LDBA 2016 - what a jol!

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Bachelor Dog
Aug 23, 2007
Reaction score
Somewhere between SA, UK and Switzerland
I usually spend time riding with Mark when I ride, with the odd occasional ride with some good buddies around Gauteng doing stupid stuff, but when asked if I'd like to join for LDBA it was a YES! 
Mark was "working" doing puncture repair duties for MEFO, and for all the rest of the guys with flats, but I was given a total off weekend to just enjoy, oh, and the 690 to play on.

So, what to do... with the little riding we have been doing lately, I feel really rusty, so ummmed and aaahed about green or red routes. Mark Taylor walked past and just stated that I'm riding BLACK. Really?  Seriously?  These are Mark Taylor routes.
What the heng!  JUST DO IT!

Friday started with just Mark Hardy (Hubby) and I riding Black.  We caught up with guys, passed some, gave dust-breaks to others, rode with some serious legends, had a few stops to watch some really sweet river crossings and the ensuing carnage. I have to say that the day was an absolute pleasure. Hell I enjoyed the riding. So about 3 kays from the end of the route, I had a stupid off, so annoying, really banged my shoulder. Still had to get over the last river crossing which was apparently "interesting"...
Fortunately, there was a really delightful shabeen on the other side, beckoning... :) which was to be the start of a rather good party!

Saturday, with a hectically strapped shoulder, I resigned myself to having to ride Red!  Mark, with an insolent wave buggered off on the black route much to my disgust.  Anyway, after hooking up with Mooch and Smokes and Ken and Dieter and a few others, we had a blast, hitting the lunch spot a 10.30 and back to base by the real lunch time, allowing us enough time to re-hydrate properly before the skills challenge. (evil grin)
And the next party started.

I met a bunch of new guys and girls, hung with a lot of old buddies, had a ton of fun and really jelled with that sponsored Mefo bike. Now to wangle to ride it more often!



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Mark has her ladyship asked, do these jeans make my arse look big.  :peepwall:
Malibu said:
Welsh, the chocolate and junk lekker things make my ass look fat! :p
just joking oh gorgeous one, I assumed mark was being derelict in his marital duties and you were not getting enough exercise.  :biggrin:
Malibu said:
Welsh said:
Malibu said:
Welsh, the chocolate and junk lekker things make my ass look fat! :p
just joking oh gorgeous one, I assumed mark was being derelict in his marital duties and you were not getting enough exercise.  :biggrin:
I'm seriously lacking in the exercise department... (sad) 
I will have a word with the young man, over his dereliction of duty.
Malibu said:
Actually, I am stunned you have not asked who Charaine is?  (The blonde on the right) :)

It would be impolite, anyway I have daughters older than her..... ::) ::)
Had a moerse lekker ride with you guys on Saturday!  :thumleft: :thumleft:
So lekker having you guys there! Mark and I rode the whole of Saturdays Black route together, great fun! Mark entertained us from early morning by falling in the river and completely submerging himself under water!  :imaposer: