Leo and Excalibursâ?? summer Antics

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Brakpan, South Africa
â??Zwa de Viâ? said the salesman as the two blonds looked at the little bottle of French perfume. â??Itâ??s French for â??Come to Meâ? said the salesman as he handed the small bottle to the one to smell the fragrance. â??It doesnâ??t smell like cum to meâ? remarked the second blond after a quick sniff.

We were standing at the Afri Ski resort in Lesotho after examining the suspicious looking white subsistence that was spilled all over Excaliburâ??s clothes inside his panniers. Well all I can say - it did look like cum to me, but he was claiming his Zwa de Vi shampoo bottle had opened and it was shampoo that had spilled onto his clothes.

As usual Iâ??m getting carried away, so let me try and capture the sequence of events right from the start. I went on leave one week earlier than the G/F and decided to do a tour down south to join with her in Danabay as she is old enough to travel down on her own and meet me there. The plan was simple, ride a distance of approximately 300 kmâ??s per day and be in Danabay one week from today.

A packed Honey ready for the upcoming trip.


We set off early morning with our destination for the day being the Afri Ski resort in Lesotho where a friendâ??s lodge would house us for the night. We covered some back roads through the Freestate via Frankfort, Bethlehem, Clarens and entered Lesotho at the Caledonspruit gate. After recent rains the dirt roads were smooth dirt highways and by 12 pm we were sitting in Clarens at a well known establishment enjoying a good pizza and some cold stuff.

Smooth roads after good rains


Locals were attending a church sermon and took little or no notice of the biker scum that were in the area.


Apart from the officials, we were the only people at the border post and before one could say â??Lesothoâ? we were heading up the beautiful Moteng pass which was now covered in a lush green blanket due to recent rains and general warm climate. A quick Zamalek at Ox Bow, a few more photoâ??s passing the highest point on road in southern Africa and by 4 pm we parked our bike at the now snow-less ski resort that is absolutely packed between May and August. Apparently this joint is rented at R4500 per day between May and August with over 490 people being shown away last year due to no space!

Excalibur at the border post into Lesotho against the backdrop of sandstone cliffs and high mountains


The magnificent Moteng Pass


â?¦..where suicidal goats graze on the cliff edges


��.and water tumbles over several meters of cliff


This truck couldnâ??t make it up the Moteng pass and the only way of stopping it from runaway was to run it back into the mountain


Excalibur displaying his â??Zwa de Viâ? spots


We were going to do the braai thing, but had not packed any firewood/charcoal - anyone whoâ??s been to Lesotho will know that above 3000 metres thereâ??s no trees to be found.

The Afri Ski Resort


The snow-less ski slope at Afri Ski resort


Our accommodation for the night


The caretaker promised to bring us some planks, but we soon realized that braaiing with those treated planks will cause severe gippo guts so we opted to cook the rib in the oven. Excalibur, being the excellent chef that is an essential part of being single soon provided us with a sumptuous meal accompanied by the best courtesy of the Richelieu brandy cellars. Supper was enjoyed inside a warm cabin with good music, lotsa B&C and laughter as the temperature dropped outside to levels I have never experienced in December in Africa. The next morning we were up bright and early and had quite a surprise when we stepped outside into an 8 degrees mountain chill. 

Supper at the lodge â?? notice us wearing fleece jackets.


It became quite obvious why the ski resort was built here â?? this high up it was always cold even in the heart of summer.

Early morning chill


The highest point on road in southern Africa


Water was aplenty in Lesotho and rivers were flowing while waterfalls were falling


Another beautiful setting


Water everywhere


Excalibur sorting his helmet against a magnificent backdrop


Day 2 we were greeted with clear skies as we headed further east towards the Sani top which was our destination for the night.

Closer to Sani the weather became bad


The excellent riding conditions, accompanied by fine roads ensured we arrived at an overcast and slippery Sani top around 11 am. Two B&Câ??s later we decided it was a waste of good riding time and decided to head south towards the coast, away from this shit overcast weather. Rain was pouring down and going down Sani proved quite challenging but we managed to get to Himeville without any major incidents. The section between the Sani hotel and Himeville was my pet hate â?? slipping and sliding all over the road on red brown mud with little or no control over the bike, but as the only alternative route was back through Lesotho, we simply had to push on.

