I came off, I ejected, another one join the broken bone list...

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Hell, Boet, that elbow mutht be damn thor, hey?


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I was looking again at the helmet and thinking what a good invention that is, I think I came of at around 45 - 60 kmh, now without the helmet what would have happened, If I did not have the right equipment I could have been in bad shape just show what we need to do our sport safely, I will never tell somebody he is a woosy for putting on all this equipment,
DeonDj said:
JourneyMan said:
Eish! take it easy and heal well. 8)

Just a question. Do you always ride in your Elvis suit? :headbang: :mrgreen:
hahahha JM good one, paisley and all did not help, feel much better tonight, and yes a fall you can walk away is good one :thumleft:

Absolutely! 8)

I think you have overtaken LS ito of pimp suit king.  :biggrin:
Carnivore said:
Hell, Boet, that elbow mutht be damn thor, hey?
Thor was'nt the word bwhahahah, I like Thor clothes from now on, damn Thor story, the damn Thor pain killer they injected in the butt is gone now, jikes the dam nurse rubbed my boud for a little bit too long for comfort, butt is little blue'ish, tonight and the dr that treated me is a 1200 driver, he just last week removed his pads from his touring jacket, i think tonight he is putting it back with speed >:D
JourneyMan said:
DeonDj said:
JourneyMan said:
Eish! take it easy and heal well. 8)

Just a question. Do you always ride in your Elvis suit? :headbang: :mrgreen:
hahahha JM good one, paisley and all did not help, feel much better tonight, and yes a fall you can walk away is good one :thumleft:

Absolutely! 8)

I think you have overtaken LS ito of pimp suit king.  :biggrin:
JM that suite is actually acording to my fellow buddies a once off made suit, the friendly pig farmer Tuli lend it to me and now it has a few extra holes >:D, he said last night when I collected it that the white will show the mud when I fall, now he has it back with holes, but yea I like the white pimp suit, maybe he can donate it to me ;D
I think you have earned it.  :deal: :biggrin:

Anyway. Good to have some banter after an off which could have had different, more serious consequences.  ;)
Bliksem you picked a hard and rocky spot to farm. Glad damage is not too serious and you can raise a joke or two.

As SGB and mates put it " Momentary lapse of talent" or something.

Take it easy and heal quick.
Hey Deon ou maat.

Just glad you were able to walk away from this one.
Hope the elbow, neck and ego heal soon!

Hell Deon dit kon erger gewees het !!!

Bly om te hoor dat jy darem nog n paar grappies oor die val kan maak :biggrin:

Ek hoop daai skouer word gou beter


Glad you are OK.  :thumleft:

Take it easy and enjoy the painkillers.
They say the only thing that helps for a injured elbow is drinking lots of beer.  :biggrin:
Thanks guys, I feel like a big momma has sat on me last night, I have pain where I thought I will never have pain, someone punched me in the short ribs, I think it is where the chest protector dug in when I excecuted my landing roll on my head and shoulder ;D, coughing is not very nice to do now hehehehe, ya well hot rub is the in thing now.
O0  Deon jy weet die varkboer se vrou het die paisley pajamapakkie met groot sorg vir hom uit gesoek.  Ek was nogal 'n groot hit op die dansbaan na 'n race in die pakkie. Lyk vir my sy dans dae is oor. Ek hoor daar was nog ' n casualty op die trip. Ek het net vir Hentie die oggend gese my WR 450 is 'n easy ride. Toe se hy vir my, 'n std 9 girl in Germiston se koshuis is 'n easy ride, ek moet vir my 'n ordentlike bike kry.  Kyk nou wat gebeur op BMW 450.
Hoop jy word gou gesond , sodat ons weer op grootmensmotorfietse kan ry.

Ai jai jai ou Deon.

Jammer om te hoor van jou off. Hoop die pyne is gou verby. Onthou net volgende keer, n racetrack is waar jy jaag en n grondpad is waar jy in jou rustigheid die mooi dinge in die natuur ervaar. Dis nie nodig om daar so kort op mekaar se gatte te ry nie  ;) >:D :pot: :ricky: Sien jou op die Scorpion (without scars  >:D)
Tulie said:
O0  Deon jy weet die varkboer se vrou het die paisley pajamapakkie met groot sorg vir hom uit gesoek.  Ek was nogal 'n groot hit op die dansbaan na 'n race in die pakkie. Lyk vir my sy dans dae is oor. Ek hoor daar was nog ' n casualty op die trip. Ek het net vir Hentie die oggend gese my WR 450 is 'n easy ride. Toe se hy vir my, 'n std 9 girl in Germiston se koshuis is 'n easy ride, ek moet vir my 'n ordentlike bike kry.  Kyk nou wat gebeur op BMW 450.
Hoop jy word gou gesond , sodat ons weer op grootmensmotorfietse kan ry.

Hahahaha ja Tuli daai pimp suit sal ek glo is 'n hit oppie dansbaan maar nie met my in hom nie, ja 'n easy ride, whahahaa is miskien 'n girl in Boksburg hostel, ja nee daai bikes sal ek maar eers uitlos, enige plastic 450 sover dit my aangaan, BMW, Honda of te not, ja ek het ook gehoor van die ander casualty, smaak my hy is redelik nerf af geval >:D
Ja nee Oom Fou-rie, nou's ek klaar met die goeters, sal my maar bepaal by my 800tjie, sy gaan nou redelik staan vir 'n paar weke, actually net tot die bash oor twee naweke ;D
Ai ou Deon . Daar word jou vrees toe bewaarheid . Bly jy het darem nie te seer gekry nie .
Jy moet maar skree as jy 'n lift soek bash toe ! :D

Iemand het gese : " You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience . The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck "

Nog een van my favourites : " Scars are tattoos with better stories "

Sonder sulke val-stories sal die kuier-om-die-vuur aande baie meer vervelig wees ! 8)