Kaokoland...makes you thirsty...for more!

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Mev Vis Arend said:
chopperpilot said:
Day 4: Epupa Falls Campsite

At Epupa we stayed at Koos Verwey's campsite. The restaurant/bar area's deck is right bext to falls. ;D

Is dit die kamp heel Wes soos jy inkom van Opuwo af?
Ek glo dis die mees westelike kamp.

Sent from my FIG-LX1 using Tapatalk

chopperpilot said:
Mev Vis Arend said:
chopperpilot said:
Day 4: Epupa Falls Campsite

At Epupa we stayed at Koos Verwey's campsite. The restaurant/bar area's deck is right bext to falls. ;D

Is dit die kamp heel Wes soos jy inkom van Opuwo af?
Ek glo dis die mees westelike kamp.

Sent from my FIG-LX1 using Tapatalk

Jo, hy het mooi gemaak.  Ons kamp al vir jare daar.  Dit was eers 'n community camp met net basiese geriewe.  Dit het deur die jare verbeter .... en kyk nou ... tot 'n swembad.  :biggrin:
Mev Vis Arend said:
chopperpilot said:
Mev Vis Arend said:
chopperpilot said:
Day 4: Epupa Falls Campsite

At Epupa we stayed at Koos Verwey's campsite. The restaurant/bar area's deck is right bext to falls. ;D

Is dit die kamp heel Wes soos jy inkom van Opuwo af?
Ek glo dis die mees westelike kamp.

Sent from my FIG-LX1 using Tapatalk

Jo, hy het mooi gemaak.  Ons kamp al vir jare daar.  Dit was eers 'n community camp met net basiese geriewe.  Dit het deur die jare verbeter .... en kyk nou ... tot 'n swembad.  :biggrin:

Dink Bertie het gesê hy bestuur die kamp nog vir die gemeenskap. Dan beslis een van die beter "community camps"! ;)
    Koos is baie betrokke by opheffingswerk in die Kaokoveld.Veteraan van die bosoorlog en n belewenis langs die kampvuur!


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Only the women "paint" themselves in the distinctive red ochre, which is mixed with butter, and applied after slightly heated in smoke.  :eek:

seker darem vet, botter bietjie skaars in daai geweste ;)

Ek ry lekker saam, gooi nog :thumleft:

Baie dankie vir jou foto en bydrae oor Koos. :thumleft:

Bertie/Straatkat het Koos ń jaar gelede ontmoet. Koos was ongelukkig nie daar tydens ons verblyf nie. >:D
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
Only the women "paint" themselves in the distinctive red ochre, which is mixed with butter, and applied after slightly heated in smoke.  :eek:

seker darem vet, botter bietjie skaars in daai geweste ;)

Ek ry lekker saam, gooi nog :thumleft:
[member=1597]ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS[/member]

Ek lees maar hier en daar op, en het eers vet ingetik.

Die inligting wat ek opgespoor het meld botter, alhoewel vet vir my ook meer sin maak.

Die Himbas het wel heelwat bokke, en ook ń paar beeste, waar melk en botter vandaan kan kom.

Sal graag wil weet wat die korrekte bestandeel is!

Ten opsigte van jou vraag oor die reën. Ek en Bertie het saamgery, en het tussen 5 en 10 km in swaar reën gery. Daar was geen skuiling nie, en die reën was ń welkome lafenis. Ons was sopnat!

Hoeveel reën sal ek nie kan sê nie, maar daar was sterk strome water langs en oor die pad.

Die reën en sywinde, was by tye so sterk, gevoel ons gaan omgewaai word.

Die nat pad het die fiets stabiel gemaak, met die wat los sand/gruis, wat deur die water gebind is.
Lekker RR. Dankie  :thumleft:

Die Himbas het wel heelwat bokke, en ook ń paar beeste,

Baie jare terug op n trip het ek n vee spekulant in Opuwo by die Ko op ontmoet. Skat so 2007 se kant. Hy vertel my toe Kaokoland lewer so +- 20 000 stuks vee per jaar en die verkopers werk baie spaarsaamig met hul geld teenoor die spul van Owaboland wat dadelik n selfoon en sonbrille koop sodra hy n bok of bees verkoop het.
Hul genetika het ook heelwat verbeter wat alle diere betref want duitsland skenk kort kort nuwe ramme en bulle om die vleiseienskappe te verbeter.
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
Die Himbas het wel heelwat bokke, en ook ń paar beeste,

Baie jare terug op n trip het ek n vee spekulant in Opuwo by die Ko op ontmoet. Skat so 2007 se kant. Hy vertel my toe Kaokoland lewer so +- 20 000 stuks vee per jaar en die verkopers werk baie spaarsaamig met hul geld teenoor die spul van Owaboland wat dadelik n selfoon en sonbrille koop sodra hy n bok of bees verkoop het.
Hul genetika het ook heelwat verbeter wat alle diere betref want duitsland skenk kort kort nuwe ramme en bulle om die vleiseienskappe te verbeter.
[member=1597]ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS[/member]

Waardeer die interressante bydrae Chris! ;)

Jy is welkom om jou kennis hier te deel! :thumleft:

Day 5: Epupa Falls to Van Zyl's Camp, via Okongwati. 146 km.

