Living the Dream Solo Around the World Trip

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jupiter said:
schalk vd merwe said:
jupiter said:
Hey Ou Baas, ry jy maar net lekker en genoet jou trip. Ek hou heeltyd dop  :thumleft:
Gaan julle nog op die Bash sien maar ek sal dalk met my 1000 Genises moet kom want my XT gaan in Engeland wees. Jy weet van Twe-Twe wat die bymekaar kom reel in Desember by Rheebok strand ne' ek sal ook daar wees en as jy dalk kom kan ons weer gesels. Groete.

:thumleft: Ons sal sien. Weet nog nie waarheen ons die jaar sal toer nie.
Horizon Seeker said:
this is brilliant !!! :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: safe riding! Im already starting to save up for my trip like this!
Save man save, the sooner the better
Ian in Great Brak River said:
That was the highlight of the trip so far for me, TG there are still good people in this crazy world we live in.

Mooi Man, Mooi!

Ja baie goeie mense van alle bevolkings. A stranger is just a friend you do not know yet.
schalk vd merwe said:
Now 10 000km from home on one set of knobblies
That's impressive. I suppose knowing that you have so far to go and plenty time to do it means that keeping the right wrist in check is fairly easy.
Your trip looks fantastic :thumleft:
Hel man maar dis 'n epic trip die!Mooi ry en geniet elke oomblik want voor jy jou kan kry is als verby..... :thumleft:
BFG said:
schalk vd merwe said:
Now 10 000km from home on one set of knobblies
That's impressive. I suppose knowing that you have so far to go and plenty time to do it means that keeping the right wrist in check is fairly easy.
Your trip looks fantastic :thumleft:
No when I overtake I wak it.
Frannarossi said:
Hel man maar dis 'n epic trip die!Mooi ry en geniet elke oomblik want voor jy jou kan kry is als verby..... :thumleft:
Nog 'n rukkie voor alles verby is. Dankie vir die goeie wense
Thank you for taking the time to post. What an adventure you're having!
Dammmit this leg of the trip is nearly over long before the next leg starts  :'(

If you happen to bump into  Charlie or Ewen ...give them a toffee from me , this trip report makes their efforts look somewhat lame in comparison.

Respect brother respect .... :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:  
Coxwain said:
Dammmit this leg of the trip is nearly over long before the next leg starts  :'(

If you happen to bump into  Charlie or Ewen ...give them a toffee from me , this trip report makes their efforts look somewhat lame in comparison.

Respect brother respect .... :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:  
I am on my way to their country, will tell them what you say. But no they did do the distance on very heavy bikes. Never saw the DVD. Thanks for following the story.
SuperDavexlv750r said:
Hi ou doring, hoop jy geniet nog die trippie!
Wag vir geld hier in Khartoum sit amper sonder 'n pennie. Lyk my Home affairs in SA het die naweek huis toe gegaan sonder om te sê dat hulle die geld hier moet release.

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