, Ottosdal, Lichtenburg, Zeerust and Groot Marico. We arrived at Groot Marico just after 2h30 and decided we are hungry so we'll first stop at Marico memoirs where we had a late lunch.
When we got to the site there were some tents already up and guys kuiering heavy. We got to meet Tiger and friends.
Some interesting events followed.......
I think the pics will be selfexplanatory.....or what?
We left you dogs on Sunday at the crocfarm to head to Rustenburg where we had lunch. Left our long lost friends at 15h30 to head home via Ventersdorp, Potch, Klerksdorp, Wolmaranstad and Makwassie. Arrived home just after 19h00. Tired but happy with kiddies longing for mom and dad. A chocolate cake was baked and waiting for us. Special hey?
Enjoy the pics and we're waiting for the next bash. Ride safe and enjoy every moment!


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  • Tiger's KTM being pushed.jpg
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Some more....shame Tigger, oops sorry Tiger! Is you Kom Tou My ok now?


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Saturday - Eish! What a day!!


  • Early morning chat-Silver Luna, Just biking, Jay and HabaHaba.jpg
    Early morning chat-Silver Luna, Just biking, Jay and HabaHaba.jpg
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  • Saturday morning and this KTM still doesn't want to play.jpg
    Saturday morning and this KTM still doesn't want to play.jpg
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Sherbet.  Maar julle ouens  laat my drool vir die ryery. Kon nog nie al die bladsye oop maak nie - konneksie bietjie stadig.
Milkybar en Hubby, like julle! Hoop om op 'n slag saam te bash!
Flippet julle oukies lyk vreeslik lkr man hoop almal is veilig en heel by die huis


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    Some nervous bikers getting on to go view the Eye.jpg
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  • A diver down under- is it not awesome.jpg
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  • Travel gravel & Silver Luna demonstration pillionriding offroad.jpg
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Thanks everyone what a jol.Was nice to put names to faces what a bunch
Malgat;malibu and everyone that contributed to the weekend thanks Malgat
that gravy :thumleft:
Hi Milkybar

The KTM gave me a big kick up the ..rse for leaving its lights on thanks, and so did the other KTM dogs.

Should I say thanx for posting the pics...................aaaaaah ja thanx

Made a lot of good friends through my stupidity.  Great people these WD's :thumleft:

Thanx everything is sorted out and believe me I will be taking pics of the first BM with a flat battery hie hie hie :biggrin:

Ag don't worry Tiger,

All us KTM & Beemer okes will still ride with you see.  :ricky:
Even if we have to KomTowMy every now and then.

Anyway, you are such a cute BEN die beer........mmmmmm
LOL @ Tiger
On the way home - everytime we stopped
all of us riding with him asked



Is jy seker

Wag laat ek gaan kyk... Ja
