Happy memories of wasted (?) youth.......

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This  wasn't really a trip as such, just an eventful ride my brother and I did in the mountains behind Uitenhage a good few years ago.
He was on his old Kawasaki and I was riding a XL 250 with a steel tank. Anyway, we were blasting along merrily on old jeep tracks and service roads, having the kind of fun that only a biker can know, when my bike sputtered to a halt. It turned out to be rust from the tank had blocked the carb, but not having the tools to repair, we needed to make a plan. By that time, we were just outside Rosedale, a township bordering the 'Hage. With all due respect to the residents, being stuck in a Township on a Friday evening is not my idea of good fun! Towing seemed to be the only answer. No way could we leave the bike there. What to use for a rope became the burning question. There was no fences anywhere to steal wire from, and I thought we really were stuffed when my brother had a brainwave.
'Take off your pants, boet.'
'What?? Are you mad?'
'Do you want to sit here all night? Take off your pants and use them as a tow rope!'

The trip home in the failing light was pretty uneventful. However, my brother realised that he had me completely at his mercy. No ways was he stopping when he got to the edge of town! Through the streets he rode, me trailing along behind in my underpants, shouting for him to have compassion. We got home in one piece,  but I will never forget the look on the faces of my father's dinner guests when two lighties came roaring into the front yard, one of them in his jocks, looking very sorry for himself!

Not at all. I built an air scoop to cool my FS1 50's head. It looked crazy but we thought it was cool. Rode to Rustenburg from Sandton like that....until it went pear shaped ;D
Tied round a fork tube on my bike and a rear carrier on his. A bit offcentre, but options were limited!
Now, I can relate to Uitenhage as I grew up in PE.
We always had the jokes about the boyjies from Despatch being "klip-gooiers" and their cousins who live in Uitenhage. Some of the greatest people I have know come out of Uitenhage, like my Grand-Dad.  :thumleft:

So what has this got to do with your ride report. I guess nothing at all.  ::)

So, in case you did not know, a ride report, without photo's, is not a ride report.

We know that you in underpants, will be a sight for sore-eyes, but what the hell, let's all just laugh it off together. Get your Boet and stage a flash back and take the photo and post it anyway.  :imaposer:
:laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:

WTF????!!!!!!!  :imaposer: My os! What have I let myself in for now!

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