Kat Bakkie?

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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X
In keeping with a promise I had  made to my TA that I would re-visit the Katbakkies pass in slower motion â?? I kept that promise.

Last time I had approached from the Karoo side at speed and in heat, not that I was in heat, but it seemed that we, as wild dogs, were chasing a wild bitch in the heat, when actually the female member of our group/pack, was behind us. Oh, that sounds fack to bront and downside up.

Anyway, to cut a short story even shorter, I stealthily approached the Kat bakkies from op-die-berg, in the midday sun â?? so as not to cast a shadow over the whole escapade, so to speak.



I was treated to some awesome sights of a landscape kind.



The Swartruggens Conservancy, according to my interpretation, which may indeed be biased in a bi-assed sort of way, welcome persons who wish to see jumping buck, Ostriches, landscapes and hikers, sleepers, especially those who have an affection for Bedses and Brekfistes, as well as those who have the in-tent-ion of crossing their cutlery at tables  on all fours. Huh?

I also allowed the TA to lead me down the garden path, and up again, tricky little sod.




And found myself surrounded by a riot of rock. Methinks these may have been trolls at a meeting â?? reminded me of the time when Han Solo was presented to Jabba the Hut as a trophy.



Ever wondered where all the sand goes when the wind blows? Maybe here?


At last there was a sign, and the sign said â?? â??Narrow bridgeâ?. You know, like other signs say â??Keep Leftâ? etc. Well I spent half an hour trying to figure out how I was going to Narrow the bridge â?? Duh!

Almost at the top looking back at the vista.


For your information:


At the top I decided to pop in to visit some OLD friends. Alas they were out but forgot to lock the kitchen door. 


It was there that I spied these:


Must be millions of little eggses. Wonder what kind of aminil would hatch from these. I somehow get the impression that they would be woolly saber tooth grasshoppers.


Trendy people stay here, they even have an indoor herbarium.

Then the scenic way down to the great Karoo.


You really can see into the future from here and I sat for about an hour in the midday sun just taking in the scenery and watching the traffic billowing along the R355. Amazing how many cars there were.


At the bottom end I found this little jewel of a picknick place. Shady and hidden and it even has toilet facilities. A magic place for a wild dog get together/picnic or even an overnighter â?? donâ??t you think? Only 100km from Ceres.




And I even noted the track prints of a TKC80 in the sand.

On the return journey â?? towards Ceres/Touwsriver I noted this curious route marker â?? the road to NOWHERE!.


Ja nee , I think I also need to go through there again a little slower next time.Good pics droff.Gogirls not riding so far behind anymore.She`s picked up her speed a lot lately.
And when we doing another sleep over ?
Funny, I nearly went that way this last weekend also but went north instead - report in preperation.  I would like to poke around there properly.  How is the water vest?
Thank you so much for making my day with those photo's. Brings back wonderful memories. That little side road/path you took on the top of Katbakkies, just after the left turnoff to Kagga Kamma is the path that goes down to the Old Farmhouse.

I purchased that farm, Knolfontein, about 2500 hectares, in 1998 but due to financial pressure had to convert the ownership of property in a Share Block and eventually had to sell my shares. At that stage, nobody wanted to buy that piece of "rubbish" veld and I bought it for a measly R400 000. Now, everybody is clambering for a piece of veldt and prepared to pay top dollar.

As regards the "bi-assed" attitude of the Swartruggens Conservancy, this had to be set up to protect the environment against those people who have no respect for others property. Some idiots even take their 4 x 4's, quads & MX Bikes screaming through the dunes below Katbakkies and in so doing almost destroyed an entire eco-system.

To sleep at that spot you suggested, near the Calvinia Rd is not advised. As a result of crime in the Area, The Farm Watch for that Region is pretty sorted. They will react as only a "pissed-off" Landowner will normally react when strangers trespass. Pasop Boet!!!Some Folk often sleep in the "abandoned" Coach House as you go down into the Karoo. There was a Cape Cobra that lived in a hole in the wall next to a door frame and have watched him catch a Dove and swallow it. He is also responsible for killing a few dogs, when people let their "pet Wollie" out for a pee and they dared trespass into his domain.

Their are quite a few quite technical trails in the area that I have explored but the new owners of Knolfontein are quite "anti" the biking crowd because of past experiences with Quads, etc. Pity though, 'cos that area was open at one stage and offered an amazing escape from the City.

Thanks again for the photos.

That picnic spot is very nice. Did you see the expanse of water? My farmer friend tells me they sunk a borehole for the road crew, and out came the sweetest water in the Karoo! It's a veritable oasis now :).

Also, the same dassie sh1t caught my eye when I recently visited Kagga Kamma:



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Dassie shit????

And I was thinking they were the pre-historic eggs of a wooly mamoth sabre tooth locusta pardalina! What a let down! But do you know that the dassie is actually family of the elephant? Yep, check the feet, especially the toes.

As for the cool jacket, well it was not all that hot so although I had it on it remained dry - only need it for those scorchingly HOT days. ;D

Thanks for the input there Sean. The name on that path I was on is something like the "Lord's Acre". Maybe not a sleepover but how a bout a piqniq? No I did not see any water, but that makes it all the better, so you can wash the dirty hands afterwards ;D

Lets make a date huh?