Itchy Boots - New Season

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Gaan hierie fred steeds oor jukbootse of is ons nou by peodaphilia?
Indien die laaste verskoon, gou Markro toe vir n GROOT sak suigstokkies......
Jy doen dit verkeerd, jy benodig net een groot, uhm, suigstokkie.
She must bring out a new video so we can have an in depth discussion again with our combined wisdom
Ja, that is exactly what I thought you said

salute your shorts nicksplat GIF

She is basically giving the manufacturers the middle finger and saying "I don´t care about tech, because it isn´t reliable and it can´t be fixed outside of the 1st world!"

She is also showing the public that you don´t need to get into debt and buy a brand new motorcycle to go anywhere. Adam Riemann did the same thing with the XRV 750 Africa Twin, the Warhorse series.

She is basically giving the manufacturers the middle finger and saying "I don´t care about tech, because it isn´t reliable and it can´t be fixed outside of the 1st world!"

She is also showing the public that you don´t need to get into debt and buy a brand new motorcycle to go anywhere. Adam Riemann did the same thing with the XRV 750 Africa Twin, the Warhorse series.
Yes she is not captured by some corporate. Ok she rides for Revit but bikes she flies solo
I been thinking where would her new trip start? Germany or does she ship the bike somewhere?
Anyone know when the next episode is ..... I do not like hanging like this, would really like to see the history on this bike build.