Hiway to Steytlerville....... 2nd part added!!

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Hmmmmm something in this nice message so I won't chirp too much!

Sorry I didn't come along guys, need to fix a problem with my back tyre  :'(
Man it looks like you okes had a good time!

Slowpoke how the hydies?
Guys as i said earlier.... i'm really looking forward to the 800....

The little 650 is really not coping well with Captain Slow in Hooligan mode.....

I noticed this morning that i lost almost 2mm off my rear Anakee from the ride on Saturday :eek: :eek:

No wonder Slowpoke says i left black marks on the rocks as i go over them... :ricky:
Nice Cappie  :thumleft:

Awesome country we have to ride, eh  :biggrin:
Cappie,  thanks for the report. I mailed you my pics so the next post could be the "other view".

Some remarks on the ride. Going with CS as ride partner was a good experience. Slowpoke and Captain Slow going nowhere Slowly... We kept the speed down. Our moving average from Kabega to just after river crossing was 53 kmh. This is actually way more than I expected. There were quite a few "moments" I had. All of them on very steep downhill inclines with thick layers of round loose rocks. It was like trying to balance, slow down and not moer off all at once while riding on big marbles. In the end I followed two peoples advice, CS and Paulsky. CS says stand on the pegs and Paulsky says if you fall it might as well be in style so give it throttle. The combination worked well enough although it was poepol knyp time when I did it. hehe.

The Heidie's. Before anyone reads too much in my opinion: I am a novice off road and do not profess to be a skilled rider. I pulled the Anakees off the bike on Sat morning and put the Heidies on. (thanks Alan Lewis for helping on very short notice) First impression was that on cornering I was falling off the world. Completely different feeling. It is almost as if there is a soft moment when you lean into a corner and then the Heidies bite. That tends to make you turn wide initially. Used to the feeling now and actually enjoy it more - almost like I can "lock" into a turn. On the gravel, sand an loose crap that has given me a permanent cramp in my hole on the anakees... I was flabbergasted at the amount of control I suddenly had with the Heidies. WOW.

Cornering on gravel felt almost like tar and sandy patches did not make me change my shorts. As you can see from my embarrasing water crossing photo I still prefer going slow but where I felt like it the Heidies gave me a lot of confidence to rip it a bit. On the long straight (30 odd km) with the humps that launched cappy at just over 120kmh, I got some speed tests in. Highest speed for the day (for me at least) was here. 128kmh on the GPS - +- 140 on the speedo. Could not get air time though. That was the best section of the entire ride. Also the section where a meerkat also met the Heidies at about 120 klicks. Did not stop to check but I think it is now twins.

Spent half of Sunday stripping and cleaning the bike - all the while with a funny grin on my portrait. This had many reasons. The open nature, the lekka tires, the slowly poking tortoises, or even the waitress in the "Royal Hotel" who grinned wide when I showed her my extra length sausage... Next time the Fuglies can come too...

Helluva ride, Thanks CS.

Cool feedback Slowpoke.... i'll update the report tonight with your photos :thumleft:
:thumleft: Lekker route ... been along that track quite a few times.  A few more images to describe the beauty of this area more ....



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Malibu said:
Sweet ride you two!   :thumleft:

CS, wait till you try the Heidies on the 800...

Oooooeee ja!!!

Its gonna be some tire shredding, knobbly braking, stone trowing fun :ricky:
Nice RR Slow2, ons was ook 'n ruk terug daardeur, het my malle dinges af gesweet by daai pas af na die water crossing. Daai laaang grond paaie met die elegante speed wobbles is nogals lekker vir die high speed sprong of twee.
nice...looks like they fixed this rode a bit since I took this pic


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