I heard, although not confirmed, that the Weather God, his cousin the Mudmonster, the South African Weather Bureau, Eskom and a few dodgy plumbing fittings had a meeting to determine how to totally mess up our overnight trip to Lilani Hot Springs.
Did they succeed? No way! We’re WDs and not that easily intimidated when there are roads to be ridden and a good time to be had.
I had been watching the ever-changing and generally confusing forecasts for a fortnight, and I must admit that there were times when I thought that the weekend may be a washout, and it did keep us to wet tar on the way home today, but certainly the road up on Saturday more than made up for the abandonment of our gravel plans today.
So, the compulsory inventory. From BMW just one representative , BabyBeemer’s 650, from KTM Chicco’s 990 and goingnowherequickly’s 640. Yamaha had five, Three 660Z’s – MadDog, Ray. (not sure if he has a forum name) and mine, Two lovely airbreathing XT’s with OffSide and Mrs WildSide, and one KLR with donovanpaton. Last but not least was the humungous Aprilia Caponard with CustomCRV with his son on the back.
In addition we had a great support team. Tagging along at the back with all our beer and gear was MadDog’s better half in the Fortuner and Mrs’s babyBeemer and Chicco(lina). Already there was donovan’s buddy (Cousin?) Ettienne and Mrs donovanpaton and some cute little people.
Quite an entourage – great to have you all along.
So what was that about Eskom and dodgy plumbing fittings? We made it up in warm sunshine, but when we were in hippo mode in the hot water the first of a number of storms hit us, and a quite-violent one during the night took the whole valley’s power out, and somehow seemed to damage the place’s water supply. Not too serious a problem for the handymen among us who managed to get an old cadac stove going for our morning tea and coffee.
Not too much a problem for us, and no one seemed too concerned.
Certainly from my side a great trip – thanks to all !! So when and where we going next ? ;D
Some picks from my helmet and pocket cameras.
The road up. We rode as a pack most of the way, but Chicco took some of the braver members on a few technical detours.
On a bridge over the Movoti. I think Chicco and Ray were tempted to try a river crossing under the bridge, but decided against it.
Some rocky bits – not too bad.
We took a sidetrack down to the Mvoti for a few picks. I was tempted to ride through the water for a few picks, but noticed a bit of green algae in the water. Raymond decided to try it.
Oops – wheels in all directions on the snotty stuff and down he went.
MadDog and I closed in to help him, but it was tough going as our boots had no grip on the snot at all.
An interesting perspective on a Tenere
He had to walk it out.
Our great backup team.
The very beautiful Lilani valley contour road.
Goingnowherequickly and donovanpaton
OffSide and WildSide
CustomCRV and son on the Caponard.
A small waterfall we hardly noticed on the way in was flowing freely after the night rains.
Out of the valley and on the tar.
Did they succeed? No way! We’re WDs and not that easily intimidated when there are roads to be ridden and a good time to be had.
I had been watching the ever-changing and generally confusing forecasts for a fortnight, and I must admit that there were times when I thought that the weekend may be a washout, and it did keep us to wet tar on the way home today, but certainly the road up on Saturday more than made up for the abandonment of our gravel plans today.
So, the compulsory inventory. From BMW just one representative , BabyBeemer’s 650, from KTM Chicco’s 990 and goingnowherequickly’s 640. Yamaha had five, Three 660Z’s – MadDog, Ray. (not sure if he has a forum name) and mine, Two lovely airbreathing XT’s with OffSide and Mrs WildSide, and one KLR with donovanpaton. Last but not least was the humungous Aprilia Caponard with CustomCRV with his son on the back.
In addition we had a great support team. Tagging along at the back with all our beer and gear was MadDog’s better half in the Fortuner and Mrs’s babyBeemer and Chicco(lina). Already there was donovan’s buddy (Cousin?) Ettienne and Mrs donovanpaton and some cute little people.
Quite an entourage – great to have you all along.
So what was that about Eskom and dodgy plumbing fittings? We made it up in warm sunshine, but when we were in hippo mode in the hot water the first of a number of storms hit us, and a quite-violent one during the night took the whole valley’s power out, and somehow seemed to damage the place’s water supply. Not too serious a problem for the handymen among us who managed to get an old cadac stove going for our morning tea and coffee.
Not too much a problem for us, and no one seemed too concerned.
Certainly from my side a great trip – thanks to all !! So when and where we going next ? ;D
Some picks from my helmet and pocket cameras.
The road up. We rode as a pack most of the way, but Chicco took some of the braver members on a few technical detours.

On a bridge over the Movoti. I think Chicco and Ray were tempted to try a river crossing under the bridge, but decided against it.

Some rocky bits – not too bad.

We took a sidetrack down to the Mvoti for a few picks. I was tempted to ride through the water for a few picks, but noticed a bit of green algae in the water. Raymond decided to try it.

Oops – wheels in all directions on the snotty stuff and down he went.

MadDog and I closed in to help him, but it was tough going as our boots had no grip on the snot at all.

An interesting perspective on a Tenere

He had to walk it out.

Our great backup team.


The very beautiful Lilani valley contour road.


Goingnowherequickly and donovanpaton


OffSide and WildSide


CustomCRV and son on the Caponard.


A small waterfall we hardly noticed on the way in was flowing freely after the night rains.

Out of the valley and on the tar.