Going down Sani


Traffic coming from below


Lunch at the Himeville arms in soaking conditions prompted us to continue on our search for warmer / dryer weather so we continued our journey south towards Underberg and Kokstad. Around 4:30pm we pulled into Kokstad and searching for lodging on the GPS showed a self catering spot in the Mount Curry game reserve. This campsite, managed by the Natal Parks Board is one of the best maintained sites I have visited in recent years and I can honestly recommend this to anyone passing through Kokstad.

Our camping spot in Mount Curry


Our view


I braaied the meat with rain threatening but by the time the Boss decided to soak the earth we were done, and hit the sack around 8 pm.  At 3 am I had to get rid of some processed B&C and was pleasantly surprised when I came face to face with a Wildebeest, grazing less than 10 metres from my tent as I unzipped to step outside.

Beautiful church in Kokstad


Day 3 greeted us with overcast skies but the sun was promising , so high spirited we hit the road to East London as I had a service appointment at Hein Kumm Motorrad for Honeyâ??s 70k service the following day. Cedric promised that I could have my bike back by lunchtime if I had it there 1st thing in the morning, so at 07:20 I was at the front door waiting for the staff to arrive.  At 2pm Honey was back, packed and ready to hit the road.



Honey displaying her finest side in Morgansbay


��aint she purdy


While the BMW riders were riding the katoom riders were entertaining the family


RIP the guy who drowned at Morgansbay the day we visited.

I suggested to Excalibur that we should try and hit Jeffreys Bay, as that would give us a lot less distance to cover to get into the Baviaans. Needless to say, sticking to the black stuff ensured that we reached Jeffreys way before the sun set, and after a few cold ones we decided to treat ourselves to a healthy seafood meal at a local diner. Food was excellent, red wine was server in bottles and drank from mini enamel cups, and by 10pm we both had virginal instability and getting back to our tents was quite a challenge but also damn stupid riding in our intoxicated state.

Excalibur at the Walskipper restaurant in Ashtonbay, working on his virginal instability


Our camping site in Ashtonbay


I had randomly picked a spot in Baviaans to camp, and given the relatively short distance we had to travel, we were in no hurry to get going the on day 5. I paid a quick visit to the Jeep factory shop to get some clean t-shirts and by 11 am we headed for the kloof. In Patensie, (what a dump) we filled up, got some meat and headed for the world renowned heritage spot, this time also with a bag of charcoal in case we couldnâ??t find any fire wood .

Our route from Jeffries to Hanky


Closer to the kloof


At reception we were told that National Parks camping sites were chock a block, and that we would have to settle for some private camping spots if we wanted to be accommodated. With no definite plans we headed into the Kloof, and although there were several 4X4â??s enroute, the going was fairly easy.

Excalibur at the entrance to the kloof

The Kloof was dry, in fact it was very dry, and we only had to cross 4 water obstacles. Excalibur mastered the fairly long one with great speed and promptly dropped his bike to avoid hitting my bike when the wet brake pads failed on the silver speed machine.

Somewhere in da kloof


â?¦.more kloof




Dry but beautiful


Excalibur on some downslope


Excalibur speeding through the water a great speed


â?¦..before promptly dropping his bike in fear of hitting mine


The beautiful scenery was a fair compromise for an otherwise fairly easy route. Late afternoon I waiting for Excalibur outside a little plaas café, when I overheard a departing local farmer mentioning to the lady that runs the establishment that he still had some camping space available. I enquired and he directed me to a camping spot not far from where we were standing.

The last section of the Baviaans I saw several of these boytjies


Go visit this farm next time youâ??re in the area


This was the Doringkloof farm where the two brothers that own the establishment had created a piece of heaven amongst a natural water spring. This is truly well worth a visit and anyone in the area should go camping here. In fact I recon this will be a great spot for a next bash. Two other bikers from George were also camping, pardon me but I had forgotten their names â?? the one had a mascot called Knersus, and that is just about all I can recall. We bought a big bundle of fire wood, ice, coke and settled for a magnificent evening under the African sky.

Fellow campers in Baviaans


Our magnificent spot for the night


Well we had a great braai and afterwards lay on the grass checking the stars and the satellites while sampling ample quantities of the Ricky Louw cellars. Fresh mountain air dipped in lotsa B&C ensured that I slept like a Leo, so after a gat was, some rusks and a Java, we were ready for Die Hel on day 6.
The turn off to Uniondale, about 20 kmâ??s before Willowmore provided some of the best riding conditions on the trip. I stand to be corrected but in my opinion a good gravel roads beats a tar road hands down and riding the loaded GS at fairly high speeds provided the ultimate erection. Man that was a sweet section of road.

Lovely roads between Willowmore and Uniondale


���will make anyone wet and slippery


In De Rust we spotted a few stuck up BMW riders who refused to great us, I guess we were too dirty, so after a brunch we headed through Meiringspoort to Prins Alfred.

De Rustâ??s latest tourist attraction


Someone had left the oven door open and soon we were basking in 37 degrees â?? moer warm let me tell you! Zamalek is not the ultimate refresher, but let me tell you it does a bloody fine job, so after a few at the  Swartberg Hotel in Prins Alfred we were ready to tackle the Swartberg pass in soaring conditions.

Swartberg Hotel in Prins Albert


These hot conditions combined with lotsa tourists in cages changed our minds about sleeping in Die Hel,so I suggested the Warm Waterberg Spa just around the corner from Ronnies Sex Shop.

The beautiful Swartberg Pass


��more Swartberg


Of course we had a visit Ronnieâ??s fine establishment before we pitched our tents and enjoyed a relaxing evening with a good braai, all while dipping in the hot spa.

The man of Ronnieâ??s Sex Shop


Our spot at Warm Waterberg Spa


Close to Calitzdorp


Day 7 broke with peacocks screaming at us from around 04:30 am so we packed and headed for a hearty breakfast at the Pumpkin in Barrydale â?? a biker friendly establishment where every biker receives a tot of OBS upon arrival.  From here we visited Witsand, Puntjie, Stilbaai  and Gouritsmond before we eventually pulled into Danabayat 4 pm. A final celebratory B&C at Blomâ??s pub in Danabay marked the end of another memorable trip.

Coke Cola flowing in the Tredouw pass






���where access is controlled


Lovely roads to Stilbaai






Last one on the road


Excalibur, (SS for the SS on his SS with SS) returned on his own the following day via routes that took him several days, while I plan on returning via Montague pass, Loxton and wherever the gravel roads lead me to be back in the #@$%^&* office on Monday 5 Jan 09. Will post some sort of a ride report here once Iâ??m back in the big smoke.

SS thanks for riding with me on yet another memorable trip, all your patience while waiting for me to pack all my shit on Honey, and for holding me back every time I wanted to ride faster, further or longer, else this trip probably would have been done in two days.

Excalibur, you have been a great friend, companion and riding mate for 28 yearâ??s - I hope we can ride together for another 28 years.

Fun was most certainly had  :ricky:
Nice report as usual Leo... keep it coming
Bbbwwaaahhahahahahahha  :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:

â??Zwa de Viâ?

:laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:

Dis flokken snaaks Leo

Lekker lekker report as always ......
sweet , these reports allow us wekkers to ride vicariously  :thumleft:
Lekker Leo en Excaliber!

En het julle twee nie vir julle 'n lekker Victorian bad getap in Warmwaterberg Spa nie? :p

Die kampplek waar Excaliber op staan is die einste waar ek laas gekamp het, en ja, daai poue kan 'n pyn in die gat wees :)

Another great RR gotta agree -  :thumleft: and even greater to see friends riding together for 28 years and still having fun! :ricky:

:thumleft: as always, love reading your rr's!
Lekker Leo en EXC  :thumleft: net so terloops ..Dit was n lekker bash in 2006 op daai einste kamplek in die bav  :mwink:

Snaakse plek daai Puntjie .. ek het n paadjie af gery tot by die lagoon ..moerse mooi  :biggrin: en iets soos n meermin daar gesien swem  ???
:thumleft: :thumleft:

now all I want to do is pack the bike and ride.  :biggrin:
I/m with you Exc, nice report Leo.... nooooo not jealous...