Day 5 is the day we've actually come to Kaokoland for. :biggrin:

Although we were exited, we were also a bit apprehensive, as to what today's route will hold for us. :eek:

Today will be our first exposure to actual Kaokoland Jeep track, which is tackled with mostly Land Cruiser overland vehicles. :eek:

Each day we were briefed by Hardy and Kobus regarding what type of terrain was waiting for us, for the day.

The first stretch to Okongwati entailed gravel highway, with a warning of washed away drifts from Janco, who travelled the Okongwati to Epupa section the day before with the Iveco.  >:D

Me and Bertie were riding next to each other as usual, and did not find any of the so-called washed away drifts. ;D

About halfway to Okongwati, we unexpectly encountered these washed away river beds. :eek:

We did not have time to reduce speed, and hoped for the KTM's suspension to absorb the impact, which it did! :thumleft:

Always trust what you're briefed on, even though we hardly encountered the elephants that we were warned of! Fresh spoor indicted that the elephants were there, they were just not visible from our route.  :eek:

Day 5 included the notorious Heartbreak Hill, a 180 meter long incline, strewn with loose rocks, and a rock step, before reaching the top. :eek:

The lighter, good suspension bikes, were able to overcome this "nightmare" with relative ease. :thumleft:

Some bikes needed some man power, but the whole group was able reach the top! :biggrin:

Pics start with the river rendevouz, just before the Okongwati jeep track turn-off. :thumleft:

The route consistent of numerous rock and sand stretches, with scarce hard packed soil sections. :eek:

It was the first day that tested our technical as well as navigation skills. ;)

The whole group reached Van Zyl's camp. :thumleft:


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Day 5:  Okongwati to Van Zyl's Camp

The first pic is were the group took a break, with the sandy jeep track clealy visible.  :eek:

I was riding with Hennie Roos from Okongwati till Heartbreak Hill. ;)

We stopped at this huge Anna tree, for a well deserved break. :thumleft:


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Day 5: Heartbreak Hill

Brian Harmse was riding way in front from Okongwati. We only found him wating for the other riders at the top of Heartbreak Hill. :eek:

We were warned by Hardy about the split in the road, some distance before Heartbreak Hill. With Hennie Roos riding in front I didn't pay much attention to the GPS, and he has been on this trip before. ;)

Yes, we did miss the split, Hennie noticed it quickly, and we reached the correct track, after some bundu bashing. ;)

Hennie informed me during the day that Heartbreak Hill didn't have a long run-up area, as it started directly from a left hand turn. :eek:

On reaching Heartbreak Hill, I wanted to get it over and done with, passed Hennie as he stopped to ponder, and after hopping over the loose rocky track, reached the top, were Brian was enjoying his shaded viewpoint of other riders battling the climb! :'(

Hennie reached the top, without incident.  : :thumleft:

We waited for what felt like 2 hours for the other riders to reach Heartbreak Hill, and decided to continue, as the other riders might have taken the wrong route at the split, and never reach us. We learned at camp that evening, that they reached the bottom as we departed, and could only hear our bikes. :eek:

Some pics at Heartbreak Hill:

Pic 1: View from the top.

Pic 2: Hardy "Chuck" de Kock, passing Gordon effortlessly on his XR 650 L. (Abel's pic.)

Pic 3: Gordon becoming temporarily bogged down, on the 750 AT. (Abel's pic.)

Pic 4: The boneys resting after conquering Heartbreak Hill!


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The women of Kaokoland

Himba and Herero women.

Pics and pose by Hennie Roos. :biggrin:


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Flashback to Day 3

On day 3's route, from Palmwag to Opuwa, we had a break at the Kowarib Lodge for a swim and liquid refreshments. :3some:

Brian Harmse missed the turn-off, and lost the 690 on a slimy wet concrete causeway, a short distance past the Lodge's turn-off. He returned unharmed and warned those that listened. :eek:

Ian Timoney was having  a "chat" to the bar lady, and missed the water skiing briefing. >:D

Follow the video clip of Ian trying to better Brian's skiing record! :imaposer:


Video: Lance.
