Thanks mate that really motivates me to write more.gecco 162 said:All one can say is WOW !!! Great pics and writing style, thank you for taking the time and effort to do such an Awesome RR. Best of luck with future travels ! :thumleft:
Since being back everything here in SA is twice as nice than before. I am never going to complain again.Tony the Boney said:Now you have better scenery...enjoyable!
The pics are heregwild said:Awesome, keep those pics coming :thumleft:
Hi Wildside, yes it is a long time since we spoke last. I got home last Monday after 5 months. I have done 33 000km on this trip but it is only a small part of what is still coming. Are you and your hubby doing any trips again in the near future?wildside said:Hi Schalk. Long time since I've been on the forum and have only just picked up on your amazing story now. I can't believe that you're actually doing this....i'm so envious. I've only managed to read as far as Malawi and it's already got me captivated and my adventure juices flowing. As spare time becomes available so I'll continue to follow this awesome trip of yours.
Just looking at your last entry it sounds as if you are on your way back to SA...if not already here. If you're still out there travelling take care, travel safe.... and looking forward to more exciting feed back and photos. :thumleft:
Jy so reg my maat maar soos ek vir myself gesê het voor ek weg was, ek gaan my nie meer oor die wêreld se probleme bekommer nie en konsetreer eerder nou om die beste van die res van my lewe te maak. GroeteHillman said:Hi Schalk! Ek onthou daai stukkies skaapvleis word 'tibs' genoem, lekker nogal. Ek het so gewoond geraak aan daai suur pannekoeke (enjerra) dat ek dit later gecrave het :imaposer: Beste koffie en daai bergreekse met diep valleie....o soooo mooi land maar hulle het n probleem met n bevolking wat baie vinnig groeie en nie werk. Wonder hoe gaan daardie prag plek lyk oor 20 jaar van nou ???
schalk vd merwe said:Hi Wildside, yes it is a long time since we spoke last. I got home last Monday after 5 months. I have done 33 000km on this trip but it is only a small part of what is still coming. Are you and your hubby doing any trips again in the near future?wildside said:Hi Schalk. Long time since I've been on the forum and have only just picked up on your amazing story now. I can't believe that you're actually doing this....i'm so envious. I've only managed to read as far as Malawi and it's already got me captivated and my adventure juices flowing. As spare time becomes available so I'll continue to follow this awesome trip of yours.
Just looking at your last entry it sounds as if you are on your way back to SA...if not already here. If you're still out there travelling take care, travel safe.... and looking forward to more exciting feed back and photos. :thumleft:
Plesier my maatwoody1 said:Ek ry nog lekker saam. Dankie vir die moeite om dit vir ons te post.
You right I can not wait to get going again. You must let me know when you doing that trip I might joint you on part of it. Thankswildside said:schalk vd merwe said:Hi Wildside, yes it is a long time since we spoke last. I got home last Monday after 5 months. I have done 33 000km on this trip but it is only a small part of what is still coming. Are you and your hubby doing any trips again in the near future?wildside said:Hi Schalk. Long time since I've been on the forum and have only just picked up on your amazing story now. I can't believe that you're actually doing this....i'm so envious. I've only managed to read as far as Malawi and it's already got me captivated and my adventure juices flowing. As spare time becomes available so I'll continue to follow this awesome trip of yours.
Just looking at your last entry it sounds as if you are on your way back to SA...if not already here. If you're still out there travelling take care, travel safe.... and looking forward to more exciting feed back and photos. :thumleft:
Glad to hear that you are home safely. Looking forward to reading the rest of your RR. You must have had an amazing experience. I bet you can't wait to get going on your next leg of the journey.
We are planning a very tame ride in December...because of family will only be riding from Cape Town, following the coastal route and back roads to Mossel Bay, then inland to ride down the Gamkaskloof to Die Hel, back across to Baviaanskloof and follow the coastal roads along the East coast to Hole-in-the-wall. But it will be nice to get back on the bike's been a while since we've done anything really exciting.