Into Africa - DASKOP's 12000km drive

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Just some photos of the bar / restaurant area, staff, my breakfast, the hut and some views before I take a walk to the waterfall.


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Nog 'n OU man wat glo in Zambuk... :thumleft:
Wat kos daai plekke om in te bly per aand ?
woody1 said:
Nog 'n OU man wat glo in Zambuk... :thumleft:
Wat kos daai plekke om in te bly per aand ?

Zambuk is net die ding vir al daai rou of rowwe kolletjies.  ;D

Ek probeer om die invoice te vind, maar dit was, als ingesluit (verblyf, ete, drank), omtrent R300 vir die 1 aand.

Hier is hulle website.


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After breakfast, I take a walk to the waterfalls. I have one of the local villagers as my guide.

On the way there, I pass by the house of the owner of the lodge. It just fits into the surroundings.

This is an excerpt from their website:

Organic Gardens at Lukwe EcoCamp

Edible gardens, landscaped to produce a diversity of organic food stuffs year round, carefully designed to permaculture principles by caring for the earth and all living things.

The Lukwe Gardens provide training in and a living demonstration of a sustainable, crop producing eco system, through techniques such as water harvesting, soil building, integrated animal and land use management and permaculture design.

Needless to say we offer scrumptious food from our gardens at the lodge restaurant. Our organic home grown coffee, roasted on an open fire, ground in traditional hardwood mortar and pestle is for sale at the lodge, to take with you as a reminder of your stay.



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DASKOP said:
woody1 said:
Nog 'n OU man wat glo in Zambuk... :thumleft:
Wat kos daai plekke om in te bly per aand ?

Zambuk is net die ding vir al daai rou of rowwe kolletjies.  ;D

Ek probeer om die invoice te vind, maar dit was, als ingesluit (verblyf, ete, drank), omtrent R300 vir die 1 aand.

Hier is hulle website.

Dankie en as dit kan ook sommer ander lodges en blyplekke waar jy so lekker geslaap het.... die bucket list groei.  :ricky: :ricky:
My guide takes me walkabout to the falls. We pass through a village, very friendly people, along a gravel road, over a makeshift bridge, through some dense vegetation, alongside a river. The roar of the falls are getting louder.


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Manchewe Falls

The truly spectacular Manchewe and Kazichi Falls crash down the Rift Valley, with the highest single drop being over 80 meters. The waterfalls, surrounded by lush rainforest, can be viewed from Lukwe in all their magnificence.


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My guide takes me on a trail through the forest to a cave behind the waterfall.

There are several paths from Lukwe EcoCamp to the edge of the falls which gives a very good view of the rapids at their head. People hiding from slavers, over 100 years ago, used to flee to the caves behind the Kazichi Falls.

On our way back I once again see evidence of the Malawian women's obsession with sweeping. Even the road is swept.

Nice to see such a clean rural environment.

There is also an old abandoned restaurant.


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Wow! Dis 'n ordentlike RR die. Geniet die stories baie. Dis voorwaar wonderlike plekke om te besoek en mens moet dit doen as jy kan

Ek sien uit na die res
Got up to date.  This is a brilliant RR. I enjoy your writing style and your photos are excellent. I must get there sometime. When seeing all this, and bearing costs in mind, Malawi appears to leave Europe in the shade. Thanks for sharing this with us.
pietas said:
Wow! Dis 'n ordentlike RR die. Geniet die stories baie. Dis voorwaar wonderlike plekke om te besoek en mens moet dit doen as jy kan

Ek sien uit na die res

Daar is nog baie om te kom.

Dit is goed om te hoor dat die RR geniet word.

Rodlau said:
Got up to date.   This is a brilliant RR. I enjoy your writing style and your photos are excellent. I must get there sometime. When seeing all this, and bearing costs in mind, Malawi appears to leave Europe in the shade. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Thanks Rodlau.

Don't postpone too much, you might never get to it. I'm so grateful that I did the trip. It was absolutely worth it.

It is back to Lukwe Lodge.

The owner of the lodge is Oka (I hope I got this right) and he has put a lot of time, effort and consideration into the design and construction of the facilities. They are interesting, suit the surroundings and are also very neat and very clean.

In keeping with their eco-orientation, the ablutions are eco-friendly complete with instructions.

One dump, one scoop of ash and one scoop of soil. The toilets are also used on a rotation system to give the ash and soil time to aid the decomposition. No smells, so it works.

The showers are open around the top, so you get to feel a part of the surrounding vegetation.

Really very smart rustic designs.



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Time to get on my bike and go.

I did not look forward to the first section out, considering my sideways entry the day before. No incidents of unwanted meetings with terra firma and soon I am on the gravel road towards Rumphi.

It is only 10h40.

I cannot believe that I have only been there 1 day. It seems like much longer. The whole waterfall visit and walkabout was done this morning. Amazing what can be done and seen if you are up early enough.


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If you are ever in the area, (once you have moved your trip from the bucket list to the road)  :pot: and you see this sign,  :peepwall: go in. It is worth it.



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DASKOP said:
Just some photos of the bar / restaurant area, staff, my breakfast, the hut and some views before I take a walk to the waterfall.

Sjoe Daskop dit is waarlik n' lekker RR en geniet dit baie :ricky:
Casino said:
DASKOP said:
Just some photos of the bar / restaurant area, staff, my breakfast, the hut and some views before I take a walk to the waterfall.

Sjoe Daskop dit is waarlik n' lekker RR en geniet dit baie :ricky:

Dankie Casino.
The gravel road towards Rumphi is great. Just perfect adventure riding terrain.


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A brief stop to take in this amazing privilege that I am experiencing.

I cannot find the names of some of these villages and rivers on Mapsource or Google Earth.


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The road to Rumphi proves to be quite a challenge.

1. It is a winding road.
2. Lots of bends.
3. Sections with soft sand............
4. .......then ruts, then loose gravel.
5. The occasional roadside rest spot for weary travelers.
6. These roads can necessitate road side repairs, even on bicycles.
7, 8, 9, 10. The grader has not drawn blood on this road, only a crowd of young spectators.

I am in the Civil Engineering industry and building roads is part of what I do. I could see that the grader in these photos was not really making any impression on the road. It also needed a new blade. On the video, that these snapshots were taken from, I can be heard, saying:
"Good luck with the grader on these roads, you need a dozer with a ripper"

Anyway, it had spectator appeal for the kids.



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