Koeberg Outride to Darling

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steady eddy said:
Arch and buzz thanks for the lekker ride. I enjoyed the off road part not the Malmesbery wave tar ride. LOL.  :thumleft:

this ride again showed that one guy's easy is not always the same for the next.I had some serious wobblys where riders with pillions sailed through my lack of sand training and skills showed on the deep gravel sections 
True, not all are on the same level. But if you don't stretch yourself, you'll never get better.

I trully didn't expect so many wipe outs. My feeling is that if you get to a tricky part, just ride slower. Daar's min genoeg sand op daai pad at mens maar kan duck paddle as jy wil.
This turned out to be a fantasic ride!

The poor breakfast place didn't know what hit 'em when ~30 bikes rolled in. It took an hour for us to get our eggs and bacon. But well worth the wait.

The route threw a few surprises at us too... holes in the road, blind corners, dongas, narrow ledges, loose rocky stretches, sand... a bit of everything. On the last stretch I ended up in front and missed a couple of railroad crossings with the result that we had to do some careful riding right alongside the tracks ("on the rocks") while watching-out for the concrete tunnels that run under the tracks every few kms, cos you whole bike will fall into those.

If half the group headed back to tar, what happened to the other half? Only three of us ended up at the N7 junction at the end. We waited for a while but nobody else arrived.

Thanks again for organising. Can't wait for the next outing!
JAmBer said:
This turned out to be a fantasic ride!

The poor breakfast place didn't know what hit 'em when ~30 bikes rolled in. It took an hour for us to get our eggs and bacon. But well worth the wait.

The route threw a few surprises at us too... holes in the road, blind corners, dongas, narrow ledges, loose rocky stretches, sand... a bit of everything. On the last stretch I ended up in front and missed a couple of railroad crossings with the result that we had to do some careful riding right alongside the tracks ("on the rocks") while watching-out for the concrete tunnels that run under the tracks every few kms, cos you whole bike will fall into those.

If half the group headed back to tar, what happened to the other half? Only three of us ended up at the N7 junction at the end. We waited for a while but nobody else arrived.

Thanks again for organising. Can't wait for the next outing!

You just had to wait a little longer. We were busy at the back recovering an 800GS out of one of the concrete tunnels. See Cape KLR's first pics. :eek7:
The whole bike actually fitted in there. Came around the corner, and just saw handlebars sticking out above the ground.!
Archangel said:
True, not all are on the same level. But if you don't stretch yourself, you'll never get better.

I trully didn't expect so many wipe outs. My feeling is that if you get to a tricky part, just ride slower. Daar's min genoeg sand op daai pad at mens maar kan duck paddle as jy wil.

Don't get me wrong. My wife is still asking: "what the hell are you smiling about?!"

Had lots of fun. I enjoyed practicing my off road skills again. But the guy on the 800 in front of Nicki and myself had his hands full. He needs 3 ARCS stickers. And a parking fine for parking the BM under the railway line in the culvert. Wasn't funny at the time though!

How many new ARCS members did we get yesterday?  ;D
1st Pic -  Gathering around, I thought it's gonna be 8 or 10 bikes...  ::)

2nd Pic - Then some more arrived

3rd Pic -  And some more

4th Pic - Till we ended up with some 30 odd bikes!!!


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Some photos of the ride...



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And the water hole...


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Yes, thanks for planning the ride, was a bit more technical than expected, just what I needed  :thumleft:
Dusty Rusty said:
Grrrr.... said:
Man, that looked like a 'lekker' ride.  :-[

Archangel, when is the next one planned...?

Onthou jy's geboek vir die puppy run oor 3 weke mnr Angel!

Volgende keer doen ons die spoor pad heen en weer, los daai slegte teer uit. En ons ry STADIG! Ek voel flippen sleg vir al die dudes wat geval het.  :-\  Ek moes julle miskien meer gewaarsku het. Dink ek het daai paaidjie al te veel gery en is daarom al so gewoond daaran... Sorry ouens!

PS. Ons sal maar by Wes,N[]va en Andy660 moet hoor of julle ARCS status kan verdien op die ride  ;)
Flip ouens julle bly in n mooi plek  :thumleft: Het vanoggend terug gevlieg vanaf slaapstad, was vanaf woensdag op n toer, blaauwberg, Paternoster, Tietiesbaai, Elandsbaai, Malmesbury, Paarl, Stellenbosch....

