I went to Eswatini with a Sadist

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Effortless from Gert on the 890

approaches it cautiously and gets stuck on a root halfway up.

So the sadist got uprooted?!!! 😜
As we get ready to continue on our way, Mark’s 990 refuses to start. Fuel pump doesn’t come on. This starts a very frustrating process of fault finding until eventually the bike starts…. Only to refuse again after everyone has started off up the hill. The whole process starts again.

Eventually Mark sends the rest on their merry way as Bulembu post closes at 16:00 and the guys have far to travel to get back home.

I stay behind with Mark, we swop out batteries, relays and try a few more options but nothing works. Eventually I tow Mark the 10 odd km to Piggs Peak Hotel where he again tries in vain to get the 990 going. At 16:30 I leave Mark behind and head for Jeppe’s Reef, hoping to arrive home before dark.


I use the Kaalrug road to avoid having to ride all the way to Malelane before heading back to Nelspruit on N4.

It is a beautiful ride as the sun sets in the West

Mark stayed behind in Swaziland and his understanding wife collected him the next day.
Turns out it was a connection/wire inside fuel pump housing that was acting up, but all sorted and he joined us on a ride to Tonteldoos the next weekend.....

@Noneking hoe kry jy dit reg dat jou bike so skoon lyk in al die videos of het hy genoeg lae polish op dat stof hom niks kan doen nie?