Journey to GS Trophy 2024 - Namibia

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Thanks Malmoer for allowing us to participate on your journey, most of us doing so vicariously as we would LOVE to participate. I really enjoyed your video. Those blue tents look very practical for bike camping. What brand are they?
Thanks Malmoer for allowing us to participate on your journey, most of us doing so vicariously as we would LOVE to participate. I really enjoyed your video. Those blue tents look very practical for bike camping. What brand are they?
They are quite nice,
First ascent - stamina.
Its been a hectic few weeks leading up to our first team ride (social ride) and after the ride, so besides doing my normal rounds on WD, this is the first time sitting down properly and putting pen to paper or finger to keyboard ...hehe

Anycase, leading up to the long weekend i decided that with the limited info i got from JP Boer who is orginizing the trip and expecting a seriously technical route, packing became an issue which was uncalled for.

Not wanting to take too much stuff with but at the same time taking what you need became a balancing act.

I did a quick solo trip, packing what i thought i needed and sleeping over at Oasis, doing a round trip to Uitspankraal and back home on the sunday. Video will follow soon.

I realised that my packing setup was not working.

What to do.
What was the problems?
Well, my backpack that i normally use did not fit comfortably over my chest protector, was pressing into my collarbones, so for the Sunday i placed that on the back. This was more comfortable but i did not Hydrate nearly as much as i should have and so de-hydrated and felt K@K for the rest of the week, recovering from de-hydration.

I changed my setup and decided to take my soft pannier with, and the night before i left, I changed my mind again. Praat van lekker deur die kak.........

Anycase got that sorted and set the Wednesday off for Oranjerus between Keimoes and Upington. I took a knobbly with to change in Upington but stpped at Fit-it in Keimoes and it was schorching hot. Floor manager(also the owners son) came up to me and the first thing he asked was, Wil jy n glas coke he?

Obviously i said yes., Tyre changed, got some meat and of to Oranjerus camping site.
First set back for the weekend, i lost my short rallye screen. Looked for it, but it was gone.

JP and Morne arrived the next morning and we were off. No idea what JP had planned for us.

I will add the video that i made for anyone interested to watch it.

We had some tyre issues and at Vanzylsrus we decided to repair a cut to JP's rear tyre. This is where my second very big set back happened. Lost my toolback..... well i left it by mistake and it was gone when i went looking for it. My hardware for my BMW diagnostics were in there and all my tools. Damn, it is what it is.....

We got ot play a bit on Hakskeen pan, diceded we wanted to sleep on the pan, but thunder storms were rolling in and we decided it would be a safe bet to pack up and roll out at 19:00 in the evening. We headed straight for Oranjerus.. We had some serious weather. dust storms, thunder and lightning the whole way and showers.
When we arrived into Upington, some of the roads were flooded and we knew we dodged a bullet by leaving early from Hakskeen pan.

Please check out the video.





Botswana in the background



Would like to take this opportunity to than our supporters for making this possible.
Lekker, I will have to watch that video later, thanks for sharing, Malmoer, sorry to hear about losing that tool pack, sounds like an expesive mistake.

Tell me a bit about your exhaust silencer? Is it blued like that from hard riding or did you make it like that somehow?
Hi Mikie,
Thx, i would say the toolbag was all in about R8k worth with everything inside. That poepol will use some off the tools the rest he will have no idea what to do with. The software i have on my phone atleast.

The exhaust i bought off someone who did not like the "loud" sound. Its a akropovic for an old aircooled bmw 1200. They fit on the lefthand side. It's titanium but had a lot of scratches on it.
I removed those and decided to take use the butane blow torch to colour it.
The start and exit of the exhaust is from hard riding due to the heat and you can see it, because its an even colour. the middel section, well i was trying to replicate that but its impossible to do a large section evenly. Lost my patience and went bos..... i think it came out nice. Best part is. I can sand it down and do it over again.

All for the measely sum of R250. I had to buy the guy a standard replacement silencer, which i got for R250 locally. So happy days
So being a trophy bike, the bikes get beaten on quite alot.

My specific bike was previously owned by Chris Meyer who himself is a trophy winner and they won Mongolia back in 2018. The bike was meticulously maintained but with time over used items will start to fail.

These are properly your most used items on the bike.
Swingarm(paralever) had some play on from side to side. Up and down was fine.

Telelever had massive up and down play but atleast no side to side.