Het baie bikes op pad gekry maar min met paws... :-\

Het n sexy girl met n gebreekte KTM 640 buite Malmesbury gekry, was sy saam met julle?
chicco said:
Flip ouens julle bly in n mooi plek  :thumleft: Het vanoggend terug gevlieg vanaf slaapstad, was vanaf woensdag op n toer, blaauwberg, Paternoster, Tietiesbaai, Elandsbaai, Malmesbury, Paarl, Stellenbosch....

Het baie bikes op pad gekry maar min met paws... :-\

Het n sexy girl met n gebreekte KTM 640 buite Malmesbury gekry, was sy saam met julle?

:redface:  hey chicco, it was me.....I was with 2 other 990S mates - ended up with no clutch, gears - o-ring leak -  eish all part of the adventure or what. 

But i did get a awsum ride in before the kark started :biggrin:

(Sowwy 4 hi-jack) ;)
Archangel said:
Dusty Rusty said:
Grrrr.... said:
Man, that looked like a 'lekker' ride.  :-[

Archangel, when is the next one planned...?

Onthou jy's geboek vir die puppy run oor 3 weke mnr Angel!

Volgende keer doen ons die spoor pad heen en weer, los daai slegte teer uit. En ons ry STADIG! Ek voel flippen sleg vir al die dudes wat geval het.  :-\   Ek moes julle miskien meer gewaarsku het. Dink ek het daai paaidjie al te veel gery en is daarom al so gewoond daaran... Sorry ouens!

PS. Ons sal maar by Wes,N[]va en Andy660 moet hoor of julle ARCS status kan verdien op die ride  ;)

Ek, Buzz, Cape KLR en die GS800 het rustig gery agter, maar daar was nog steeds n paar glipsies!

Ek suggest n buddy system. Gee elke newbie n experienced buddy om saam te ry, en raad te gee waar dit rof raak.

Sit n dag uit, en limit die groep tot die heveelheid "helpers" wat jy kan kry.

Die moelikste vir my was die gravel in die driffies, en die gravel oor die spoor. Die sand en water was nie so erg nie, maar vir iemand anders was dit seker.

Al jou gewig is op jou voorwiel as jy daar in die driffie afgaan, en dan le hy so 30cm diep in gravel.

Net n vragie. Was ek die enigste ou wat bande afgeblaas het? Die twitchies was onmiddelik weg daarna.  ???
Wow, that was a HUGE group. It seems you dogs had some fun and some spills. Glad everyone is back safe and ready for the next outing. Interesting fact that Pleco has, letting his tyres down when hitting the dirt. I pick up a bit of flack and get some grins when I let my bike's wheels down. Maybe its a 4x4 thing with me, but the bike seems to be more sure-footed with lower tyre pressures.
Pleco said:
Ek suggest n buddy system. Gee elke newbie n experienced buddy om saam te ry, en raad te gee waar dit rof raak.

Sit n dag uit, en limit die groep tot die heveelheid "helpers" wat jy kan kry.

Die ouens kyk oor die algemeen maar uit vir mekaar. Dis net soms moeilik om te gage wanneer jy iemand kan los om te ry en wanneer jy vir hulle moet waarsku.

Anyways, dit daar gelaat. Hiers 'n paar van MellowJo se fotos. (Pa, ek post dit nou maar vir jou part want jy vat te lank ;) )

1 - Meeting at Kalbaskraal/R304 intersection

2 - In ride photo

3 - Where we stopped for our first victim

Two people fell just in front of me (can't remember who was first, but second was Lex on the black 990). Then behind me, wikidknickers took a tumble with the dakkie ending up right on her ankle. Saved by the boots, she could limp out of there. This third photo was taken from the group that gathered behind her...

Heal soon girlie.  :thumleft:


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Then, just as the group started moving, this happened.

1 - Initiation (I think it's a first down for this scooter? Didn't see it at work this morning...  :peepwall:  )

2 - Removing newly acquired after market grass

3 - Part of the rescue crew


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What a good turn up!!

Good for getting a ride together Arch. Now, next time there should be more at the anual bash!! :)
Archangel said:
Then, just as the group started moving, this happened.

1 - Initiation (I think it's a first down for this scooter? Didn't see it at work this morning...  :peepwall:  

Who was that with the new 800?

He rearranged the bike properly in one of the concrete culverts. Nice parking job though. :mwink:
Archangel said:
Two people fell just in front of me (can't remember who was first, but second was Lex on the black 990). Then behind me, wikidknickers took a tumble with the dakkie ending up right on her ankle. Saved by the boots, she could limp out of there. This third photo was taken from the group that gathered behind her...

Heal soon girlie.  :thumleft:

Thanks hun - and thanks to you and Ronin for getting the bike out of there  :thumleft: