Have Airhead, will travel ...

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The next morning I was up early to witness the sunrise on the beach.



Funny black rock formations.

There are a lot of beautiful beaches along the Wild Coast and this is one of them.

When I come back to the campsite the monkeys have taken over the place. I got rid of some Rusks that I carried in my little cooler bag strapped at the end of my luggage. It got penetrated from the exhaust fumes and tasted like shit. No problems for these guys they don’t know what they usually taste like.

Other shy game is also coming out of the woods to enjoy the morning sun.


Only on the Wild Coast the trees are growing sideways.

After I packed my bike I went for a quick look around the corner to the next beach outside Dwesa.



These houses are almost like smallholdings. Enough space for everyone.

At Cat’s Pass.





The holiday resort Haven is inside the Dwesa Reserve. With nice little houses, swimming pool  and a full bar!


Then I explore some smaller roads on my way to Coffee Bay.



No cars have ever been on this track and it is getting even narrower. I did not go all the way to the river because I was afraid that I can’t turn my bike around on the steep final drop.


These young fishermen I found hard at work in the Xorana river.

An ideal place to do some washing and to hang out.

The 4 ladies greeted me friendly on the bridge.

More nice roads on route to Coffee Bay.



I love these little bays and beaches.

And this is my favorite spot. You can overlook two nice beaches.

They come in all colors.

A little break on a small beach close to Coffee Bay.  I wasn’t alone for long. A couple of guys did surround me in no time and wanted to know everything. I did the friendly banter for a while but then I felt the urge to dig some sand with my knobblies. I almost lost my front wheel in the loose sand. I am sure the bystanders would have loved to witness a little circus act. Hard tires and luggage can spoil the fun quite quickly.

Then comes the mandatory Hole in the Wall picture. It is a lot more beautiful than I did remember from my last trip with my 4x4.


And finally I meet the other 10 airheads to join them on the way back to Kei Mouth.

Baie mooi fotos en lekker trip :thumleft:
Hou van die "look" van jou bike.

I don’t know what to expect from a group ride, I usually ride on my own.
First thing I notice, it does take quite long before all the guys are ready to roll. It is rather late before we head off but that should not be a problem. It is only about 250km to Kei Mouth depending which route we take. The majority wants to see the Whole in the Wall so we go there as it is just around the corner.

The Chairman is doing his Whole in the Wall dance.


And I finally got a pic from myself to prove that I have been there. Hi Mom.

We don’t waste much time and roll on. Apparently I should lead the group as I did a similar route the day before. No problem I say, but I soon realize that the route I was taking the day before will not suit us today, because I went down to the beach a couple of times. I also realize that the memory of my GPS is running low and as a result my previous tracks are getting deleted. Luckily I bought a very detailed map from the Wild Coast at Haven the day before.
Off we go and I soon realize what it means to lead a group of various DS riders. It takes time to regroup as the riders are spread out over a couple of km. There are different bikes, riding styles and last but not least the oldest rider is well over 70 – respect goes to Ulli our Airhead Oupa. Me being an Oupa myself but of course a much younger one  ;)

Regrouping of the airheads becomes a ritual. I start to count the bikes like I would be leading my own kids home




My newly purchased paper map is quite detailed, the only problem, my Garmin GPS is only loaded with the standard street maps and it does not show the smaller roads. I often can only guess where we are. On my GPS I am in nowhere land most of the time.
Of course I miss a couple of turn offs and soon feel like a fool. One turn off I miss by 10km and we have to head back. I am sure a few riders gave me a dirty look for that mistake. Luckily I can’t see it under their helmets.

After a rather longish lunch brake in Willowvale, at a busy petrol station, we are on our last stretch to Kei Mouth.
My bike runs like the clappers and often I have to wait for the other riders – it must be the brilliant suspension of mine  :lol8:

About 20 km before we reach the little ferry my bike starts to behave quite unpredictable on the rather ruff dirt road. It’s almost that someone is kicking against my saddle and wants me off the bike, similar to a donkey ride I guess.
I stop a couple of times and check my rear tyre but that can’t be the reason. Then I check the rebound adjustment of my shock and try to crank  it up. No difference at all. It is getting worse rather all the time. Then I compress my rear and the bike jumps straight up. I know what that means; my shock has pissed out all the oil which is responsible for the non existing rebound.
The next 20 km it feels like I am riding on a camel or something. I can’t keep my rear tyre on the road and like a completely drunk rider I bounce my way to the ferry. We are quite far from home and I start to think how the hell I could ride my bike home for the remaining 1.200km like that.

On the ferry all the bikes squeeze in, no one stays behind. After all my duty for the day is done, we are at Kei Mouth.


The last 10km to the camp are also quite interesting. Downhill it is even worse; my bike wants to kick me off all the time. I remain seated but only with difficulties.


The sign of the camp looks promising.

The camp is off the beaten track directly at the river and is quite tranquil. Well done Chairman.


I make camp and head straight to the bar. I am looking forward to meet old and new airhead friends  :eek:ccasion14:
After all it has taken me 2.300km to get here.
---------------------To all GKG participants. Please feel free to add some of your pictures from the gathering and your trip. I am sure there is a shit load of nice pictures around. Gooi in ...

Thanks DH for starting the RR thread, hoping that some of the other reprobates will post their pics too. Here are a few of mine more or less
arranged from beginning of trip to end.

At first I rode up from Crestview to meet up with the guys in Underberg.
1. My wannabe GS - still clean at this stage
2. The thorn amongst the roses


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3. First snack break
4. IanB's immaculate GS
5,6&7 Coffee Bay, we got there a bit later as Riaan was running a flat tire on the front and Bruce was on pomping duties with his nifty compressor.


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8. The obligatory exchange of gps coordinates the next morning
9-13 At Hole in the Wall, It was the first time I'd been to this part of the Transkei, pity we couldnt spend more time there.


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14. A bit further on we were waiting for the others to catch up - and waited
15&16 This was the reason we waited - The forkspring retainer bolt had popped from Riaans bike, covering machine and rider in a spray of 5WT oil. The missing bits and pieces were found though and all was well.
17&18 - The Ferry at the Kei - almost there.


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