Paralever - bearings at BMW - R1350
Locally R500
Paralever sorted

Front shock and telelever:
Front shock bearing needed to be replaced. BMW had no replacement except the whole unit........ MP Suspension sorted that issue and supplied me with the bearings.
2 x R120 each

Lower fork brace:
This had massive play and needed to be replced or repaired. No repair available so whole unit had to be replaced. Got a second hand unit from Podium cycles. With the hand all felt fine, until i tightened everything. That 2 had pley. Gerhard kindly returned my money and i decided to buy a new replacement unit. R10500 with GS Trophy team discount R8044. Yikes!!

Starter clutch:
This started slipping just before the national qualifiers and gave up on the last day(thank goodness)
BMW quote R36000 parts included. I decided to do the job myself and replce the starter clucth of a 2022 crashed 1250. Same part# everything.
2 freinds helped me remove the boat anker and i replaced the starter clucth and whilst in there the chain guides as well. The old guides had virtually no play.

Whole job cost me R4500.

i am lucky in that i can do my own spannering, but this is something to keep in mind when doing something like the GS Trophy.

There where some small other stuff but no big issues.

Still the original clutch......
Chris went through a few propshafts in his time.
But other than that the bike is flawless.

Oh yes one more thing.
Onmy Up[ington trip i put on a brand new Mitas E09 knobbly. Good tyre with good puncture resistance, but it is FUBAR at 1800km. Luckily this was a sponsored tyre, but still.

Currently we are being sponsored by Batt Tyres and have received 2 knobblies each with more should we need them. I have not used it thus far, but will put one ons shortly.

I really hope this helps someone who might want to do the GS Trophy to make an informed desicion.

Till next time guys.
Dankie Malmoer, baie interessant om jou ervaring te volg. 💪

Great vid van julle toer op na Hakskeenpan toe, is daai stukkie twespoor daar deur die bos deel van die pad al langs die Botswana grens? Ons het al daai pad gery, ek herken van daai sand gedeeltes en kon onthou daar was so paar kronkel stukke tussen die boompies deur, maar dit was nie so bebos gewees nie.

Sterkte vir julle voorentoe.
Dankie Malmoer, baie interessant om jou ervaring te volg. 💪

Great vid van julle toer op na Hakskeenpan toe, is daai stukkie twespoor daar deur die bos deel van die pad al langs die Botswana grens? Ons het al daai pad gery, ek herken van daai sand gedeeltes en kon onthou daar was so paar kronkel stukke tussen die boompies deur, maar dit was nie so bebos gewees nie.

Sterkte vir julle voorentoe.
Baie dankie,

Bleikbaar is dit n pad wat gereeld gedoen word deur die 4x4 manne. Ek het nie die roete opgetrek nie, maar het so afgelei.
Dit was verbasend nat in daai gedeeltes. Paar stukke moes jy mooi sit met die modder ens.
die wereld daar is wragtig pragtig
Baie dankie,

Bleikbaar is dit n pad wat gereeld gedoen word deur die 4x4 manne. Ek het nie die roete opgetrek nie, maar het so afgelei.
Dit was verbasend nat in daai gedeeltes. Paar stukke moes jy mooi sit met die modder ens.
die wereld daar is wragtig pragtig
Dankie, dit lyk in elk geval soos die een wat ons gery het, net so bietjie baie meer bosagtig as laas keer, maar dit was ook 10 jaar terug. :oops:
Speaking to Stefan we only need about 3 month of training to be prepared for the international event.

That said, fitness is very important.

So for the past 3 month my schedule is the following.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday -Crossfit
Tuesday and Thursday - cycling 15 - 25km of high intensity riding. Can do longer distances but recovery is more important that endurance.
Sat technical riding - What i call Circus tricks(cones ect)
Sun some kind of outride. - Time in the saddle or taking a day off.
Previous Sunday i took a 620km ride Seat time is important.

This schedule is quite hectic, i did reach a point where my body said "nah my broer dis eers genoeg nou". I hit a wall where i just could not get past 6 km on the baiesukkel(mountain bike).
Took a break for 2 weeks and i could not believe the difference that made.

So the plan is as follows:
July and aug keep to the fitness program. We have scheduled training 4-7 July (Lesotho), 1 to 4 Aug Richtersveld (and then the final team/technical training 29 Aug to 1 Sep in Aberdeen.

From that Monday i am done training(fitness) will ride a bit with the bike but that is about it.
Rest and recover for Namibia.
Nice, thanks!!

AMAZING what some Guys (and yes, especially Ladies) can do with these machines!!!!😳💯💥👍👍
So the officially confirmed bike for GS TROPHY Namibia 2024 is the 1300

But you knew that already, how do you feel going to ride it without having practiced on one?

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