Itchy Boots - New Season

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Nice that the 600 sounds like she is just pottering along. Understressed. She has never been a racer, and cautioning on the safe side has most probably saved her bacon many a time.
Interesting that the 600 has no odo, speedo or rev counter. Just a tablet. How did the bike pass the test? At least here a vehicle should have a speedo so you can see how fast you are going. Wonder if she will not run into trouble with some lawmaker somewhere?
GPS shows her speed. An odometer (though this I am sure is something that the GPS can pick up) is not critical, and a rev counter is a pretty useless toy on a bike.
GPS shows her speed. An odometer (though this I am sure is something that the GPS can pick up) is not critical, and a rev counter is a pretty useless toy on a bike.
Even a cheap GPS can provide an odometer. More expensive units even more than one.
Mens kan aan dié fred sien ons nader nou die rooilyn maande Desember toe. Hier is ouens wat soos 2 kleuters oor 'n emmertjie in 'n sandpit is.

Laat staan dit tog kêrels. Dis vermoeiend.